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What signs do ladies give or show to enable one know that they are enjoying sex and if indeed they are satisfied at the end.

2006-11-21 09:23:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

16 answers

Start with some gentle 4play and then... Turn that pu$$y OUT!! give it special attention, and get creative. You can start by using your hands while you kiss on her neck and lips, then if you REALLY wanna please her, you could try some oral. And finish her off with a good deep f^ck!

When she can barely catch her breath and gets vocal with deep moans and soft screams, you hittin that spot. And if it gets really good to her, she might even call out your name. Not in that subtle fake way, i mean really scream your name out. Then you deffinately hittin it right.

And when its all over, she'll be knocked out like a newborn baby. Then she'll wake up, and clean the house and make you somthin to eat. Congratualations, you handled that @ss like a pro!

~Hope that helps! mwah*

2006-11-21 09:42:26 · answer #1 · answered by jaylah* 3 · 0 0

well, let me see here. Both of you have to open yourselves up to each other. My man knows how to satisfy me beyond belief. We are very much into each other and we talk openly about what we like and don't like. Like if she is going down on you 90 to nothin but you like it slow, gently ask her to slow down a bit so you can enjoy being in her mouth after a couple of time of this she should know that u don't want a speedylol remember climaxing does not guarantee satisfying.

2006-11-21 09:31:05 · answer #2 · answered by mumof4 2 · 0 0

Some signs could be Hard nipples. She could be breathing hard or holding her breath (because it feels good). when done she could be shivering or not being able to move. Or you can ask her what feels good and then do it that way then you know she is feeling good. if she likes it keep doing it that way and she will then brag to her friends on how good you are. The longer your with her the better it will get. Trust me.

2006-11-21 09:37:07 · answer #3 · answered by Carissa 2 · 0 0

An orgasm is the best sign for you to follow, Me personally, if I don't get the big O, whatever you did before you got yours was just a waste of time for me.

2006-11-21 09:29:47 · answer #4 · answered by Tristen T 2 · 0 0

it rather isn't any longer your husband's fault in case you're upset in mattress in case you deceive him................... think of roughly how harm he would be if he unearths out at some point which you have been mendacity all alongside. tell him issues you will possibly prefer to purpose and the style you will possibly prefer to be touched etc. in case you like somebody, then intercourse is extra with reference to the affection you experience for that guy or woman and for my area in case you like somebody it may desire to by no ability be THAT undesirable, because of the fact it rather isn't any longer in basic terms approximately the actual act. maybe concentration on your thoughts for him and initiate taking extra administration in the mattress room to instruct him the failings that do fulfill you. it rather isn't any longer in basic terms his duty to fulfill you, it is your duty to recognize a thank you to be happy. Chi Chi x.

2016-10-17 08:38:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if you really have to ask then you have no business being in bed with a woman. Just leave and let a real man do the work !!!

2006-11-21 09:26:57 · answer #6 · answered by gozedown 4 · 0 0

lots of 4 play

2006-11-21 09:28:26 · answer #7 · answered by Sweet_Smile 3 · 0 0

The best way to know is to flat out ask.When her goal is met, you will know---that's a given.sex conversations should always be incorporated in a relationship.Just because you reach your goal,doesn't mean all is well with the world.......HOPE THIS HELPS......

2006-11-21 09:39:41 · answer #8 · answered by Maw-Maw 7 · 0 0

when they moan ver loud and roll they eyes in the back of there head

2006-11-21 09:27:33 · answer #9 · answered by Pookie 1 · 0 0

Pay attention to her responses.

2006-11-21 09:25:26 · answer #10 · answered by sassybree1979 5 · 0 0

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