It depends on what she is like and what you are like and how old both of you are. Here are some possibilities from my perspective (53 years old):
"I noticed that the movie (whatever you like) is playing tonight and I wondered if you would like to go see it with me?"
"I'd be honored if you would have dinner with me tonight."
"I have two tickets to (some theater production) and wondered if you would like to see it."
"I know this lovely spot for a picnic and I'd love to share it with you this weekend if you are up for a short hike."
"If you're not busy tonight (or tomorrow or Saturday) would you like to go to (whatever makes sense)."
I hope this helps.
2006-11-21 09:32:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
THAT IS THE dont know how...BUT THEY REALLY WANT TO??? instead they play mind and testing games then it turns on them and they lose...i walk down the street ppl wink, whistle, hit on...rarely approach in a romantic way and say hey how are you and ask to walk to my destination making sure im safe or hey wanna hang out sometime...instead they go home and tell their friends about that beautiful lady they seen but didnt have guts to approach...instead they wait until theyre with their friends to be more open...i think everyone is shy you must control it otherwise it will control you for life. if you like a lady alot get to know her, then youd know her favorite things...and in my case is ozzy and sabbath and concerts...sooo a dream date for me would be taking me to an ozzy concert, or any love a date other than a plain movie and supper, not that i dont like that...its just if youre really interested in someone you should take her out where you know she would have so much fun and be very interested in a second date...good luck
2006-11-21 17:35:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
first you talk to her and get to know her a little and if the conversation goes well she might give you her number then now that you know each other a little you can ask her out she will probably say yes because she knows you and can trust you its better than asking her out and you don't know a thing about her the slow approach is the best
2006-11-21 17:30:06
answer #3
answered by kayia 4
Approach her like a gentleman if she's truly a lady.
2006-11-21 17:27:34
answer #4
answered by Toni G 2
Say it with flowers......
Just a small posy, the smaller the cuter, with a card attached.... (a single rose is for someone you already know & care about....or a secret Valentines admirer! - just my opinion)
'These flowers are my way of asking if you would have dinner with me?'
'Please honour me with your presence for dinner'
'Would you give me the honor of taking you out to dinner?'
'I just so wish to take you out and get to know you, please say you will accept my invitation for dinner with me?'
'Please .... Just say Yes!' (with a smiley) for Dinner with Me?
Or try a little poem.....
(I just made this up now for you, so hope you like it)
'I am holding my breath
'n' turning blue',
'Wishing to have a
date with you?'
'As my cheeks turn to
the colour of Pink',
'I am left wondering
'what will you think?'
'If you accept my
little open invite',
'I promise for you
a wonderful night'.
'If you not have faith in
my humble request,
I may be dismayed but
I wish you the best'.
'A little nod 'yes',
just one will do',
'To let me know,
I can go out with you'.
'I will stand by here
for a wee while',
'Waiting for your hand,
& your wonderful 'smile'.
Good Luck ;)
Blessings be yours in peace and light
Harriett Potty ;)
2006-11-21 18:15:32
answer #5
answered by harriettpotty 3
first you need to get to know her. then ash her to see a movie. a movie of her choice.(yes you might have to sit through a chickflick but only for the first few dates) dont say you are buying let her bring money but at the theater dont let her pay!!!!
2006-11-21 17:30:50
answer #6
answered by ninga_person_712 2
Walk right up to her and ask her out for coffee, or drinks. NEVER DINNER RIGHT AWAY because if you dont like her after a few drinks... a full dinner will be hell. Good luck
2006-11-21 17:25:34
answer #7
answered by Angel Eve 6
ask her if she would like to go to dinner or a movie with you, or both,,,,,,and have a place and time in mind,,,,,,, if its someone you just met, that you dont know in any other context, ask her to meet you for dinner,, movie etc, you also could ask her to a group event, say a party one of your friends is having, church, etc
2006-11-21 17:28:06
answer #8
answered by dlin333 7
you should be calm and cool, then ask her out in person, because i had a friend once and a guy asked her out in person, she didnt even like him before, but then she fell in LOVE with him!
2006-11-21 17:28:45
answer #9
answered by Chanea S 1
just ask her. point blank. no games or tricks. "would you like to get together for dinner sometime?"
I like what "angel eve" said above. no dinner right away. just drinks. that's smart!
2006-11-21 17:26:15
answer #10
answered by reeree 2