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I am a newly convert. I am do really love the acceptance and warmness they offer. I also love how people put their heads together to help one another our wait daily tasks. But the flip side is I feel many are pushy and harsh. So is it Jesus, I need to follow? Again, I recently have accepted him has my personal savior. I just have questions of those who worship other cources of god such as, Allah, Buddah, etc. Are they going to hell? Who's to say? I mean, for those people with good hearts, philantropy and altruism, humanity, meditation and respect for this earth at the fore front everyting they do. Will they go to hell if they don't accept Jesus? I want to cry this hurts so bad.. The not knowing ya know? I am really trying to find ansers. We just started going to a Christian church and am moved every time. But when they say Jesus is the only way, or you go to hell, it scares me and makes me feel guilty when I sometimes feel my worship is to God in general. If others who follow different faiths continue, will they go to hell?Then others talk of reincarnation, and past lives, does Jesus promote that way of thinking?? The guilt of not knowing.. thanks..

2006-11-20 16:35:19 · 15 answers · asked by Cheetah 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

You forgot one Chaos the main Greek god.

2006-11-20 16:42:22 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 1 4

That is a lot of really deep really complex questions. I really don't even known where to begin, but what I can tell you if it is any consolation is the reason why hell is the consequence for not accepting Jesus. Take the old testament if you have read any of it, you know that people in general were sinful obviously from Adam on. God first cleansed the world of these people by having the great flood. Many generations passed and within the book of Kings it talks about how almost all of the kings were horrible sinful people who worshipped pagan Gods and just pretty much turned away from him. This was, I believe hundreds and hundreds of years. After which God let them be taken into captivity of the Babylonians for 70 years. In the old testament to mask the sins you had committed you would have to offer a burnt sacrifice and then you would be "OK" with God. The difference came when Christ the Savior came to change this. A particular verse talks about how God will not remember your sins anymore. Jesus was sent to bear all the sins of mankind past, present and future. No more burnt sacrifices and nothing that you could do would ever change His love for you. Now, the reason why hell is eminent to those who reject Christ is because by rejecting Christ you are rejecting the Father who not only has offered this gracious gift of eternal life with him, but also refuses to believe the fundamental truth that he created you and I and everything that is or ever will be. By rejecting the blood of the Lamb you are saying that you want to continue to live in sin and the worldliness that comes with it. Being a good person does mean something yes, but not without the love of the Father. If you have any other questions feel free to email me and I will try to help the best I can.

2006-11-20 16:49:53 · answer #2 · answered by mojo2093@sbcglobal.net 5 · 0 2

First, you have nothing to feel guilty about. These are questions that the greatest of Theologians have been bashing them selves over the head with for thousands of years.

You fear for the salvation of others. That's understand able. Will that go to hell? I don't think so. God usually plans for these things. Consider this....

After the Crucifixion, Jesus was dead for three days. During those three days, did he just lay there and take a nap? No, he went into purgatory and collected the faithful that were before his arrival on earth. See? that was a part of the plan that the prophets never spoke about until after the fact. Jesus didn't tell him.

With that in mind, have faith. You can do your part by making sure these people have the option of being a Christian, and giving them a clear path. But please don't be one of those fanatics that ram the bible down a person's throat. Best wishes.

2006-11-20 16:44:49 · answer #3 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 1 1

Cheetah: I am a christian, and I don't believe God created people, had His Son [Jesus] Who, He gave because He loved the world [creation], and is going to pitch people into an ever-burning hell. What about the people in China, India - Billions who never, even, heard about Jesus Christ? Would a loving God wipe them out for never having a chance? I doubt it. What would be God's purpose for even, creating people then? "Hell" - the word in the Holy Bible is correctly translated from the original Greek word (it was written in), called "hades" . This means simply, the word, "grave". In the Old Testament the word "hell" is rendered from the original Hebrew writings "sheol" - this word means, "hole". The idea or concept of "hell" comes from the ancient Egyptains. It was used to exercise control over the masses, i.e. "you will go to hell if you don't do things this way or that way". The Greeks eventually, used it too, to control the people. Fear is a great way to control people with. In all reality, Cheetah, God is a God of LOVE - He is in the SAVING BUSINESS not the death business. The God you worship is a LOVING GOD . All people ever, born will be given a chance at Salvation with Jesus Christ. In the end, we ALL will WIN !!! Guilt is not of God. ( Not even, listed in the "fruits of the Holy Spirit !) Fear, Guilt, doubt and Worry are tools of the Evil One !!! So; go and have a peaceful relationship with Jesus Christ (it's between YOU and HIM only - no one else) ! Good luck to you, "Cheetah".

2006-11-20 16:59:22 · answer #4 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 0 0

well, suppose christianity is not right. what if it was just a made up story? then all the christians live their lives as good as they can, and a lot of them live good lives and there's nothing more...or something else happens after death. no one has lost anything in this scenario. but suppose christianity is true, and there is judgement for those who have chosen not to believe, then the chistians still have not lost anything, but everyone else has lost everything. when studying the life of Jesus, a person comes to only one of three different conclusions either He: 1. claimed He was God, yet knew that it wasn't true, which would make Him a liar 2. claimed He was God, yet didn't know He wasn't, which would make Him a lunatic. 3. claimed He was God, and truely was/is God, which would make Him Lord. indeed, Christianity stands in unbending opposition to any notion that salvation involves our own effort -- it is by faith that you are saved, through grace, that no one may boast. all other religions in the world that teach of the basic idea of heaven say that one must do a certain good deed, or a certain amount of good deeds in order to earn ''heaven.'' if christianity is the only one that says something different - that one must have faith in Jesus - then it sort of makes this ''multiple choice'' question easy to solve.

2016-05-22 04:17:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

an intelligent person looking for real answers now thats something you don't see a lot here ,

Christains claim that God and Jesus are one and the same , well most farthers and sons I know are distinctly different from each othe and have their own personalities and own traits , One was a physical incarnate the other is the creator , they can not be and are not the same entity , so in all respect to christians in general you worship christ and relgion is derived from the term jesus christ , hence you are bowing to a false god and worshipping a graven image , and if your catholic throw mother mary in to the equation aswell.

What you are doing is right you should only worship God , I mean at least he's present in every relgion ( Christianity, Judaism & Islam), Before you get too deeply rooted in the texts of the bible read the apochyrea its a collective of gnostic christian texts many written by Diciples of Christ which have been excluded from the bible beacuse they didn't suit the agenda of the catholic church , some of them are accepted by other denominations.

My gandfather was a priest and he always encouragred me to explore relgion and develop within myself , plus I was brought up angilican and we don't believe the entire bible to be Gods word anyway

I have a pretty indepth knowledge of many spritual concepts if you ever want to chat harro_06@yahoo.com.au

2006-11-20 16:56:38 · answer #6 · answered by harro_06 4 · 0 3

The Bible says "don't question God's Judgment".We are not God.He will help everyone who he see's who needs helping,it is our job to assist him as he does.He knows who will and who won't go to live with him for eternity.The question is do we?Out of all the religions you named Christianity is the only one that promises eternal life after death through Jesus Christ our Lord.This is the one I am sticking with.Although I am no saint,I do believe in the planway of salvation.God Bless You!!and do not worry God will be God and take care of us all,for he loves us so much.PEACE!!!

2006-11-20 16:46:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Jesus said there is nothing we will not find out about before He returns.
We will be without excuse. Nobody will be able to say he or she didn't
know any better.
There are many truths to spiritual things. But Christ is about rising above
the lower, physical/spiritual aspects of things. Like enslaving onesself
to powers and beings by doing magic. Reincarnating 999 times!
Those who face what is coming bravely, and help others to do so, will be given a special reward from our Creator, and Jesus Christ!

2006-11-20 16:42:54 · answer #8 · answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5 · 0 2

It's unclear.

You have to read the Bible and find the answers your own way. Here's one:

The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it.

But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly.

Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.(Luke 12:47-48)

Here we CAN interpret the SERVANT to be you and Me, Christians. WE will be punished SEVERLY for NOT doing our duties (to God and Jesus).

Those are are NOT servants and DON't KNOW they are doing wrong, won't be punished as strongly!

In God's eye IGNORANCE is somewhat of an excuse. You'll still be punished, but NOT as much as one who is SUPPOSED TO KNOW.

So, as a Christian who accepts God and Jesus and studies, you are EXPECTED to DO BETTER than those are are not Christians!

2006-11-20 17:12:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They are not all the same and I hope you will stick to what the Bible says. First Pray for God to help you understand.


People are willing to help you learn.

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

All the others ......leaders of religion have Died and are still in their graves. Jesus ROSE from the grave and appeared to many.

It takes awhile to understand, but it is whats Right and True. Also , ask God to come into your heart .

Satan doesn't want that to happen, so he can plant doubts in your mind.

2006-11-20 16:52:09 · answer #10 · answered by 4263 4 · 0 2

you should remember that we are not judged against other people - god doesn't curve his grading system! this is because jesus says that "i am the way, the truth, and the life. no one can get to heaven except through me." so the ONLY way to get to heaven is by believing that jesus is your savior, and by following god. god also says that he condemns the worshiping of false idols, like those worshipped by other religions.

man, i wish you had this little booklet that i have. i feel like i'm explaining this so poorly. this booklet is called "Does God Grade On A Curve? Passing Life's Final Exam". it's part of a Discovery Series, which is published by RBC Ministries. It's really interesting. it's just like a little booklet that i picked up at church.

2006-11-20 16:40:51 · answer #11 · answered by mighty_power7 7 · 0 3

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