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I believe there is only one way to end the war over there. War is War. We are fighting this war way too much by the "books." The only way we can win this war is by pulling out ALL of the media, and let our army do what they are trained to do, kill. This is the only war we have fought, and worried so much about civillian casualties. Everytime the iraqi soldiers set off a suicide car bomb they kill their own people. Why should we care about the Iraqi people if there own soldiers don't care about them. Whenever we set the bombs off in Japan we only had one thing on our minds, and that was to not get any of our soldiers killed. We saved so many lives by setting off those bombs, than if we sent soldiers there to fight a war. I also think Rumsfield should be tried for war crimes, against the American Soldiers, he has got so many of our own soliders killed, when it all could be stopped. Does anyone else think this would work better? If not, how do you think we can win the war?

2006-11-20 15:12:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

Think about this. Around 214,00 people died form us dropping the bombs in Japan. How many people do you think would of died including american and japanese soliders if we had not dropped the bombs on japan, and fought the war we planned on over there. Point is they took any means neccesarry to save american soldiers lives.

2006-11-20 15:29:21 · update #1

15 answers

I happen to know firsthand {I adopted a soldier in Iraq} that the soldiers hate the media because they are biased. The soldiers say they don't report about all the good they are doing over there. They only report the bad. They all want the media to leave Iraq. They hate them.

2006-11-20 15:27:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Ok War is War. We as a nation have our bed and we must lay in it. I have served 2 one year tours in Iraq. I will go back, if I can. I was shot twice and have a 45 round lodge in my neck. So I probaly will not go again. However when our country is calls upon us we should answer. Why not. I had soldiers who were not even citizens and fought for us, for you, and all you can do is belly ache you all make me sick. I have fought the fight I say we should stay the course.I hated being there and loved the thought of being home. Speak about this war when you see your daughter grow up in pictures. Until then shut up. American people lack commitment. It is evident in everything we set out to do. We have not tried everything. LET OUR SOLDIERS BE SOLDIERS NOT POLITICIANS OR HUMANATARIANS, LET US FIGHT THE FIGHT.

2006-11-20 16:15:20 · answer #2 · answered by bamaboy_t 2 · 0 0

You sure this is a war? Or has it been dubbed "Operation try and finish what Bush 1 didn't". Yes, get the media out of there. This isn't a video game, it is war. Killing, mutilations, bombs, Americans dead. Although I hate to side with this administration, I will say "we" as in the USA should get out. Want to call it cut and run, go ahead. I would call it get the **** out before another American gets killed. Go back and read some history about Persia, Mesopatamia, ancient history. People in that part of the world have been fighting each other for centuries long before the USA was even known to man. Are we there for oil? to kill bin-Ladin? to find WMD? Get out yesterday.

2006-11-20 15:55:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think the war in Iraq is sad.I also think Rumsfield should pay for the crappy decisions he made and his lies.I wish we could just leave now but we cant.We should have never went there in the first place suddom did not cause 9-11 and anybody who says he did has been brainwashed.He was a horrible person but were not going to cuba or china because they have cruel ways of life,and we will let a country like North Korea say f you to us we got bombs and do nothing but go invade Iraq and there are no bombs.If they did have bombs it's because we sold them to Iraq in the 80's.Bush and the other's in charge have made horrible decisions that have cost to many people's lives.We are stuck now in Iraq.Hell we are about to have to go to Iran because are president (a country three times the size of Iraq).Are troops are spread out as it is .He do not have enough soilder's to send anywhere else but it's coming to that .Dont expect this to end anytime soon it wont.I think it's sad my friends have to go there and may comeback dead because of the mistakes of are president and goverment.If you dont agree with me why do you think the democrates won the house after years of republicans having it?Answer people are sick of are president and the decisions he makes.I think the democrates will get this issue solved a lot quicker than bush will,but it will take lots of time for them to fix what are goverment has already screwed up.Also look to see minimum wage go up and health care provided to people up to 25 now that democrates have the house.If your republican you must be very wealthy and want to benifit the rich man not give breaks to the poor hard working man.

2006-11-20 15:32:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We can't. There is NO "winning" this "war". Because this is NOT a war. What we're trying to do- is impress our values & ideals upon a people who don't want THEM- or US there. The ONLY way we're going to stop the killing of American Soldiers in Iraq- is by wiping our most of the population of Iraq, ...-and then Iran, and then Syria...& then- well, you get the idea. We're making ENEMIES in the Middle East, not friends. & the more enemies we make, the more DANGEROUS the world becomes. We have to broker a peace among all the countries in the area surrounding Iraq, & get our guys out of there as soon as possible.Until then, we will be sending our boys to their graves.

2006-11-20 15:37:31 · answer #5 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 0 0

We need to throw out the treasonous media. They only help the enemy. You are also right about worrying about civilians. War is war. We cannot fight without killing innocent people.

The Iraqi army and police force is not ready to take control or we would have given them control. What we need to do is shoot some missiles at Iran and Syria for sending in terrorists. Then we can kill Al Sadr for running militias.

We cannot try Rumsfeld for anything. The precedent is not there and we cannot criminalize war. We are fighting a war we have never fought before. What we really need to do is arrest traitors who aid and abed the enemy. The media is full of them.

We win the war by crushing the enemy. I do not think the Democrats will support this. They want to cut funding and run away. They make me sick. I do not think Bush has the backbone to stand up to the liberals. I am really worried.

2006-11-20 15:20:43 · answer #6 · answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 · 1 2

The Iraqis will never cooperate with the americans to build a new Iraq, as some americans believe. It won`t happen.

These sectarian groups fighting for power there now will not let america dictate what they shall do. Simple as that.

2006-11-21 01:05:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I want the USA to win the war in Iraq1111111111111
I think we should empty the cities checking every single person and then flatten them
Iraqi's are cowardly and unwilling to help themselves
secure their border with Iran and Syria
Rebuild with trailers for the trailer trash that the Iraqi"s are
and get the F out of that sh%t hole
I blame the cut and run Defeatcrats/Demoncraps for siding against the USA because they lost the 2000 election and are still crying. They let their hate for Bush turn their spines to jello and their testicles to fall off. just ask if hey want the USA to win the WAR they can't answer yes or no
because they hate the USA so much
Just as Rosie and Dave Letterman couldn't say they wanted the USA to win he war.
It unAmericans like them that the war is going so badly
No pride for the great land the USA is

2006-11-20 15:23:35 · answer #8 · answered by Deport all ILLEGAL Alien INVADER 3 · 0 2

The "war" itself was won, and very easily I might add. It was hailed as the greatest military achievement in the history of modern warfare.

The problem was that George W. Bush, and Donald Rumsfeld, as well as the top military brass were delinquent in their duty to adequately prepare for the post war security and reconstruction of that country. So in many respects; George Bush did let the military do their jobs, and the military let Bush down. Bush's problem is that he has not been willing to fire people who needed to be fired and truly get the job done. Everyone said we needed more troops in Iraq but Rumsfeld ignored them.

2006-11-20 15:37:56 · answer #9 · answered by billy d 5 · 0 0

I agree, kick the media out of Iraq and let the military do their job so they don't have to second guess whether or not they can pull the trigger to defend themselves. The media is extremely biased and any soldier that has to pull the trigger they want to portray as murderers.

2006-11-20 15:58:26 · answer #10 · answered by Jeff F 4 · 0 0

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