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BETHLEHEM (AP) -- The death threat came on simple
white fliers blowing down the streets at dawn. A group calling
itself "Friends of Muhammad" accused a local Palestinian
Christian of selling mobile phones carrying offensive sketches of the
Muslim prophet.

The message went on to curse all Arab Christians and Pope
Benedict XVI, still struggling to calm Muslim outrage from his
remarks on Islam.

While neighbours defended the merchant -- saying the charges in
the flier were bogus -- the frightened phone dealer went into
hiding, feeling less than satisfied with authorities' conclusion
that the Oct. 19 note was probably a harmless rant.

Now the dealer is thinking of going abroad.

Call it part of a modern exodus, the steady flight of the tiny
Palestinian Christian minority that could lead, some predict, to
the faith being virtually extinct in its birthplace within
several generations -- a trend mirrored in many dwindling pockets of
Christianity across the Islamic world.

This is one of the major themes the pope is expected to carry to
Turkey for a four-day visit beginning Nov. 28 -- his first papal
visit to a predominantly Muslim nation. The Vatican calls it
"reciprocity:" Muslim demands for greater sensitivity from the
West must be accompanied by stronger protections and rights for
Christian minorities.

2006-11-20 16:11:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

In some places, such as Pakistan, it means more safeguards from
extremist attacks. In Indonesia and elsewhere, it touches on
appeals to quell growing sectarian clashes. In Turkey, Iraq and
the rest of the Middle East, it seeks to preserve communities
dating back to the time when Jesus and his apostles preached.

But nearly everywhere in Muslim lands, Christian populations are
in decline.

No place is this more striking than the Holy Land.

For decades, it was mostly economic pressures pushing Palestinian
Christians to emigrate, using family ties in the West or contacts
from missionary schools. The Palestinian uprisings -- and the
separation barrier started by Israel in 2002 -- accelerated the
departures by turning once-bustling pilgrimage sites such as
Bethlehem into relative ghost towns.

The growing strength of radical Islamic movements has added
distinct new worries.

2006-11-20 16:12:58 · update #1

During the protests after the pope's
remarks in September, some of the worst violence was in
Palestinian areas with churches firebombed and hit by gunfire.

"Most of the Christians here are either in the process of
leaving, planning to leave or thinking of leaving," said Sami
Awad, executive director of the Holy Land Trust, a
Bethlehem-based peace group. "Insecurity is deep and getting

The native Palestinian Christian population has dipped below 2
percent of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Arab East Jerusalem,
down from at least 15 percent in 1950 by some estimates.
Meanwhile, the Muslim Palestinian birthrate is among the highest
in the world.

Dire predictions abound. The Franciscan Foundation for the Holy
Land said Christians could become "extinct" in the region within
60 years.

"It certainly doesn't look good for us," said Mike Salman, a
Palestinian Christian who has conducted studies on demographic

A walk along Shepherd Street puts a face

2006-11-20 16:14:35 · update #2

Shomali also will leave a stack of paperwork for his lawyer, who
is fighting a group that took control of land that Shomali
insists has been in his family for more than a century.
Christians claim Muslim gangs routinely try to seize Christian
property using doctored documents, but Palestinian authorities
say it's random lawlessness in areas where land deeds are not

"Here is where Jesus was born and over there, across the hill in
Jerusalem, is where he was crucified," Shomali said. "We
Christians now feel like we are on the cross."

2006-11-20 16:16:00 · update #3

15 answers

Radical Islam is today the biggest threat to world peace. First they intend to deal with the Saturday people, and then with the Sunday people.

The criticisms of the Jews in the Qur’an resulted in the persecution of Jews in Muslim lands--often slavery, deportation, land expropriation, and massacres, resulting from the permanent, uniquely Islamic institutions of jihad and dhimmitude. They had to wear on their clothes the image of an ape. Specifically, the 9th century Tunisian Qadi, Ahmed b. Talib compelled the dhimmi Jews to wear upon their shoulder a patch of white cloth (riqa') that bore the image of an ape, [the Christians were required to wear the image of a pig], and to nail onto their doors a board bearing the sign of a monkey. Apes are mentioned in Judaic texts, but zoomorphic signs were never imposed in the Jewish kingdoms, as was done for Jews and Christians in Islamic lands. Hence the actual implementation of such discriminatory zoomorphic badges is particular to Islam, and the reasons for this must be examined independently, and honestly, without any reference to Judaism.

Jihadists today invoke the Qur’an to justify the worst terrorist crimes. Throat slitting of infidels is mentioned in the Qur’an. Al-Mawardi (d. 1058), the prominent 11th century jurist quoted this verse, specifically, « When you encounter those who deny (the Truth) then strike (their) necks. » (Qur’an 47 :4), in his learned discussion of jihad. This ritual execution is also mentioned in other Muslim legal texts and in narratives of Christian and prominent Muslim historians. Today it is performed against infidels and recorded on videotape for the edification of Muslim audiences.

When the average pious Muslim reads a verse like 2:132 (“And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; ‘Oh my sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam’”) or 3:67 (“Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah’ (which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah”), he understands what so many imams tell him: that the true Jews and Christians of today are the Muslims, and the people who go by those names are renegades and rebels against God.

This is of course nonsense.

This argument does not rest on any idea that Abraham or Moses observed specifically Islamic rituals, but on the idea that they were prophets of the True Faith which was restored by Mohammed after it was corrupted by Jews and Christians.

This is of course nonsense.

2006-11-20 19:05:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am a Christian and in my country there are also Muslims. Yes Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace and that jihad - war was supposed to be a war within oneself - a struggle between good or bad but then they have made this as an excuse to bomb innocent people.

There are also Christians that treat our Muslims badly like for example a Christian friend of mine told me his story that he saw one Christian lad treating the Muslim old lady badly by throwing away the lady's cargo out of the bus so hard without respect or pity. Or there is this place where the roads used by Christians are asphalted/cemented while the roads used by the Muslims are rough. The most predictable reaction of the Muslims is of course to fight back.

Not all Muslims are bad. There are also these prayerful Muslims. We Christians also have the prayerful and not so prayerful.

Maybe the best solution is to give and take. We can only live harmonously if we communicate understand and love.

2006-11-20 16:30:13 · answer #2 · answered by Joy 2 · 0 0

To determine what is or is not islamic you dont look at what people are doing instead you look at what the Quran and Holy Prophet(sas) as authorized.

Holy Quran Chapter : 2 : 63
Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians - whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.

Chapter : 5 :70
Surely those who believed, and the Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians - whoso believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, on them shall come no fear, nor shall they grieve.

It is obvious that there is no enmity toward anyone just because they are Christian.

In Islam muslims have no right to judge anyone in terms of faith it is up to God Almighty to decide the fate of every soul

Chapter : 22:18
As to those who believe, and the Jews and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Magians and the idolaters; verily, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, Allah watches over all things.

Be careful not to turn politics into religion. Man has been known to try and alter his religion for his political or social advancement.

2006-11-20 16:42:22 · answer #3 · answered by Junayd L 1 · 1 1

If islam the religion of peace they wont agree in killing.Infact they would punish those who do it. They would love their neighbors which is the christian world, Pope benedict is just saying if your God is the real one you have to show the result. What is the result or attitude they're showing? anger, bombings, rapes, killings, beheadings and many many more. This is not God's work.

The Muslim world need more enlightening and they have to be calm. They need to educate their children in doing good, be humble to others, not doing bad thats the order of God the Father i know. He said if some one treat you bad pray for Him more, he dont say to hurt them.He said how can you say you know what love is if you only love those who love you?

Religion is to follow with freedom not in forced. If its done in force, that religion is a dictator. So use your thingking and conscience Is GOD approved any religion here on earth? Is GOD sees people in race, color, attainment in life? We are all one in His sight. We should accept each other, respect each other and help each other.

2006-11-20 16:29:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I say we muslims, most of us treat christians as our brothers. We may have a difference of opinon on certain religous issues, but that doesnt mean that both of us end up on the street killing one another. However, everone has to play a role, christians countries should stop killing millions of innocent people to catch one man, muslims should not kill innocent christians in the name of Jihad. I just hope that common sense and peace prevails, and good people from both sides take the lead in reforming this planet.

2006-11-20 16:19:40 · answer #5 · answered by Mustafa rOcKs 2 · 2 1

Islam do respect all religion regardlees of Christians,Buddhism,Sikhism,Hinduhism,, Even its the other way round every religion respects one another..... all the fights, bombing, killing,war well sit and think,,, they are not fighting for religion cause thay have their own religion, but they are greedy for power, money etc....

2006-11-20 16:18:46 · answer #6 · answered by harry d 3 · 2 0

Islam ain't a religion of peace...it is the most violent religion in exisctance.

2006-11-20 18:31:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My belief is that islam is NOT a religion of peace and love. It is all about hatred, violence and deception. Does it respect Christians? No. It denies the devine nature of Jesus.

2006-11-20 16:21:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It's supposed to be, but people have twisted it into a reason for bombing the twin towers. But however peaceful it is, it's not the truth. The bible is the only book of the one true God and nobody goes to the father except through his son Jesus.

2006-11-20 16:14:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Kudos Derek!!!

2006-11-20 16:26:31 · answer #10 · answered by StuPenDus 2 · 1 0

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