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My nephew is taking the exam for the Army tomorrow and he was wondering what to expect at basic training and if anyone who has been there recently has any tips for making through the program.

2006-11-20 14:46:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

6 answers

Pack light, be the first to get up and the first to get down, stay awake, learn order of rank and insignia asap (NCO's don't like to be called sir as they "work for a living"), eat fast, pay attention to details, only speak when spoken to and speak loudly, bring locks w/ keys (it's easy to forget your combo when your getting yelled at)....as I was informed at basic...only the USMC calls it boot camp....crawl under your rack to tighten up your sheets and dust cover, use foot powder, YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR CHICKS....I mean females.... AND THEY JUST GET YOU INTO TROUBLE....go to church even if you don't normally go (it's a nice break from the usual day)....the floor stripper cleans spray paint off the floor esp if there is already a thick coat of wax on the floor, drink lots of water, shallow breaths in the gas chamber, keep your weapon cleaned and oiled (don't forget to wipe off the buffer spring), they give you 2 pairs of boots make sure they are comfortable or it will tear up your feet, don't look around, take notes...it'll help keep you awake.....limit your caffine intake now

2006-11-20 17:21:57 · answer #1 · answered by mahree 3 · 2 0

Have fun do not be scared of being smoked , it will happen regardless.It is the best time he will ever have i the military, seriously I heard that when I went through and I have not found anyone who does sit and talk about the fun in basic and AIT. It is great! I was scared at fist but just go in and go thru. Most of all you should alway keep him in your prayers to give him strength sometimes it is hard without family there. He will do good if he developes good friends and a sense of family within his platoon. And lastly everyone hates PT, but we all understand that we must doi so make it fun. God Bless.

2006-11-20 16:24:13 · answer #2 · answered by bamaboy_t 2 · 1 0

Well there are quite a few things to expect:

Number one he needs to expect to get little to no sleep for at least his first 3 days there. He will be in improcessing and to tell you the truth it's the most boring awful experience there is. Have him practice going on like 5 hours of sleep for at least a couple weeks before he goes. That will decrease the shock.
Number 2 tell him to Guard his stuff. People STEAL!!!! Everything that the Army gives him he needs to watch like a hawk. Don't trust anyone. When someone gets his stuff stole they turn around and steal a replacment from someone else and so on so they don't get in trouble for not having it.
Number 3 tell him to expect lots of jogging in the mornings. The better prepared he is for this the better it will be.

Things to make sure he Brings:
small flashlight like a mini mag light.. and a back up for it incase it's stole lol
Both key locks and combo locks. I like combo locks better, but sometimes they tell you to use key or combo only so bring both.
Black pens.. a few of them.. never go anywhere without them!
GOOD running shoes. Don't cheap on these. You run on the blacktop and if you have crap shoes your knees get destroyed by the end of them.
Also tell him to expect to use the phone about once a week. Phone priveliges are seldom and the lines are long. The best thing for him is to not think of home by calling all the time anyway. Letters are the best.
Tips for getting thru all the crap:
1. Expect the worst... that way when it isnt the worst you'll be mildly suprised lol
2. Stick with it... It's gonna end sooner or later just keep going day by day and it will be over with
3. Try to have a sense of humor about all the bullcrap. There is gonna be lots of "hurry up and wait" kind of things and the best thing to do is take it with a laugh.
4. Don't get into trouble. If you do somthing stupid (like get in a fight) your gonna be in some SERIOUS trouble. The military doesn't mess around with pushups for punishments any more. They do paperwork, take your money, and send you to prison. It's not military of his father's generation. This military operates more like a court of law or a corporation. They document everything write you up and enforce the uniform code of military justice on you.
5. Expect a diverse variety of soldiers. If he is not used to black people or if he is not used to white people he better get used to them quick. Racism has no place there.
6. Know it's not going to be "fun" in any way. Even things that may sound fun to him like "shooting your rifle" just plain suck. The military has a tendancy to take the fun out of any activity.
7. Lastly the most important thing to impress on him is once he is there he is there for the duration of basic training. No if he doesn't like it or doesn't feel he is a good fit he is NOT going home. Worst thing he could possibly do is try to do somthing to get kicked out to go home. I've seen it happen alot.. the people who try that stuff end out staying longer anyway and not graduating.
Tell him good luck he's gonna hate it!

2006-11-20 15:36:22 · answer #3 · answered by travis R 4 · 2 1

It is a good question and one that everyone should ask of recent Boot Camp grads from whatever Military branch they are thinking of joining. With that in mind, visit military.com and explore the message boards for the tips and advice that you are seeking since they get imput from real Military people you want to hear from.

2006-11-20 15:14:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well it not bad at first a bit scary here you are I could write all day but just a few things look sharp in uniform,make friends,do as told the exact way he is told,keep mouth shut,liscen to every thing,be on time or early,focus on pt run,push ups,and set ups,know his ranks and chain of command,keep all things locked up,be ready for anything dont be affraid of drill instructor,just enjoy will feel like hell at first I wish I could do it again any day.
I was at Fort Jackson(relaxon Jackson

2006-11-20 16:37:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My cousin just graduated from Fort Benning last week and if he can do it, any one can.

I havent been through it but it goes with out saying that the better shape you are in then the better off you are. And be ready to take orders without question. His recruiter can tell him more.

Good luck.

2006-11-20 15:24:17 · answer #6 · answered by Curt 4 · 0 1

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