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Does my child have the legal right to take his bible to school if no school rule states that he can't?

2006-11-20 15:42:28 · 23 answers · asked by baperone 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Yes, absolutely. Your child has the right to bring his bible, read it, and pray, alone or with others, so long as he does not perform any of these actions in a manner that distrupts the learning environment of the school.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a school in America that actually has a rule disallowing children from bringing bibles. Legally speaking, they would either have to ban ALL books (excluding textbooks) from the school, or prove that having a bible in school causes such a disruption that it impedes the learning process for the schoolchildren.

All of this, of course, supposes that your child attends a public school. Private schools may impose any restrictions they please.

2006-11-20 15:48:51 · answer #1 · answered by marbledog 6 · 0 0

Your child has the legal right to read his Bible in school, whether there's a school rule against it or not. The First Amendment guarantees that each person has their own right to believe as they choose and that right is protected by prohibiting the government from establishing a religion as anyone who didn't follow that religion would be excluded from governmental protection.

Public schools, as government institutions, can't prohibit any student or teacher's right to believe in their own personal way. This means no public school can have a rule stating that students can't read Bibles(and if they do, they can get into some serious trouble for it), nor can it tell students they have to pray a certain way(a la reciting the Lord's Prayer prior to 1963 each day before school started). Schools and the government must simply stay out of it and let kids have their own faith and not be forced to hold another or abandon it altogether while in school.

So your son's perfectly fine with bringing his Bible to school and reading it. He has that right. The only time the school can step in is if discrimination's going on. For example, a teacher failing all kids who don't go to church regularly. That's discrimination against nonbelieving students or students who believe, but whose families would rather pray at home than in a church. He can read the Bible, just not impose his beliefs upon or discriminate against others.

2006-11-21 04:08:31 · answer #2 · answered by Ophelia 6 · 0 0

Yes, your child has the right to read his Bible during his free time on school property. Any school rule stating otherwise would not stand up to a legal challenge.

2006-11-20 15:50:53 · answer #3 · answered by Lone 5 · 1 0

This question isn't really about religion, it is about law. The truth is, in schools, your child has only one right: The right to due process. The school your child goes to could require that they wear green on tuesdays or they get suspended if they so desire. Schools take away all of your rights, even the right to freedom of speech. They get to pick what is good and what is bad, and if they tell your child not to take a bible, they can't. They do not have the legal right to do anything at all, really. If the school tells you not to take a bible you can either listen to them or fight them like I did. I was labeled a troublemaker in my school simply because I refused to follow rules that weren't written down. I didn't do anything that wasn't set in stone and it got me kicked out of my school. They feel that they rid their school of somebody who didn't follow the rules...I feel that they failed me by kicking me out instead of being fair. All in all, your child has almost no legal rights in school, and freedom of religion is NOT a legal right. It's bullshet isn't it?


2006-11-20 15:50:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your child has a legal right to take his bible to school, assuming there is no school or district rule regarding it. He does not, however, have the right to attempt to convert others to his religion or to in any way intimidate others of his schoolmates who might not believe in the bible. If he wishes it to study quietly on his own time, there should not be a problem with this.

2006-11-20 15:47:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Regretfully our courts have often re-written the constitution to be a "Freedom FROM Religion". It would make a great case if the school prohibited him from having a Bible in his desk. In some California schools the teachers must have their Bibles locked up in a metal case and never allow a student to know it is there.

2006-11-20 15:46:44 · answer #6 · answered by BlkJac 3 · 0 0

yes he does. so long as it does not become a disturbance to regular classes. and so long as he does not attempt to hold prayer sessions or to start a Christian study group.

he has every right to carry it and read it durring his free time.

however i would advise you to fing out what the school definition of free time is.

many teachers will give free class time for lesson study or to get a jump on homework. this is not a time to read the bible it is a time to study the school lesson.

remember that as soon as he does this. the Wiccan Kids will be bringing their books, and you can expect at least one kid to bring a Satanic bible. the school may end up not allowing any religious texts.

2006-11-20 15:54:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course your child can take a bible to school. Trying to hold worship or prayers sessions with other students is where the law steps in to maintain the separation of church and state. Its application seems to vary between states.

2006-11-20 15:45:58 · answer #8 · answered by matthewcgallagher 2 · 2 0

if you count number on evolution there might want to not likely exist any kind of spirituality as evolution might want to not produce such; yet they must be able to benefit from the discussions. those who trust that the universe continually replaced into without starting up may count number on some kind of spirituality, hence they immediately away have a courting to this website. to achieve freedom from faith you've to flow to a special planet. maximum individuals do not imagine that stupidly and settle for the truth of religion as a huge area of the human adventure.

2016-11-29 08:05:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Legally, your child can bring his bible to school as long as he does not read it during class, does not use it to make a distraction, and does not try and make other students follow/listen to it.

2006-11-20 15:53:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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