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I know abortion is a hot topic right now. I'm not asking if you are pro-choice or pro-life. I don't really care! Abortion (as of right now) is mostly legal--if you like it or not--it is.

I was watching a show about teenagers and abortion and I'm torn in two. I don't know what to think or what is best, what do you think?

Parent-Permission for Abortion? This means parents have to consent to an abortion before the procedure can be preformed.

Parent-Notification for Abortion? This means parents are informed but the teenager can make her own choice--regardless of how the parent feels.


No parent involvement at all? This of course is when a teenager can just go out, get it done, and her parents do not ever have to know about it.

How do you feel? What should the law be?

2006-11-20 14:17:44 · 25 answers · asked by .vato. 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Please if you think abortion is wrong--I don't care. Just don't answer. It's a question about what is going on TODAY and NOW--not something that is not. Abortion is legal--that's the way it is, we just have to fine tone it.

2006-11-20 14:21:43 · update #1

This is a real issue. People cannot answer every question with "it's wrong." Regardless if it's wrong or right NOW it's legal. It's defining the lines people are trying to do. I feel if pro-life people feel so strongly they should reach out for these girls/woman to stop them from making such a decision and/or being ACTIVE to stop abortion--not sit on Y!A all day saying how wrong it is.

I agree that it should be "parent permission" for teens under 16 and parent notification for teens older then 16. While it is a right to choose--I feel it's important that parents are at least aware of what's going on. Thanks everyone for the answers!

2006-11-25 06:01:23 · update #2

25 answers

I think the answer lies somewhere in-between, not the black and white that you seem to think. If a teen is a young teen 13, 14, 15 I think that it should be Parent-Permission for Abortion. If the teen is 16, 17 (and of course 18 is legal), the it would be parent notification for abortion.

Either way abortion has lasting affects of the mother psychologically and she will need the support of her family to see her through.

2006-11-20 14:28:39 · answer #1 · answered by kny390 6 · 0 2

The reasons why most young girls get abortion is because they don't want their parents to know that they've had sex, or even if they were safe - safe doesn't always work and a parents rage would probably not respect the fact that their daughter tried to be safe...

If there were parent permission for abortion, I think there'd be either a. a lot more babies in this world, b. a lot more gross home abortion attempts or overdoses or something.

Perhaps Parent Notification... This way they are aware but still leaves the young girl to the decision.

When my gf told me she was getting an abortion I cried so hard. I knew her parents and I knew what her fathers reaction would be. I had always been so pro-life (having been adopted myself, my biological mother was only 16 when she had me) and the fact that one of my closest friends had an abortion, it was just so hard - No matter which way you look at it, young girl pregnancy is and never will be an easy situation. I think it'll probably be one of the hardest thing someone will EVER have to deal with.

2006-11-25 05:58:06 · answer #2 · answered by Cynthia 604 2 · 0 0

Abortion is a women’s right; no one should be able to tell her that she can't do it, none of them will be the ones suffering the aftermath.
I think the problem many people have with abortion is that, 'oh, well she should’ve closed her legs'. That's crap because they're only targeting the girls and not the guys, why don't they tell their sons to stop going around?
Many girls that get abortions do it because although they were in love with some teenage guy, the guy only wanted to play with them; she might've loved him but he was using her. It has to do with the women wanting that affection, needing it, and, because guys are not as mature as women and aren't at that stage yet they don't take it as serious as the girl.
So the girl was disillusioned and gets pregnant. She tells the guy and all of a sudden, he remembers that she was with twenty other guys and says he' s not the father.
So now she's pregnant and doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to tell her parents because she knows they won't accept it; they'll probably force her into having the baby but won't mentally be there for her. She'll have to live with being the family shame, being the pregnant girl at prom, the girl everyone whispers at when her back is turned.
She knows this and feels she has two options: an abortion or suicide.
She has her whole life ahead of her, she got good grades all throughout high school to go to a good college, and do all she dreamed of doing. She tried so hard to get where she's at and it would be a shame to waste it all and that's where the abortion comes into the picture.
With abortion she can actually make her dreams a reality and not have to throw them down the drain.
I think we, as a society, should try to understand this young girl, not call her immoral and force her to go through life as an outcasted member of society, always making her feel bad for a decision she made.
Abortion is a right; a right nobody should be violated that right.

2006-11-20 15:10:22 · answer #3 · answered by Eaglegirl 1 · 2 1

I had an abortion when I was 20 or 21. It was definitely the right choice and I can't believe that a 16 or 17 year old is too stupid to make the right choice themself. I do believe that many parents are too stupid to allow their daughters to choice. I know for a fact that if I was 16 and not 20 and I needed permission, I'd never get it. I would have killed myself. I also know that being the religious psychos that they are, notification would have NOT been right. I would have been kicked out of my house or sent to some kind of christian after abortion reprograming so that I could have anti-choicers inflict their guilt and hatred on me. No thank you. I know many young women have it a lot worse than that.

I think teens are basically adults and should not need parental permission or notification. While most parents would do the right thing and be supportive of their daughter and her choices in life, there are many who would not be. Why punish the ones with bad parents just so that you don't have to worry that maybe your daughter is having an abortion without letting you know? If your a good parent, she'll probably trust you enough to tell you. Otherwise, it's too late. Stay out of it.

2006-11-20 16:19:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I personally like the Parent-Notification idea this way the girl still has say over her body.Because believe it or not kids are the only ones who make bad choices what if you were 17 and your mother said you are not going to have this baby I won't let you ruin your life and ask a doctor to perform the procedure on her daughter.
I know I would want to know if my daughter had a abortion. I don't agree with it but I wouldnt want her to be alone. Some people would be so understanding though.
So I am probally stuck somewhere in between Parent-Notification for my personal self and other level headed parents and No-Parent involvement for those pysco parents who would never let ther daughter live down her mistake.

2006-11-20 14:26:20 · answer #5 · answered by Ann D 3 · 1 2

parent- permission for abortion. (i was having trouble deciding between the first two tho) the only reason i lean more for parent permission is because a teenager does not always know what is best for them. abortion is not as easy as some think...its life changing. (emotionally and physiologically) i had a friend in high school who had an abortion and still to this day if she hears a vacuum she cries. as for myself i got pregnant at a young age and im not going to lie, abortion crossed my mind. im thankful now i had my mother telling me she would disown me if i had one because it would of been the biggest mistake of my life. when a person is still a minor it is the parents duty to make the decisions for that child. BUT as with any law there would be clauses. ex. if a girl is beat at home and is scared to tell a parent she is pregnant than that is where the courts shall get involved.
if a teenager (minor) has to get there parents permission to do something as easy as to go on a class field trip why wouldnt they need parent permission to do something that will change their lives forever. also to me the parent-notification would feel like a slap in the face to me. "heres what is happening to your child and there is nothing you can do about it, but at least we told you"
this is where the govt is getting too involved in how we raise out childern. if they keep it up one day we will have no control over our childern's lives. there is a reason the law considers a person a MINOR.

2006-11-20 14:47:35 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 2

I am a mother and I would have to say I would like to know if my daughter is thinking or wanting to do this. It would be her choice completly. My daughter is only 4 so I dont have to worry bout this right off. But I would want to know so I could be there for her. I am a 19 year old mother. I had my daughter right after I turned 16. I feel that the parent has a right to know what is happening to their child. But I believe if that child gets pregnant, it is their decision on what to do. It will be their child growing inside of them not our own. and we have to remember that. And as far as parents pushing their children to get an abortion I don't think so. It is not their choice. but that is just how I feel. It is a very good question! Take care.

2006-11-20 14:30:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

OK, so pro-choicers want to reduce abortion to a "simple medical procedure"? Well, then:

- Minors can't legally get their EARS pierced without parental consent
- Minors can't legally get tattos without parental consent
- All surgeries require parental consent.

Why would abortion be any different, if it's just a simple surgical procedure, like removing a tooth or your appendix? If it's just a normal thing, like everyone tries to assert, then it should have the same requirements as any "medical procedure."

How about discussing the way abortion clinics continue to enable and protect child rapists by failing to report them to the police when their victims come in for abortions? See the link below for more info...

2006-11-22 14:41:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think parents should know about their daughter getting a abortion I know it is a routine procedure and all but something could go wrong or they could have a reaction to something or they might not be aware of allergy reactions to certain drugs. I think if they are under 18 they need their parents to know.

2006-11-24 06:38:06 · answer #9 · answered by peek-a-boo 1 · 1 0

I definitely do not think parents need to be involved. The entire point of being able to have an abortion is that it is your choice. Of course, if your parents are supportive, it might be helpful to have their support, financially and emotionally. But many people have households where they cannot tell their parents/guardians or they will be seriously abused. I think there should be no parent-notification or parent-permission because it would not lead to less abortions, but more unsafe, illegal abortions.

2006-11-20 14:29:36 · answer #10 · answered by V B 2 · 1 2

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