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he feels sicker when he is in kemo. He would rather try it alternatively instead what do you think he should do?

2006-11-20 16:27:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

16 answers

I agree - alternative solutions are often better.

Please ask him to read this page.

2006-11-24 10:18:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

This is a tough one to answer because you did not give enough information. Further treatment for advanced cancer should be determined by the patients age, overall health, type and location of the cancer, how much treatment he has already had, and what treatment is being offered tradionally (are the doctors talking palliative care or curative?)

I think that cancer can definitely wear you down to the point where the patient gives up the will to live.
You should make sure that your friend is not depressed (depression is treatable) and is making decisions based on what is best for his health.

It may be that he is tired of fighting this disease. And, there is no shame in that at all. Cancer is a tough, tough battle and it requires all your strength mentally and physically to get through it.
If your friend is not depressed, and does not want to go through chemotherapy because he has been that route and its not working. Than he should investigate alternative or complementary medicines. He should investigate them thoroughly though before making a decision, and have someone guide him through that choice.

One of the problems that I've seen over and over again in cancer support groups are patients that lightly decide to go the Alternative/complementary medicine route. The problem is that cancer is often fast moving, it can grow and spred quickly. A patient may spend precious months 'trying out' alternative medicine only to find that their cancer is progressing. Many times it is too late to return to traditional medicine. The most effective systemic chemotherapy is staying on a regular schedule. Almost any interruption or delays in that schedule can make the treatment not as effective.

So, the choice may be final.

2006-11-21 02:57:56 · answer #2 · answered by Panda 7 · 0 0

I don't believe in alternative. Chemo has been tested and studied and researched in large numbers worldwide. My son got cancer this spring, and he is only 11. It was devestating. He underwent chemo and was very ill but thank God his treatment was a short one and that chemo dissolved that lump so that visibly it was down within the first 24 hours of his first chemo.

My son was really brave. He never once complained. It was terrible and now it's over and I hope it forevermore stays this way.

I just cringe and die inside just thinking of his ever having to go through it again....so I understand how your friend is feeling. But in all honesty, I had complete faith in the doctor who looked after my son, and asked her pointed questions about alternatives, as I read and researched a LOT on the subject believe me, and for every "sworn" alternative out there...my doctor was able to say with certaintly that they had been disproven scientifically, and quoted me cases where people left, did the alternative, and came back and were too sick and fargone to help.

So you should bet on the true and tried and proven. You may only get one chance to succeed and beat this horrible disease. As I said I understand how sick your friend was, but chemo, which is a combination of various drugs, is what kills the cells that are rapidly growing out of control. They do have pills for the nausea but they cost $20 each but work...you only need them for a few days after the chemo..and possibly, they might adjust the dose so he doesn't feel so ill. Maybe they will be different drugs this time. So sorry that they have to go through that again. Will send a prayer your friends way...I know they helped us tremendously.

I'm so sorry for your loss Sindi. I think we've met before. I am humbled by the strength and courage you must have had and can't even imagine what it's been like for you. God bless...you will see your son again one day.

2006-11-20 16:37:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

stick with it. chemo will make you sick-but think of it this way-if he/she stops chemo, he/she is giving the cancer a break. chemotherapy works. it will get better tho. my husband is currently undergoing chemo for testicular cancer. he's actually tolerating it pretty well. he has 2 cycles to go before he is done. he hates it, but it really does work. as far as alternatively, there isn't any proof that the alternative ways work. there is proof however that chemo works. cancer is not something you want to take chances with. it is an ugly disease and has taken many loved ones from me. tell your friend he/she needs to stick with it no matter what-just keep their strength up. the stronger you are when the chemo starts, the better they will tolerate it. Good luck.

2006-11-20 16:35:35 · answer #4 · answered by stazia81 2 · 1 0

I would not recommend chemotherapy (radiation) to anyone because it is harmful and will not increase long term survival. In my opinion it's the biggest failure of conventional medicine. Alternative therapies are much less harmful and there is a higher survival rate with patients on them. IP6, resveratrol, intravenous vitamin C and others have been shown to have anti-cancer properties without harming the rest of the body.

2006-11-22 11:19:51 · answer #5 · answered by Ryan K 2 · 0 0

Kemo is very hard to go through, and that is why it is unfortunatly your friends decision on whether they should try a different approach. They should talk to their dr. really reasearch the answers and make a decision according to what they thing they can do. It all depends on how much they have in them to fight.

2006-11-20 17:58:59 · answer #6 · answered by Crystal D 2 · 1 0

It all depends on the type of cancer and why he is taking it. Is it to shrink the cancer itself, or to help with the pain and suffering of the final stages? My friend took it for the final stages, and it only prolonged her pain and suffering. If there is ANY chance of recovery then I say go for it. Ther is always hope and miracles to be had. I had cancer in the worst stages, and I received a miracle from my last surgery. Never give up, that's what the devil wants you to do. Fight like the dickens and talk to others who have had the same type of cancer. Try yahoo's support groups for this type of cancer. You can learn ALOT from them, and it helps to talk to others.

2006-11-20 16:38:47 · answer #7 · answered by beginner player 2 · 0 0

Chemotherapy has the effect of killing the healthy cells along with the cancerous ones. That is why he experiences side effects. However, alternative medicine takes time to take effect. There are many options for alternatives like detox, TCM, nutritional therapy, etc. Here is a site that has many natural health topics for more information http://www.healthandwellnesscentral.com

2006-11-20 20:04:02 · answer #8 · answered by mindalchemy 5 · 0 1

Chemo is a very hard procedure to go through and it is very easy for those of us who have not gone through the actual procedure to dismiss that person feelings when we feel that chemo is the better option. If his survival rate is good with a second round of chemo perhaps your friend should talk to his Dr. about controlling the side effects a lot better. Just be their for your friend and tell him to make a list of the pros and cons. Best of Luck.

2006-11-20 16:33:45 · answer #9 · answered by rockwithelmo 3 · 0 0

I'm sorry about your friend- this is a tough call and you really didnt give us enough info- is it lung cancer?, pancreatic cancer? liver cancer? Those three are MAJOR killers and I hate to say it, but chemo will not "cure" him and he may be right in wanting to spend the rest of his life at least feeling a little bit normal. If you're talking Hodgkins, melanoma, stomach, then I would tell him to stick it out, he should get a second opinion from another radiation facility to make sure his chemotherapy is the most up to date for his type of cancer--- good luck to you and your friend. PS get the second opinion from an outside area-- they tend to all agree with eachother when they are all friends

2006-11-20 16:34:05 · answer #10 · answered by mac 6 · 0 2

he is playing with fire, chemotherapy sessions should not be taken for granted, they are scheduled in a way that, cancer cells life is taken into consideration. if he is just scared of the side effects specially nausea and vomitting, doctors give medications prior to chemo that can prevent that, and in the event that they still experience it, they can still take some more afterwards...best ones we have used is decadron + kytril, zofran is commonly used as well..so mention this to your friend and try to persuade him to go for the next chemo

2006-11-20 17:25:11 · answer #11 · answered by ♦cat 6 · 1 0

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