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We will still have freewill to do as we please. To have him show himself will remove all doubt in something that on the surface seems as ridiculous as any pagan myth.
So many will be saved from hell if he would just do this so we wouldn't have to rely on a 2000 book. We all know how things can be changed over a short period of time, look at how rumours evolve at work or in school in an afternoon, nevermind over centuries. I know a good amount of people that are nice by any current standards but will probably end up in hell because their strength isn't strong enough in tales of talking snakes and miracles that could be replicated today by Criss Angel.
I am a Christian but I am guessing I am not alone in posing such inquiries.

2006-11-20 13:57:12 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

don't worry, you ll meet someone hot in hell

2006-11-21 10:28:33 · answer #1 · answered by tουΖουrs 3 · 1 1

I've been saying this for months, and judging from the answers all we're being told is the same old line have faith blah blah blah. I disagree also with those who say if a proof was given no one would believe that friends is a typical religious cop out. All I ask is for empirical, verifiable proof that any and all could examine and decide upon for themselves. Is that too much to ask? Why is it that religious "proof" is only revealed to a "chosen" few? If the Eternal really gave a rat's *** then it would be very simple to arrange an event that no one could miss and that no one could deny. That friends would be a fair and reasonable thing to do and then the choice would be ours along with whatever consequences. Until or if that time ever comes I remain waiting with anticipation.

2006-11-20 14:14:24 · answer #2 · answered by ron k 4 · 0 0

Kinda like He provided guidance out of Egypt by a cloud of thunder by day and fire by night to lead them where they needed to go just after He plagued Egypt with all kinds of unimaginable stuff. He listened to them grumble before the Red Sea. So He parted the it, then listened to them grumble. So He provided food and water, then listened to them grumble. He lead them to the promised land, then listened to them grumble some more.
Jesus fed thousands with very little (a few fish and a few loaves of bread) and they were all satisfied. They showed up to Him the next day. Not because they believed in Him, but because they got a free dinner. Why not breakfast too?
Great wonderous signs has never lead us to believe before. What makes you think it will work now? You know the truth. It lies within you. The bible confirms it. Jesus came to testify on it's (the truth) behalf.
You say that you are a christian, yet you are against it's teachings. You can't have it both ways. You can't serve 2 masters. It seems as though you either are confused by it, haven't been taught well, or something. Some of the books in the bible are older than you think. And they are not simple rumor being passed around. The book has been copied. Not rewritten.
I ask you to seek truth with all your heart mind and soul. Ask God to provide this wisdom for you.
If you believe in Hell, it is important that you get this stuff straight. Anything can happen at any time.

2006-11-20 14:13:36 · answer #3 · answered by ScottyJae 5 · 1 0

G-d was completely revealed in biblical times. During biblical times atheism did not exist. There was no denying that G-d was in charge of the world. Paganism, however, was practiced by people who felt they could not connect to this great deity and instead worshipped a part of His creation such as fire, or wind, or whatever. Since biblical times, G-d has cloaked himself in nature and behind world events and has done so for a reason... another discussion entirely.

2006-11-20 14:16:12 · answer #4 · answered by emencz 1 · 0 0

Technically, there's no way to prove he created all of creation (whatever that is).

He can prove he created "the universe" by removing someone from the universe (at which point some weird metaphysics thing would let him show the person that he created it). But really, think about it: what's he gonna do, create another one?

He could, theoretically, prove that he can blow up stars and transform them into snowflakes and still keep the planet warm. Or stuff like that. Change the rules of science and whatnot. Do stuff really really big. It doesn't prove he's the absolute creator, as we're already created. And it doesn't prove he doesn't have a creator himself. It'd really be more along the lines of "okay, this is the guy with superpowers, so he's the one in charge."

2006-11-20 14:01:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

it's partially like in the garden of eden. then, there was only one sin they could commit. for God to make it so there was no way to rebel would have been tantamount to forcing obedience. to remove all doubt would be to take faith out of the equation and force us to accept Him.

modern quantum physics is actually supporting the bible now more than ever in the age of the universe, the age of the earth, the rate of expansion of the universe, and the apparent ''stretch factor'' or the universe, etc. and findings in the bible itself such as microcodes that prophesy about events in modern times, and make very eerie ''authentication patterns'' like the heptatic structure (ex. in the gospel of Matthew, the geneology of Christ in the original greek has the following qualities:

1.) the total number of words in this geneology must be divisible by seven, evenly.

2.) the number of letters must be divisible by seven, evenly.

3.) the number of vowels must be divisible by seven, evenly.

4.) the number of consonants must be divisible by seven, evenly.

5.) the number of words that occur more than once must be divisible by seven, evenly.

6.) the words that occur in more than one form must be divisible by seven, evenly.

7.) the words that occur in only one form must be divisible by seven, evenly.

8.) the total number of nouns must be divisible by seven, evenly.

9.) and only seven words that are not nouns.

10.) the number of names must be divisible by seven, evenly.

11.) only seven other kinds of nouns, that are not names, are permitted.

12.) the number of male names must be divisible by seven, evenly.

13.) the number of generations must be divisible by seven, evenly.)

if you take every 50th letter in the Torah, it spells the name ''Elohim,'' the name of God, 147 times.

and i'm just scratching the surface here. but John MacArthur said something very provocative: ''since belief is a moral, rather than an intellectual issue, no amount of evidences can ever turn unbelief into faith.'' this statement has some astonishing implications:

1. it is not knowledge that saves a person.

2. suppose there arises a movement that spreads around the world, some new science has proved the bible true, and proved beyond any criticism that the God of which the bible speaks exists. all other religions everywhere admit they just didn't see the whole picture, but now they do, and everyone with the mental capacity to grasp such knowledge, does so. they are still not saved. you can't look for proof and be saved by knowledge. the proof is out there, it's abundant, and it exists to show how foolish it is not to believe, but not to make actual believers out of anyone. for someone to believe, a deliberate change in their heart must take place, not a change in their knowledge.

if God could be proven without a shadow of a doubt, there would be ppl believing b/c they have to, not because of genuine faith. ''but some will not believe even though a man is raised from the dead.''

2006-11-20 14:25:33 · answer #6 · answered by phtokhos 3 · 0 0

Read some of the remarks of people on this website and you will see the answer to your question very easily. God could stand in front of them and do all kinds of miracles and they still would not believe. They don't like the light of truth and keep their eyes closed. I used to feel bad for them, but not after reading some of the remarks on this web. Some people would just harden their hearts even more.

2006-11-20 14:05:46 · answer #7 · answered by angel 7 · 2 0

Unfortunately, like the Master said, "There be none so blind as will not see!"

God reveals Himself every moment of your Life.

Let me tell you a little story to help you on your way.

There was a devout man who wanted test God and was caught in a flash flood where he climbed up a tree.

A motorboat came by with other people who'd been rescued and they asked him to climb in but he refused, saying that he was waiting for God to rescue him.

A while later a helicopter hove to and asked him to climb up the ladder they sent down to him and he refused, again.

Then the waters rose and he was drowned.

And when the man went before God, he asked Him "Why didn't you rescue me?"

And God replied "What more could I do, when you refused my help in the motorboat and helicopter I sent for you?"

Open your eyes to the Glory of God and you'll find that He was always by your side.

You were too busy looking elsewhere to recognize Him.

2006-11-20 14:07:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If God revealed himself, then we wouldn't have or need faith,

anyone can believe what you put right in front of their face, except for the loonies that still believe the Earth is flat and NASA faked the moon landing. they're just crazy.

Look at the intricacies in a blade of grass, a tree leaf' or a baby's ear if you think that happened by accident or chance you have more 'belief' than any religious person I ever met

Good luck

2006-11-20 14:05:03 · answer #9 · answered by Ron H 2 · 0 1

Jesus famous himself to human beings extensive-unfold! He did to me when you consider which you first could seek for him out. you may choose for to be saved, he has been there the finished time. Is there a community of sin on your existence so you might enable circulate of for him to bare himself to you extra immediately and one on one. have you ever asked him to bare himself to you and ensure that he's real? He famous himself to thousands of individuals each and all of the time. That 2000 twelve months old e book is the final merchandising and has been for hundreds of years. Do you extremely think of it extremely is a accident. The Bible substitute into written for believers to understand and GOD wrote it so complicated so as that the enemy ought to no longer realize it. as quickly as you receive the holy spirit he famous GOD'S words to in with a deeper information. Jesus nevertheless heals human beings extensive-unfold, i substitute into healed of a uterus venture as a results of utilising human beings praying over me in Jesus' call, in case you do not have self belief then because of the fact of this he would not exhibit himself to you. you will have self belief in him first, seek for him first then he will supply you information.

2016-11-25 22:04:20 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Do you think people would believe if He came down, died on the cross and rose to life on the third day? Would this be dramatic enough? He did this and people still did not believe.

The bible says we are without excuse because of creation.

2006-11-20 14:02:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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