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Every branch that does bears fruit [God] prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:2

Cutting away the unproductive parts of your lives- materialism, worldliness, cynicism- may be painful, but it is the way to produce the bountitful fruit of the Holy Spirit.

2006-11-20 22:13:01 · 9 answers · asked by inteleyes 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

perhaps I need to prune back on my speaking up.... unless it is of the Lord for us to speak out, to protect others innocents:)

2006-11-20 22:20:53 · update #1

9 answers

I have an addiction to marijuana. I have never seen it as a problem until tonight. I feel like I have Given God everything my life has to offer. Except I stopped going to church about 2 years ago. The same time when i started smoking weed with my friends. I feel good when im on it, I feel better about myself, and my surroundings. But i realized tonight that the reason i don't have a christian women in my life who I could share my time with, instead of being lonely all the time. I usually just stuff my loneliness by hanging out with my friends and smoking pot or drinking a little beer. It's so strange cause I am a huge believer my grandpa was a minister and other than my bad smoking habits i really don't have any sin in my life. I used to think that pot made me closer to God, because i spent so much time doing it i never had any other room for any other idols. But now i realize that God doesn't give blessings away to those don't deserve it. While i used to look at others as being on a lower level I know realize that I am no better than any of my friends who curse God all the time. I feel like the little bit of evil i let into my life has really taken a toll on my overall life and relationship with God. But God told me tonight that if I let go of my addictions and go to church i will find a women. I am very exited. I have been waiting my whole life for an answer and God has finally answered it. Even though i haven't recieved my blessing yet I know Its on its way. You can't recieve without work, and believe me when i say that i am going to be working hard this next week not to smoke weed. It will be hard I'm gonna need as much prayer as possible but I know their are good fellow christians on here who will help me out. This is the first step and a huge leap spiritually. I have always been passoinaite about God and I can't wait to not only have a girlfriend but to have a christian girlfriend. I know that when i go back to church I'm gonna have to just sit back and listen to God. I can't be so anxcious about a girl that I miss God's message to me. But I have great faith that i will overcome this evil and loneliness that has covered my life. God is good to me even in the darkest of hours. Praise his name.

2006-11-20 23:06:39 · answer #1 · answered by secretsofthe end 2 · 1 0

I like my myself just the way I am. I have done all the pruning I'm going to do in this lifetime.

2006-11-20 22:21:13 · answer #2 · answered by black orchid 3 · 1 0

My love walk. It's interesting how when you prune that, you inadvertantly better all the other areas of your life. Strenghening your love walk helps to mold you into the image of Christ, and simultaneously, shapes and shines everything else.

2006-11-20 22:47:52 · answer #3 · answered by tcom1 4 · 1 0

Mental promiscuity. There are times when picture of engaging sexual acts are at the peak of the mental cycle. I need it castrated if not to minimize. (shy....why you ever ask that question.) I am exposed.

2006-11-20 22:23:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Everything in me that Jesus is not so that I become more like Jesus. The branch must become like the Vine.

2006-11-20 23:26:06 · answer #5 · answered by seekfind 6 · 1 0

my jealousy in my relationship and my voicing of opinions
i need to learn to shut up at times lol
i am working on many aspects of myself though xx

2006-11-20 22:16:11 · answer #6 · answered by Peace 7 · 1 0

How odd to see this thought provoking question on the board. I lost four family members in 2007. I lost a cousin in his mid 50s, a gr-aunt that I used to be very close to who was 87, my older brother who was only 61 and a gr-uncle who was 89. Last week when my gr-uncle died, I couldn't go to sleep one night thinking about all that has happened, how fragile life is and how we make plans for the future but don't know if we will be alive tomorrow. The thing I've been doing is reflecting on my past life, the things I've said and done to others where I have hurt them, even though most of the time it was unintentional. I'm not a vindictive person but I have been a bit too honest at times when I should have treaded a bit easier. I have been getting ready to study the book of James as I try to make changes in my life and even though I have mellowed out a great deal as I have gotten older, I still carry alot of pain from things done to me by others in the past and I want to rid myself of the pain and some of the anger I still hold towards others for what they have done. It is amazing, if we all would just give it some thought, how badly we react to those who have hurt us instead of learning to truly forgive and treat them with love. I want to remove all the thorns others have stuck in me so I can heal and get past what can't be changed and be happier each day I awake. I know without really concentrating on those issues and working on them so I can make myself a more loving person, my salvation is in the balance and I don't want to do something that could cause me to lose my soul. I pray for wisdom so I can learn to think more before speaking and I pray for the strength to let others know when they have gone too far but to do it in a way that is kind but firm, for I don't believe any of us should let others walk on or use us for their gain. As I get older and deal with my disabilities, I pray for strength to deal with the daily pain as I compare it to what Christ went through on the cross and realize my pain is so minor compared to that loving sacrifice. If He could bear that for me, I want to learn to deal with my pain without letting it get me down as it did in 2007 (one of the worst years for dealing with my various health issues). I came from a very toxic family and didn't start going to church until I was 10 and for years, never gave thought to many things I did or said because everyone in the family did it. As time went on and I spent more time with my friends at church, I realized life shouldn't be like my families Not long ago I saw a quote that has been instilled in my heart and is now part of my email signature because I want to truly apply this to my life every day, in every way and I hope it will make others pause, give thought and apply it to their lives, too. It is TGIF which stands for Thank Goodness It's Friday which has been around for years but the one that I like even more is Today God Is First May we all strive to examine ourselves daily, apologize and ask for forgiveness from others when we have failed them and ourselves in some way, and to put God first in our lives every day.

2016-05-22 05:07:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My toenails.

2006-11-20 22:17:24 · answer #8 · answered by Barabas 5 · 1 0


2006-11-20 22:16:31 · answer #9 · answered by robert m 7 · 1 0

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