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People have stated that science has proven that the bible is a fairytale, but give no facts to suport this. For the believers what does science and history prove is true?

2006-11-20 15:04:01 · 11 answers · asked by misstress 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Empirical science does not prove the Bible wrong but certain beliefs that some scientists hold do go against the Bible. The bible is historically accurate more than any other written work in existance. It was also written with geographical points of reference. Archeology has verified so many cities, locations of all kinds, buildings, peoples, and the occurance of major events, existance of rulers and more up to the 2nd chapter of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, where the first landmarks are mentioned. There is no conflict with observable science and the content of scripture. Prophecy has been shown to be verified from past accounts in the Bible making it a unique book. The human history in geneology is found in the bible up to the birth of Jesus. The provable accounts of where the main nations came from are recorded in the book of Genesis chapter 10.

Anyone with a unbiased opinion would be able to see that the Bible is very unique to the Point of being divinely written when a general study of it is done. The present world events and the ones still come will further enhance the divine mark of the Bible when the fullfilment of more prophecy is seen as in the world ruler arising and the Jewish Temple rebuilt and more.

Usually it is the issue of Darwinian evolution that some people try to hold against the Bible when it comes to science but when it comes down to it observable science (not the philoshophy of Darwinism) is in harmony with the Bible where it states that creatures multiply according to their own kind as stated in the first chapter of Genesis.

History also proves that people have been changed by the influence of the Bible as well as whole nations being impacted as the history of the U.S.A. shows.

2006-11-20 16:27:59 · answer #1 · answered by Ernesto 4 · 1 3

I believe the Hebrew Bible is myth, and I am convinced that science has proven itself to be the best means of gaining true knowledge. But I think it is inaccurate to say that science has proven the bible is a fairytale. Part of the problem is the various connotations of the word "proof/prove/proven". In mathematics you can prove a proposition is true. In science, you can only prove that a claim is false. The only way to "prove" something is true is by trying many different ways to prove it is false, and gradually show that the claim is probably true with a high degree of likelihood.

Now, the Bible claims that certain "miracles" occurred, i.e. supernatural events happened that would violate all known laws of physics. In modern days there has never been such an event that was observed in a verifiable way. Science uses the working hypothesis that the laws of Physics always hold, and after many, many experiments, this hypothesis has been shown to be true to a very high probability. This means that the most likely explanation is that the Bible is myth.

The alternate explanation is that there is a God, and that God caused various miracles to happen in the past, and then decided to withdraw and stop doing miracles. Without a time machine, there is no way to prove this alternate explanation is false. However, by Occam's razor, this alternate explanation is much less likely to be true than the scientific explanation.

Beyond all of this, I think if you examine the Hebrew Bible under the assumption with the same critical eye that we now use when we read Greek or Roman myths, that you will conclude that the Hebrew Bible is of the same genre.

2006-11-20 15:54:44 · answer #2 · answered by Jim L 5 · 1 1

barkleyvader should do more study. I'm a Christian and I believe the Bible entirely, bc it's God's Word. Paul said that all of Scripture is God-breathed, therefore it's flawless.

barkleyvader, go to answersingenesis.org. You'll find the answers to all of your objections there in various articles.

Science can't actually prove anything. The only way to prove something is to observe it, and when that happens, it becomes an observation. Ppl can't prove the Earth is old, bc they weren't there for the whole period. However, when we look at the biblical chronologies, and compare them to historical events, we get an age of about 6,000 years. This is an axiom, however, that the Bible is the Word of God. But if you take that assumption, it fits. You see the Flood would lay down layer after layer of rock and dirt.

As for being inbred, Adam and Eve's genes were perfect and only deteriorated after sin, so serious problems wouldn't occur until many mutations had occurred, which is why God outlawed close marriage in the Torah.

2006-11-20 15:40:43 · answer #3 · answered by STEPHEN J 4 · 0 2

Two of every species of living thing on this planet weighs close to 100 million tons. The story of Noah's Arc is a proven fairytale. And there's lots more.

2006-11-20 18:53:32 · answer #4 · answered by liberty11235 6 · 0 0

I m only going to comment on one thing, otherwise it would take forever. The bible is true. God is true. The six days is the set up for God s 6,000 year plan for mankind to learn their lesson from their sin. Ge 2:7 God made man from the dust and breathed the breath of life in him. Ecc 12:7 The dust returns to the ground and the spirit returns to God. You can t return to a place you ve never been. The garden of Eden is in heaven Ez 28:11-17. Ge 1 each of the first 6 days says there was evening and morning the __ day but in Ge 2 the 7th day doesn t say that. God entered his rest. Mankind was made on the 6th day which we still live in. He 3:11, 18; He 4:3-5. Take the time to read both chapters. God says they will never enter my rest. We have to learn what we forgot since we sinned in heaven and have a veil over our eyes, only then will your spirit being enter into that rest although your physical being will still be in day 6. To learn more visit watv.org english.watv.org

2016-09-18 17:00:37 · answer #5 · answered by remayne 1 · 0 0

It hasn't proven the bible wrong, it has proven a literal interpretation of the bible wrong.
All those "creation scientists?" You know where all there evidence for creation and against evolution comes from? the Bible. Not exactly the best place to get science, you know? In the scientific community, creation science has no stand whatsoever. It is just the scientifically illiterate public who can't go with anything that contradicts a literal 6-day interpretation of a philosophical document.
I have some proof against creation, but certainly not all of it:

1a. If everybody descended from two people (Adam and Eve), wouldn't everything be inbred?

1b. If you believe that some animals -- for example, dinosaurs -- were not saved on the Ark, explain why you believe the Bible is incorrect.

1c. Why are many Christians evolutionists?

1d. If you are a young-earth creationist: Why are many creationists old-earth creationists?

1e. If you are a young-life creationist: Why are many creationists old-life creationists?

1f. Some people say that scientific creationism does a disservice to Christianity by holding Christianity up to ridicule. How would you answer that charge?

2. Is there any observation which supports any feature of your theory? (An adequate answer to this question will not be something which is a problem for evolution, but is rather evidence for your theory. Remember that it is logically possible for both evolution and your theory to be false. Something which appears to support Lamarkian evolution rather than Darwinian, or punctuated equilibrium rather than gradualism is not enough. Also, the observation must be something which can be checked by an independent observer.)

2a. Is there any observation which was predicted by your theory?
3. Is there any comprehensive and consistent statement of your theory? (The suggestion that major points are still under investigation will only be accepted for theories that are relatively recent. Any exposition which cannot be distinguished from solipsism or nihilism will not be accepted.)

3a. Is there any statement of the scientific (or other) rules of evidence which you accept? (If your answer is that some document is your guide, explain the rules for interpreting the document, and your rules for determining which document is your guide.)
4. Why is there the remarkable coherence among many different dating methods -- for example: radioactivity, tree rings, ice cores, corals, supernovas -- from astronomy, biology, physics, geology, chemistry and archeology? (This is not answered by saying that there is no proof of uniformity of radioactive decay. The question is why all these different methods give the same answers.)

4a. Explain the distribution of plant and animal fossils. For example, the limited distribution of fossils of flowering plants.
5. Is there any feature of your theory which is subject to scientific test? This is often stated: is creationism scientific in the sense that it could be falsified? (After Karl Popper's criterion.) Another way of phrasing it is: is there any kind of observation which, if it were seen, would change your theory?

5a. Is there any observation which has changed your theory?
5b. Is your theory open to change, and if so, what criteria are there for accepting change?

6. Why is there the present distribution of animals and plants in the world? How is it that marsupials are restricted to Australia and nearby islands and the Americas, monotremes to Australia, and few placental mammals are native to Australia? Why are tomatoes and potatoes native to the Americas only? (This is not a question merely of how they could have arrived there, it is also of why only there.)

7. Is there a consistent reading of the Flood story of Genesis? How many of each kind of clean animal went on the Ark? Present a calendar of the events of the Flood from the birth of Noah through the birth of Arpachshad (sometimes called Arphaxad, grandson of Noah), paying special attention as to the day when Noah entered the Ark and how long the Flood lasted. If you change the text of Genesis, give a reason for the change other than the need to fit your beliefs.

7a. Why does the Flood story need to be consistent?
8. Where did all of the water come from and go to? (This is a very old problem for the Flood story, and it may be the most frequently asked. Quantitative answers are required.)

9. What did all of the carnivores eat after leaving the Ark? (This is not a question about what they ate on the Ark.) In other words, explain how the food chain worked before the present ratios of a few predators to many prey.

9a. Explain how the degree of genetic variation in contemporary animals resulted from the few on the Ark.
9b. Explain how a viable population was established for all of those animal kinds from only a single pair of each.

9c. Discuss how symbiotic animals and parasites survived immediately after the Flood.

10. Is it possible to fit the pairs (male and female) of all kinds of land animals and birds on the Ark? The answer must give a detailed calculation. Remember to include all invertebrates as well as vertebrates, food and water, and neccesary environmental controls. Remember to include all kinds of cattle. Explain the meaning of the word "kind".

10a. Calculate the structural soundness and stability of the Ark, both loaded and unloaded, on land and on the Flood waters.
10b. Explain the logistics of loading and unloading the Ark. Relate this to the time available given in the answer to question (7) and to the distribution referred to in questions (6) and (9).

10c. Explain how there were pairs, male and female, of social (forming colonies), parthenogenic (female only) and hermaphroditic (both sexes in one individual) animals.

11. Why do you feel that there must be a mechanistic, naturalistic or materialist exposition of the wondrous events described in the Bible?

12. Why has God given us all the evidence for an earth more than 100,000 years old and for evolution and the intelligence to infer that? Why has God given us a Bible with all of the evidence that it is not to be read according to the norms of modern western historical and scientific writing?

2006-11-20 15:27:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

technology has no longer proved each and every thing somewhat. There are nonetheless many theories available that has loopholes in it. besides you could no longer say that we've time-honored or have the capacity to instruct *each and every thing*, we are no longer omniscience! As for faith, you will argue that it has shown itself to be between the right killers in history - crusades, terrorism, etc. yet that aside, you ought to confess that irregardless of regardless of if God exists or no longer, faith has presented lots of those with emotional stability, or a which ability to their existence. In an extreme case, faith is in a position to empower a terrorism and supply them braveness to accomplish suicide bombing - word that i'm no longer arguing that it is the astonishing element to do, yet quite the flexibility of religion in controlling the masses.

2016-10-17 07:38:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Science has proven that many parts of the Bible were accurate...for example, I am sure you have heard the story of Noah and the Ark. It has been verified that there was an actual flood that would coorelate with the time frame of the story...BUT< the whole world did not flood, it did not last 40days and nights, etc. Parts of the bible serve as yet another historical and scientific refrence book, but there are many parts that are absolutely fictitious!

2006-11-20 15:19:06 · answer #8 · answered by country_girl 6 · 1 5

It doesnt the variouis sciences actually prove the Bible to be ABSOLUTELY TRUE AND COMPLETELY ACCURATE .!! ie archeology has confirmed what the Bible said as to kings rullers, cities ect ,Astronomy proves the statements in Isa and Job Biology proves the precautions in the Mosaic law and the list can go on Gorbalizer

2006-11-20 15:26:39 · answer #9 · answered by gorbalizer 5 · 0 4

The charge that the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tale or a book of nice stories is not new. The Bible is undoubtedly the most impactful book the world has ever known, transforming innumerable lives. Why, then, would the question whether or not the Bible is a fairy tale be a legitimate one in the hearts of many around the world?

From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, we read the story of God’s eternal design to redeem a fallen world. With God as its inspiring Author, the Bible is the world’s greatest work of literature, and throughout the ages multitudes have spent their lives proclaiming its truth. Many, in fact, have made the ultimate sacrifice so that others may simply hold in their hands a copy of its pages. Nevertheless, there has never been a book that has been as viciously attacked as the Bible. The Bible has been banned, burned, mocked, ridiculed and defamed. Many have been put to death for simply possessing a Bible. But still the idea that the Bible is a fairy tale persists.

The “prince of this world” has been blinding people to the truth since the beginning of time. He began his “work” on earth by calling God’s words into question (Genesis 3:1-5), and he has been doing so ever since. Everywhere we look, false teaching is rampant—on television and radio, in books and magazines, in our schools and universities, and sadly, even in our churches and Christian colleges, the very places where the truth of God’s Word should most vigorously be defended. When children are taught that our ancestors crawled out of the ocean eons ago, have we not relegated creation and Adam and Eve to fairy tale status? It’s the same thing when scientists and academicians tell us we are wasting our time searching for the “mythological” Noah’s Ark.

In fact, when many in the church, in order to placate the academic world, allow for a reinterpretation of the book of Genesis to accommodate modern evolutionary thought, the message sent to the world is that the Bible, apparently, means something other than what its simple, ordinary words convey. When the supernatural events of the Bible are dubbed as allegory by naturalists, it is understandable how those who have never studied the Bible can be confused as to its truth. For those who have never availed themselves of the truth of God’s Word, how likely are they to believe in a talking donkey or a fish swallowing a man and spitting him out on the shore or a woman turning into a pillar of salt?

However, the Bible is most assuredly not a fairy tale. In fact, the Bible was “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16), and this essentially means God wrote it. Its human authors wrote from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). That’s why this divinely woven text of nearly three quarters of a million words is perfect in harmony from start to finish and contains no contradictions, even though its sixty-six books have forty different authors from different walks of life, written in three different languages and taking nearly sixteen centuries to complete. How possibly could we have this amazing congruity if it wasn’t for God guiding the authors’ hands? We could not; it’s that simple. A righteous God would never inspire error. A just God would not call error-filled Scripture “holy and true.” A merciful God would not state that His Word is perfect if it were not, and an omniscient God could write it so that it is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago.

Time and again, the historicity of the Bible has been confirmed by biology, geology, and astronomy. And although the Bible may not always agree with naturalistic hypotheses, it is not in conflict with any true, established scientific facts. In archaeology, the last one hundred years have brought to light a treasure trove of biblical truths that scholars have questioned or doubted for centuries, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the basalt stone containing the “House of David” inscription, a 7th century BC amulet scroll bearing the name of God, and a stone bearing the name and title of Pontius Pilate, the Judean governor who ordered the execution of Jesus Christ. The Bible is without doubt the best documented book from the ancient world, with more than 24,000 whole or partial biblical manuscripts in existence. No other document of antiquity has nearly as much evidence to confirm its reliability.

Another attestation to the Bible’s divine authorship is the vast number of detailed biblical prophecies that have come true exactly as foretold. We see the psalmist, for example, telling of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ nearly a thousand years before it occurred (Psalm 22), and hundreds of years before crucifixion was even invented! Simply put, it would be impossible for human beings to have seen so far into the future with such precision and accuracy hundreds of times. Indeed, it would be completely illogical to believe these proven prophecies are anything other than the work of God. Incidentally, and amazingly, probability experts tell us the mathematical odds of just forty-eight prophecies regarding one person (i.e. Christ) coming true as foretold are one in ten to the 157th power!

But the greatest proof that the Bible is not a fairy tale is the countless number of lives that have been transformed by the truths contained in its pages. Used by the Spirit of God, the holy truths of the Bible have turned millions of sinners into saints. Drug addicts have been cured by it, homosexuals set free by it, derelicts and deadbeats transformed by it, hardened criminals reformed by it, sinners rebuked by it, and hate turned to love by it. No amount of reading “Cinderella” or “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” can effect such change on the soul of man. The Bible does possess a dynamic and transforming power that is only possible because it is truly God’s Word.

In light of the foregoing, the greater question, then, is how could someone not believe in these convincing, God-breathed, error-free, life-transforming truths? Unfortunately, the answer is actually an easy one. God has said that if we do not open our hearts to Him, He will not open our eyes to the truth. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would teach us (John 14:26) and guide us into truth (John 16:13). And the truth of God is found in the Word of God (John 17:17). Thus, to those who believe, these sacred words are life itself, but, to those without the Spirit, the Bible is nothing but foolishness (1 Corinthians 2:14).


2015-05-26 12:20:15 · answer #10 · answered by The Lightning Strikes 7 · 0 0

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