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I have a veeeeeeeery long fuse, but I've just about come to the end of it, and I need all you people out there to tell me:
Why is it that if a customer can't find something in the store, or they're annoyed with having to wait in line too long, they take it out on the cashiers?? I need to be blunt and honest here: If you don't see it on the shelf, we probably don't carry it. Period. No amount of yelling at me is going to make it magically appear for you! Besides, why don't you find someone in that department and tell THEM?? And why do you complain to me that there aren't enough registers open?? It's not my fault we're short-staffed! "Why don't you hire more people?" you ask. Well, we'd hire them if they'd apply! We can't drag people in off the street and put them on registers! Maybe YOU'D like to apply??
PLEASE stop complaining to us! We were hired to scan your items and take your payment. And believe me, we try to be as friendly as possible. It's hard, but we try. Won't you?

2006-11-20 16:10:06 · 25 answers · asked by Somebody 1 in Society & Culture Etiquette

Whew. Heh. Sorry. Please understand, it's HARD to keep a super-happy face all day long with people moaning and complaining all day, especially now that it's the holiday season. All my frustration gets bottled up, and then I just need to let it go. Please don't take my venting personally. I just need someone to tell me why some people are the way they are.

2006-11-20 16:19:40 · update #1

25 answers

that is the world we have to live with

:> peace

2006-11-23 15:30:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Somebody, you do have a point. Customers should not fault any one particular person for the things that have gone wrong in their day. I worked retail when my children were little and found that customers can be a pain in the booty. However....

Working retail, there are expectations that customers have and the stores know this, which is why they hire people and make schedules. When someone does not show up for his/her shift, it is not the customer's fault, but the customer has to pay for that shortage in staff by standing in long lines while listening to cashiers complain about not having a break. Oh, I've been there but I kept my complaint to myself because what was the customer going to do - stand my shift for me? NO! As a customer, if it is advertised and I go to buy it and it is not on the shelf, have the courtesy to offer rainchecks or put up a sign that the item is SOLD OUT! Why should I hunt for what is advertised that the idiot buyer did not purchase enough of? Period. If I could find the person that worked in that department, I would - but you can never find that person so you go to the cashier because you know the cashier is behind the cash register and can easily get assistance. Where is the supervisor when there aren't enough registers open? The customer would not complain to the cashier if someone was minding the store and making sure the customers were happily SPENDING their money instead of wishing they had never stepped foot in the slowest store in the century. It isn't your fault that you are short staffed - it's management and when customers complain to you, you can take it to management or direct them to the nearest supervisor who should be available to take all that crap. That's what they get paid for. If the customer wanted to apply and become a disgruntled cashier like so many, I'm sure they would - but someone has to do the shopping, right?

Cashiers are hired to do more than stand there, scan items and take payment. Every store offers training and I am sure they emphasize the need for quality customer service. Good grief, please stop acting like your job is the only one that has to deal with people that are cranky and complain all the time. Try putting a smile to the person complaining and act as if you care. You will find that a sympathetic ear is all they really wanted!

2006-11-21 03:14:10 · answer #2 · answered by terryoulboub 5 · 0 4

Hey I hear you. I worked at Walgreens & some guy called me a stupid ***** because he thought I short changed him a nickel. The manager came & had to count all the money in the register& compare it to their computer & it turned out he was wrong. He didn't even apologize. Then we had an after Christmas sale where everything was supposed to be marked down 75%, I scanned the items but they weren't registering so this lady went off on me. I have a short fuse & said Listen lady I get paid 7 bucks an hour which isn't enough to take your crap. I no longer work there because I just couldn't deal with not be able to tell the rude people to go f off.

2006-11-21 00:28:44 · answer #3 · answered by gitsliveon24 5 · 1 0

I feel for you. People can sometimes be heartless and thoughtless.
I think SOME people take it out on cashiers because you're stationary. You can't just walk away from the cash register. They know this, so you make a good target.

They know you'll have to just stand stand there, while they rant.
They are frustrated probably with their lives over all and not really THAT much at the store. They want to vent their anger and unfortunately you're it.

I'm sorry this has to happen to you. Just be glad you are not like they are.
Can you imagine what they must be like when they're at home, behind closed doors? YIKES!

2006-11-21 00:20:38 · answer #4 · answered by Molly 6 · 3 0

i worked in retail for years and (for me) it was the worst job on the face of the earth....as a cashier you are often the first, last, and only person the customer sees or deals with in the store-therefore you get it all from them, including their complaints and irrate behavior....
as a customer i can tell you that it's not just customers that are rude to cashiers, cashiers are often rude to customers.....i can't tell you the last time i went into a store and the cashier said hello or thank you to me (even when i say it first)....i once asked a clerk who was working on the floor where i could find an item and she literally rolled her eyes at me....as for long lines....i can understand being understaffed, but more times than not when i've been in a long line i've noticed 5 or 6 employees standing around chatting while there were 1or 2 cashiers hellping customers....usually the lack of cashiers is not because of being short staffed, it's because managment doesn't want to pay extra cashiers to expedite things..........customers shouldn't vent frustrations at cashiers, but with the trend in total disregard for customer service it WILL happen more and more

2006-11-21 12:17:14 · answer #5 · answered by SNAP! 4 · 2 0

It happens daily where I work. I work in sales usually, but am cross trained to help out at the registers. You haven't seen nasty till you turn the light off w/ 20 people in line. A few weeks ago on a day that I got to work at 6 am I was to be off at 3 pm, had a chiro appt for 3:30. At 2:40 I realized I needed to be out of there and you should have heard the shrieks! Only 2 cashiers and 1 is closing???? I finished everyone in my line and got out quick, but you wouldn't have believed it.

2006-11-21 02:52:27 · answer #6 · answered by Michelle G 5 · 1 0

Because you are there, because you can't leave your register,because they think you will pass the info along to your supervisor. Smile, thank them for the info, appologize, tell them you are sorry, whatever is appropriate at the time, and let it drop.
I have the same problem at the hospital. I'm there, so I get every complaint under the sun. I got good at referals. Oh, yes! You should speak to the doctor about that, here's his number. Oh, I will tell the nursing supervisor. I'm sorry, I will communicate that to that department.
There will be a few how persist, like the visitor who was asked, by me, nicely, to get out of the hall, the code team was about to come through, and told me he would sue me if someone asked him to move, and sue the hospital if the team ran him over. [he moved when they came towards him] Or the lady who wanted me to leave a code in progess, and yes, I was participating in it, to open up the patient transport elevator, so she could leave, and no she could not wait. She was invited to find a chair at the end of the hall. It was all I could do not to scream at her, and say sure, I'll just tell this patient's family that we let him die so you would not be inconvienced.
People in the past have asked me my name, so they could report me, because they were still unhappy with their problem. I say, sure, It's Riversconfluence, it's r-i-v-e... Never been reported by someone I took the time to spell my name for.
I try my best to be nice to everyone, but sometimes, people do not want for people to be nice. A few questions ago, some one was asking why cashiers want to take up his time with chit chat.
I rest my case.

2006-11-21 00:29:51 · answer #7 · answered by riversconfluence 7 · 2 0

i wonder if its not little dog syndrome. they think they are the big dog if they yell at something. most of the time if you challenge back with a nice thought or question that almost makes them think about how stupid they are they stop. lets say they ask you why there is only one lane open just tell them in a very polite tone what you told us. I'm sorry sir/ma'am we are short staffed but our customer service department would be glad to give you and application so you may help.

2006-11-21 03:17:57 · answer #8 · answered by army_redneck_daddy 2 · 0 0

I empathize with you. I've been in retail for the last 3 1/2 years and I've had to deal with all sorts of obnoxious people while biting my tongue. Customers abuse us and we just have to take it! I'm used to it now and I try not to let it get to me but when I first started, there were nights when I would go home crying. I don't know why people have to act like that.
P.S. Feel free to vent at any time! Email me if you'd like to; I'm a pretty good listener.

2006-11-21 00:49:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are ignorant and insensitive people everywhere....I used to work for the government and people would come in off the street and complain about just about anything at all that had to do with government...from a to z...and I would have to tell them, but that is not us. LOL

I see a lot of old people do that to the cashiers at the grocery stores and often I will say somethign to them to let them know that not everyone blames them.

It's really stupid of people but some like to complain and wait for any old excuse to do it...it's like they live to ***** and whine and it's pathetic...but don't let it get to you. I would just calmly say ma'am, I make 8 bucks an hour...I have nothing to do with the hiring process here...then pray lightning strikes her on the way out the door...LOL

2006-11-21 00:14:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I know both sides of this issue VERY well. I love shopping and I've worked in retail for over 10 years.

Cashiers are the faces that represent the company to the customers. You are the only ones we know we can always find. You are the last employee we see before leaving the store. When we wander around looking for help on the sales floor, and can't find anyone, we get irritated. You're the only person we can find who works there, so you get the brunt of it.

The truth is, management is failing you miserably here. They aren't spending enough money on employees, aren't staffing the sales floor properly and aren't keeping the shelves stocked. You and your fellow cashiers need to communicate to management how upset customers are and why.

And finally, just because something isn't on the shelf doesn't mean you don't carry it! That's a lazy answer! Often times the item is cross-merchandised in a different dept., has been moved to an end cap for a promotion, or sits in overstock on top of the shelves.

2006-11-21 01:00:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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