Well as a parent my self, I know your heart broken. The best thing to do is take her to the doctor and let her get birth control. And talk to her about ST D's and pregnancy. If you don't feel comfortable about it,then let the Dr. or take her to a planned parent hood faculty if they have 1 where you live. If not get her books to read. Unfortunately our children sometimes don't listen to what we say. But I have always been open and honest with my 2 girls,and we discuss everything.The world should teach abstains,but now days that doesn't work. Just teach her about safe sex and how to protect herself. THE "mother" should have told you,and you two should be talking to your daughter together. I know it's an embarrassing subject,but that's why more teens are pregnant now days,parents don't wanna have "the talk",but it's better then them being pregnant or dying from some STD.
2006-11-21 02:44:39
answer #1
answered by Mother of 2 girls 3
Hi there im 23 from Greece,
To tell you the truth in 2006 the things goes faster than old times, you might consider this bad,it might be,but nowdays its almost a common thing.
What you say "was not brought up this way" never say that again this way?What way?In all the natures kingdom females mature far more faster than males...
Talk to her nice no screams no nothing, tell her what is the reason for doing that,she finds pleasure with that or is just an action of a pushed by boyfriend girl.
If is the first thing dont bother anymore its natural 5 years later 5 years earlier i would say its the same,if she do not find pleasure or its painfull for her and shes willing to satisfy her boyfriend by doing that you got to act quick,im not going to tell you what will be the result to her life because you will be more worried and pushed.
Relax think these more carefully and visit a psychologyst for therefore assistance.
I can understand you well,read what ive said again and again as many times as you need and visit a psychologyst too.
Best wishes my friend...
2006-11-21 02:56:58
answer #2
answered by nicko_lps 1
As a father of 3 daughters as well he should insure she is well informed in regards to birth control, obviously she has chosen to confide in her mom which is good. Realize there is nothing any parent can do to stop their son/daughter from being sexually active, however your reaction if you go about it the right way without the drama and overreaction you can build a better relationship with your son/daughter. This could either open the lines of communication or shut them down completely. When I found out my two oldest were sexually active I waited awhile to think things over before mentioning anything. I just then simply said I realize you are in a relationship and how far that relationship goes is up to you but I want to insure you are protected and well informed before making your decisions. I offered to let them see the Gyno and talk privately with her. One daughter is now 21 and the other 19, and although they remained sexually active my grandson was not born till my oldest was past 20.
2006-11-21 03:11:58
answer #3
answered by badmikey4 4
The sad truth is that lots of 15 year old girls are having sex. I think the best thing to do is be sure she is on birth control; you can't prevnt her from having sex, but hopefully she's smart enough not to want a baby. Also let her know how to protect herself from STD's - condoms, for the most part. Get her brochures, take her to public health or your family physician. Talk to her about doing it with only special someones - boyfriends, not the debate team on the bus. Get some pamphlets, books, whatever you need.
2006-11-21 02:36:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Have a "nice" talk with her. Let her know how you feel about what she's doing. It seems her mom is ok with it. Each family is different. I didnt raise my daughter that way either but she was having sex at 15 (or thats what she told me anyway) I took her to my doctor and got her on the pill and had her checked for any STD's. Keep open communitation with her though. It's hard watching our little ones grow up to be young adults. Good luck!!!
2006-11-21 09:52:56
answer #5
answered by Chicago Girl 4
It happens some teenagers have sex go figure.
Just remember that if you get to angry and forceful about her not having sex she is still 15 and will go behind your back and do what she wants.
I'm not saying that you should not have ground rules but be there for her and make sure she uses protection..
also talk to her mother because she knows what has been going on she might of had conversations with her about sex after all she is 15.
2006-11-21 02:48:26
answer #6
answered by eve 2
INFORM, INFORM, INFORM. Make sure she is aware of all risks, benefits, alternatives, everything about sex. Show her pictures of STDs. Make sure she's responsible (condom and BCP user) and that she knows that you're not judging her and that you're there if she needs a "guy" perspective. This might be VERY embarrasing to discuss with dad. She'll have sex whether you're supportive or not. Make sure that you stress that she's safe and stress guidelines (when, where to have sex, etc.) My boys are of course 3 and 6 yrs old so I haven't had the sex issue yet.
2006-11-21 04:01:06
answer #7
answered by doom92556 4
I totally agree with AC girl. Its not something any parent wants but the sad truth is that there are worse things such as pregnancy and STDs. It's better to tackle the issue of keeping her safe first and then try to get her to make better choices. When I took my 18 year old to my gyn, I sent her in there and told her to get whatever she needed with no questions asked by me. She later confided in me that she was glad I took her. He was able to explain alot of things to her that she was too emabarassed to ask me.
2006-11-21 02:49:22
answer #8
answered by littletbird63 3
If you can't talk to her about this, you haven't been doing your job. You have to lead the horse to the water. The horse has to decide whether to drink. Good luck.
(How come this question is written in first person masculine, but the avatar is female? Just wondering.)
2006-11-21 02:44:01
answer #9
answered by Jack430 6
IMMEDIATELY take her to a clinic and get her checked for STDs and put her on birth control. You cannot change this now, you can only prevent her from getting pregnant and keep her from contracting a disease. TEACH her about condoms and even show her how to put one on like on a banana or something....education is key to keeping her safe.
2006-11-21 02:41:42
answer #10
answered by Mrs. Jackson 3