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2006-11-20 20:43:12 · 22 answers · asked by lolita 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

it's hard to answer this question just in here.
actually, islam is a peace religion.

but some people that's not understand about it is always make some accusation like they say that muslim is the maker of war or something bad like that.

in fact, islam not bad as a lot of people in the world thing of.

it's a beutiful religion.
it makes me feel "life".

2006-11-20 21:35:57 · answer #1 · answered by icha 2 · 1 0

I know a lot about Islam, even I'm a christian. The History of Islam and why Islam opposite with other religious?

2006-11-20 20:55:29 · answer #2 · answered by jose f 1 · 1 0

Well,my religion I don`t know but I born in a hindu family and being Indian,I know Islam very closly.They invaded my country centuries ago followed by british invasion and now we are indipendent nation.Islam is now a integrated part of India.
Well,I think Islam is a most MISUNDERSTOOD relligion of the world by both Its follower and others.The prophet of this relligion was a real saint and advocated methods to live a better and divine life.He first told to help other,,,never eat if you see anyone hungry giveup whateveryou have to others and he told to be good,etc etc.And how can we be good,well, by regular prayer (or nmaz) to god.But most Muslims made this prayers primary andholy motive seconday a,hence this religion wrecked and even had civil war within 30 yrs of its formation.Now Follower of other relligion scare of Muslims.My Allah show them right path.May they understandreal meaning of Islam forgetting terrorism and cruelty.Amen!

2006-11-20 21:05:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i know a lot. i'm a Muslim convert and i studied Islam for two years before i converted. i'd be more than happy to answer any question about Islam

i know it is a faith of beauty and peace of extremely high regard for God and His message and His Messengers(peace be on them) that is not seen anywhere else

i know it is a faith that treasures and protects its women

the Prophet(pbuh) was known for saying, "Heaven is at the feet of the mother."

i also know it is a faith based on community and the strength of us all as a whole. One of the 5 principles of Islam used when an Islamic law is made to apply to modern times is the preservation of religion and not just Islam.... any religion the promotes good morals is considered good for the society

but Islam instills something in you that cannot be described

Truly i love my faith

peace to all

2006-11-20 20:51:57 · answer #4 · answered by Living MyTruth 2 · 5 2

Islam is a religion that has come as a result of the teachings of Mohammad who is claimed by the people of the islam faith to be a prophet yeat he him self said he was not. Yeat he has not direct blood line to aby of the prophets of GOD period. The core elements of islam comes form the teaching of the moon God which came from egypt. That is why you have a creasent moon on the temples of the islam faith. In the writing of the quran and the hadif you will find such things as it being lawful to sleep with 4 legged animals and to even have sex with them. This being in direct violation of Gods words provided via Mosus. The Father of all true prophets. In Islam they promote killing Mosus gave us the Law which state you shall not kill. Mohammed is preported to have proformed two mericals one he split the moon but no one e can't seem to locate the split and the other is that he gave the Quran. But actually he did not give the quran he could not read or write he was uneducated. There are no first, editions, second editions or third editions of the quran in existance actually until the 7th editions of the quran everything is a mistery. So is the quran from Mohammed you can't prove it from the evidence.
Mohammed was born 3 years after his father died via his mother and most likly his uncle from all the research. mohammeds live is marked with such things as having murdered a 9 years olds girls mother and father before her eyes in the morning and then forcing her to hsi bed in the same evening. Mohammed died from a sexually transmitted desease. Not one of the many know prophets died this way, nor did any of them murder a childs parents and then take her to bed. The quran is based on the quran and the hedif. The quran a product that came about around 750 AD is a collection of pagan teaching of the moon GOD, the jewish torah, the New testiment, and about 10 other religions. And the quran is even mistaken in most of the areas of reference. But it has some truth in it the virgin birth of jesus is in the quran, The fact that issac is the chossen of aberham is in the quran. The fact that Jesus is the Christ / Messiah are in the quran. But you will also find much in the quran that is just pur wishful thinking. In one sarah men are allowed to sleep with a married woman if she is married to another man. in another area it tells that Jesus is the messiah and to lissen to the Jews and the Christians. And in another sarah it tells you to kill the Jews and the Christians. In the quran man can't be redeemed from sin and the curse. And man and woman have different rights before GOD. Men are to recieve a reward for serving allah the moon GOD by dieing and having 70 virgins each in heaven but not the woman. But the math seems to be a real problem here. First off allah in the quran is not to stable because he does not given a clear instruction for living. Second the Quran has to much taken directly from other faiths that came many years before the quran. The hedif is the same it actually states that if a person get urin on him that he will go to hell. Well that would send 100 persent of people to hell. In the quran the followers of Allah are ask to kill for Allah. In the torah which predates the Quran by 3500 years GOD killed on behalf of his people of God. So the conclusion is that the God of the Prophets is not the God of Allah. And the quran is not the word of GOd given to a prophet.
And GOD is not a black rock in the middle of the desert.

2006-11-20 21:30:57 · answer #5 · answered by adsdetailing 2 · 0 1

thank god , i know alot,
it is the true religion , that is preserved unchanged since it was revealed, it is the last revelation , for man kind , it teaches us , maorals , how to worship god right , peace , tolerance , freedom of expression, equillibriu between spirit and materials, how to succeed in life and the hereafter life.,..................islam is a complete system for life it is concerend with all aspects important in human life to guide him to abetter , happy , succeeful life,.... what exactly u want to know about islam??!!!!


2006-11-20 23:23:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


it is a religion. The arabic word for submission. Founded by Mohammed in the early 600's. They don't like pigs. Hate jews and America.

Beat women. Cut off the heads of innocent folks. Always complain.

killed my dad and mom.... Shot me three times in the leg and back.

2006-11-20 20:56:52 · answer #7 · answered by TK421 5 · 1 2

It is the final message from God (Allah) to mankind. Muslims believe in all the prophets from Adam, through to Jesus & ending with Muhammad (Peace be Upon Them). We believe ALL the prophets preached the same message: The belief & worship of One God. We do not believe God had a son. We believe that Jesus (PBUH) was a great prophet, but NOT the son of God. It says in the Quran, 17:111:
And say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, Who has not begotten a son (nor an offspring), and Who has no partner in (His) Dominion, nor He is low to have a Walî (helper, protector or supporter). And magnify Him with all the magnificence, [Allâhu-Akbar (Allâh is the Most Great)]."

2006-11-20 20:52:38 · answer #8 · answered by cici1978 2 · 2 2

Muslims who say, "they are all pious. Follow and apply the teachings Holy Quoran completely" is just for an attraction & show.

If any one does it 100% at least for a day in his life time, he will become an angel!!!

The teachings are forgotten even by the greatest preachers while it comes for application!!!

In Arabic they easily say "Maalish.....Insha Allah Bukhra"

2006-11-20 20:46:08 · answer #9 · answered by SESHADRI K 6 · 1 3

Islam: is a religion of Mohammad.

2006-11-20 20:50:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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