You need to move on, When a man is physical with you he has serious emotional problems. My ex husband beat the crap out of me once, and it was over from then on. He still does not take any responsibility for what he did to me and I was holding our child in my arms at the time. Ever since I saw his fury, I have never trusted him again, I don't even allow myself to be alone with him for the fear he will beat me up again. I just think sometimes of how he could have killed me. Move on, for your life!
2006-11-21 09:36:06
answer #1
answered by Tristen T 2
Two years is a long time to know each other well. If he has not acted like this before then you need to review the behaviour that made him mad. You definitely must have behaved in a way suggesting something else to him. Dont dump him, he seems to be a good guy. Talk it over and get to know what he likes and dislikes. Differences are healthy in a relationship. They help you to know each other more and how to settle problems
2006-11-21 17:38:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If he were truly capable of controlling his rage, he would have. A few promises like this may be sincere, but most are false. Is this the kind of guy you want to marry and have children with? Ultimately, this is the reason for dating, really. Even if you trust him and go forward, you will always wonder if it will happen again.
2006-11-21 17:34:32
answer #3
answered by suzykew70 5
Honey you are only dating this man, go find someone that doesn't have to promise not to hurt you.The first time he became physically aggressive did he promise you, too??There are a ot of good men needing someone that will make them a good WIFE.Remember the old saying, they marry the woman they love---he knows he doesn't deserve you and that he can't keep that promise.Is he a clown--get an audience and start to perform.He got away with it and he's home free--now you get FREE......
2006-11-21 17:50:39
answer #4
answered by Maw-Maw 7
Unless he completes an anger management program, I'd end it. He got to that point before, and he has not learned any skills since to prevent it. Talk is cheap.
I don't understand how he can get physically abusive a couple of times, and yet magically swear it won't happen again. That's the biggest lie they tell you.
2006-11-21 17:33:57
answer #5
answered by Violet Pearl 7
Move on... Once he starts he will always do it & if you take him back he will know that you always will, it's sort of like 'getting away with it'.
I have also been with my partner for 2 years & he hit me really, really bad one night in June this year, & he swore he would never do it again, but he has done it a few times since then, just not as bad... I should have walked away the first time but yeah, they never change.
2006-11-21 17:47:43
answer #6
answered by liss 2
I'm getting married to a loose cannon myself. Its just that he knows I'm not the type to take sh*t lying down. I love the police and have no problem calling them.
There's never an excuse for a man to put his hands on a woman in anger and once he's done it, if he's not made to suffer the consequences, he will do it again.
The choice is yours. If there is doubt in your heart then you should take some time to yourself to figure things out.
2006-11-21 17:36:55
answer #7
answered by Carrie 4
You may have seen his true nature come out. More info is needed, though. What caused the rage? If it was a minor point, you need to leave him immediately. If you are planning a future together, he needs to get anger management.
2006-11-21 17:37:29
answer #8
answered by notyou311 7
Move on. If he is doing this after only 2 years together, what is he going to be doing in 10 years?
2006-11-21 17:32:22
answer #9
answered by *Logan's Mommy* 5
I'm afraid for you. It sounds like a scary situation even if that was the only time that he snapped. I think you should take what he says at face value so that the next time if it happens you have a reason to leave.
2006-11-21 17:34:03
answer #10
answered by cambosoup 2