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What's your opinion?

2006-11-20 16:03:05 · 24 answers · asked by down2earthsmiles 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Islam is the only potent force, based on general Western assumptions, that poses a challenge to the whole Idea and existence of present Western Civilisation. It has been one in the past and continues to be so in the future. It is traditionally perceived as the complete antithesis to anything that the West believes and aspires the world to be.
It was the only major religion that existed at a State level that challenged Trinity, Christianity and the whole of Christendom of the past.
It was the only religion that formed the basis of an Empire that posed a potential threat to the Middle Age christian Kingdoms, Byzantium and the holy Roman Empire.
It was the only religion that set foot on Western Europe in Spain for 700 years and revived Classical knowledge of ancient Roman and Greece only to be ousted vehemently later.
It continued to be a threat to the very idea of the Enlightenment, the basis of modern Western ideals on secularism and humanism.
It was the only thing that continues to challenge the real estate claim to Jerusalem as a holy place.
It shares the history of Adam, Abraham and the Israelite prophets but presented it in a different perspective.
After the downfall of Communism, the West must continue to weed out anything that comes in its way. The biggest is Islam.

The West today dominates the present world and the world sees itself through Western perspectives.
It is not a mere coincidence, therefore that such gross misunderstanding is able to take place.

2006-11-20 16:36:44 · answer #1 · answered by tomQ 3 · 2 0

Seriously having read much of the Quran I believve it is the people who speek for your relgion who are the real issue , however I won't deny the the Bush connection has got a lot to do with it you guys have a pretty powerful enemy there with the backing of the worlds most powerful propaganda machines CNN & News Ltd.

Obviously due to this propaganda machine at work many Westerners / christains are only able to view the negative aspects of Islam very similar to the Al Jazerah broadcast with their anti- western slant . When one of your leaders says something racists or sexists ( like the Australian Mufti comparing women in skimpy clothes to uncovered meat )it is quickly brought to the media forefront while comments by Muslim women groups expressing the truth about Islam recieve little media attention. I don't know if its just my western upbringing coming into play but it does appear your religion is also the least progressive and adaptable to change, how ever this feeling may be due to a lack of knowledge of changes in the islamic relgion beacuse tthey haven't been brought to the general western publics attention .(not 100% sure please fill me in someone).

2006-11-20 16:15:59 · answer #2 · answered by harro_06 4 · 1 0

1- Communication problem (Media).
2- Most of the Muslim countries were under occupation during the last century.
3- The Muslims themselves don't follow Islam in most of the cases and give a wrong information about it by their behavior, so how can others understand it ?

2006-11-20 16:28:50 · answer #3 · answered by Amine B 2 · 1 0

Islam has an intense, well documented history of heinous evil and violence. Reading the Quran and related texts is alot like reading Mein Kampf (I highly recommend you read both Islamic scripture and Mein Kampf so as not to be fooled by people like this). These things are fully congruent with how muslims behave all over the world and what almost all muslim religious leaders scream from the pulpit. It is one long message of hate and dissent is not tolerated (those that disagree are executed).

Islam is misunderstood in the west because Islam has a tradition of deception as part of jihad. This is a well documented repeating pattern in the history of islam. Put quite frankly, they lie. They lie saying their religion has a common root. They lie about the nature of allah and muhammad. They lie about their intentions. Then they kill people. They are doing this right now. Luckily, english language translations of their works are easy to obtain. Simply read them to learn the truth. Read the biographies of muhhamad's life and what he did. Want a REAL eye opener? Read about the satanic verses.

The other source of misunderstanding are liberals. Liberals know what muslims are all about but aid them in jihad as part of a sick and twisted agenda. They even join in their cause. That's why you have liberals in Gaza and Lebanon aiding in terrorist attacks and doing propaganda blitzes and doctoring photos back home. Want to see something really disturbing? Attend an "anti-war" rally sometime. Look at all the people carrying around signs that say "Death to America", "Death to Israel". Only about half of them are muslims. The other half are white liberals. Not the only message of death and hate they carry either (remember, this is a "peace" rally, lol). Look around at all the people carrying North Korean flags and other similar crap.

We have a very dangerous situation brewing in the western world. Not so much from Islam. We could mop up the floor with those people militarily with little trouble. And if they think they are going to go nuclear.....well, they won't like the results of that bit of stupidity.

No. The real problem is treason. We have allowed treason to become widespread through tolerance. Misunderstanding of islam is a direct manipulation caused by these people.

Question is. What to do about it.

2006-11-20 16:19:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The purpose of the satan is to confuse the minds of the weak, that's why Islam has become so "misunderstood".

2006-11-20 16:19:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

That's easy. conflicting reports about it's rules and bad example set by extremists. If you can get the rules of Islam written in plain English on the 9 'o clock news, you would have done Muslims ( and everyone else ) a great service.

2006-11-20 16:09:09 · answer #6 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 3 0

I find it to the contrary.. Islam is understood by any one taking the time to read the Qua ran. It is full of commands which are detrimental to anyone who doesn't practice Islam. The infidel. This includes all of western civilization, particularly the Jews..

Anyone practicing Islamic law knows they are required to follow those commands or be considered as the infidel. Obtaining the same treatment..The Qua ran is very specific in this regard.

2006-11-21 00:45:28 · answer #7 · answered by mrcricket1932 6 · 0 1

My opinion is this, it's war, whenever you have two sides fighting they are not going to be thinking nice things of each other, I also think that religion as a whole is not looked upon to greatly as of late because of their use of fear, brain washing and uneducated judgment which usually leads to hate then killing and war. I ask what is the difference between terrorism and fundamentalism or theocracy anyway?

2006-11-20 16:15:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My opinion is that it's very deceptive. The qur'an (quran, koran) tells that it's okay to lie to an "infidel".

I also believe that moderate muslims are being duped. These are the ones who are so ready to say that islam is all about "peace" and "love", etc. When in reality, islam is all about hatred and violence.

The bottom line for Christians to keep in mind is that islam denies the divine nature of Jesus.

2006-11-20 16:12:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

A few incidents blown out of proportion.
Few of those have actual connection to true Islam.

2006-11-21 00:15:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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