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why do some of you people pick and choose what is right to follow and what is wrong whats to say which part is right? if your gonna follow something shouldnt you do it completely?

2006-11-20 13:52:57 · 13 answers · asked by Red Eye 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

there are too many passages that are violent and cruel that its just like people look over them like they dont exist

2006-11-20 13:56:11 · update #1

here oldguy go nuts


2006-11-20 13:57:06 · update #2

13 answers

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. "

2006-11-20 13:54:43 · answer #1 · answered by whitehorse456 5 · 2 0

The Christian faith is more like a path to a destination. I look at my own path. If I look back, I see the things that have changed, and when I look ahead, I see the myriad of things that are still the same, and need to change.

I trust that the more I learn, the more faith I will have, then the more evident will my conversion be.

I sound like that Kung Fu guy, don't I? lol.

2006-11-20 13:59:01 · answer #2 · answered by nancy jo 5 · 1 0

JESUS our LOrd is no ordinary man. He had no sin or any crimes on his life. He had seen and changed this Earth from great destruction!
Why Christ so popular? He has shown every man and woman the way, the truth and the real faith upon this World. Without Jesus our Lord, every one of us will have 0% on Heaven.

1.Jesus died in a cross. NAiled on both hand and whiped more than 10 times. He was rejected, cursed, tortured and been in million times worst than what you have gone through.

2. He was an innocent man who had no blame among the people.

3. He was the Lamb of God. He was the Son of GOd who created this World.

4. Why believe in him? Becuase what he has done for you. Believe in him, you will see miracles every day in your life. He will open your heart to see the glorius kingdom that he promised you. Plus, you will get a protection against evil and true hardship that you face such as bills,debt,economic problems in you family

5. Are you missing out? Oh yea! you are. Christians are seeing what no others can see.
They have this spiritual eyes that let them see the kingdom of God. They also see the lake of fire which is the Hell.

6. What is the Trinity? Trinity is the three forms of God. The Father,The son and the Holy Spirit.
They work through you so God can get his work done. God has no mistakes and errors through out his work.

7.What is God doing right now? He is working hard to get one man saved. Thats why you, yea you! should be saved. Saved as from sins.
Sins effect the relationship with God. God is seeing awful lot of things that makes him sad right now such as hatred,wars,new age,metalic music,languages,actions and behaviors,interactuions between people.

8. Why do we pray??? Well, Praying is like a phone call to God. We can either give him thanks, askings, and forgiveness.
Ask him something he will give the answer. He listens to every souls out there. Also dont forget to repent! It is really important~

9. What gave us the Chance to go to Heaven?
Thats easy. Its Lord Jesus Christ. Belive in him he will give to 100% chance to go to Heaven.
He is like the ticket to Heaven. There is more than going to Church. You must feel the Holy Spirit working within you.

10. Whats it like in Heaven? Way beyond what this World has. The road is paved in pure gold. There are no sun instead the most Holy God who created us, gives out the light. No pain, worries, debt, bills. Christians gets to have homes like a mansion, Castles or even whole country if you serve God well while living in this World. Thats why ministers are lucky, lol. They get to have good homes in Heaven. And Homes are made out of Crystals, Gold, Diamond. But not all ministers get things like that. The Right ones do. WHat i mean is they have good relationship with Jesus.

11. HELL! BOOM! A perminant prison. And guess what? Satan is there too, sufering like a what you will imagine when your in phisical pain.
And Satan is not the King of the Hell. He is the Victim. He is there right now sufering but his soldiers are doing his work. Hell.. well. you can guess what it looks like. Burning fire. *(The fire is not burning substance in HELL) there are snakes, worms, wierd beasts, ghosts, dark, damp, scarier than anything in here. If you need to see HELL, well imagine or draw a picture,,,lol

12.Believe, do not see.
You might believe in what your reading right now..lol but these words are from Lord Jesus`s Preaching. It might not be accurate but its the point. People always believe in what they see.
For once! believe in what you cannot see.
THe Holy Spirits will be upon you.

Believe in Lord Jesus Christ our Savior! He will grant you new life...^^

2006-11-20 14:08:19 · answer #3 · answered by Mystery 2 · 0 1

The bible tells how we should act and how we should deal with others. It's up to us in how we are going to deal with it. We're still human and we're still going to make mistakes, however, we don't have to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

2006-11-20 13:59:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I completely agree. Following Christ completely is the only way.

2006-11-20 13:56:46 · answer #5 · answered by gachickinaz 2 · 3 0

What is right to follow and what is written for our knowledge and understanding are very different.

There is much violence in the old testament. Much of this violence was commanded by God to be done by certain people for certain reasons. We certainly are not being told by God to continue to do these things. They are historical events and factor into the history of the chosen ones(Israelites)

There is also violence in the old testament that was not commanded by God, but done out of mans sin nature and willingness to follow his own thoughts and desires. We see this in the murder of Abel by Cain and we also see this in the murder of all the men in town by the sons of Jacob in revenge for the rape of their sister.

All of the bible is right. Not all of it is to be followed, some of it is in there to show us right from wrong in different situations and the penalties that were given out for doing wrong.

When Sodem and Gomorrah were so evil and full of hearts bent on self desires and thoughts, it was not men who passed punishment onto these cities, it was God.

For all the violence that we find in the old testament, there is actually much more in the new testament, it has yet to come to pass, but it is in there in the book of Revelation.
This book tells us of Gods final judgement and is more violent than all of the old testament put together.

Yes, if you accept God and follow him and his will and his way, you will do it completely. This is not to say that you will miraculously sin no more. You will sin and you will fail, but God is working in your life and you will sin less and less and less.

It would be setting yourself up for utter failure if you thought that somehow when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior that you become fleshly perfect. Jesus paid the debt for our sin, our sin nature does not magically go away. We still have a fleshly body and it will still want to sin, we now have the means to control it if we chose to live by Gods word.

If you are referring to the old testament laws of death for certain sins, the death penalty for these sins has been paid, past and future by Jesus Christ. There are still consequenses on this earth if some of them are broken and consequenses from God when these are broken, but we are no longer sentenced to eternal death for the breaking of the law.

Now if you are not a believer, the law has been placed in your heart at your creation. You know this without ever having read or hearing Gods word. You know when you do wrong, you feel it in your soul. Once you have broken any law that is in your heart, if you do not believe in the redemption or remission of sins by Jesus Christ, you have no where to go with that broken law on your heart. You have essentially given yourself the dealth penalty for that broken law.

2006-11-20 14:21:37 · answer #6 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 1

Yes I think you should try your best, if your a Christian ,to live by the bibles teachings. Even if its not always easy.

2006-11-20 13:56:22 · answer #7 · answered by pepsiolic 5 · 2 0

Well, that includes slavery. There's a bunch of references to slavery, inequality, and general "society thinking it's not good"ness in the bible, so that's not a very good option.

2006-11-20 13:55:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

There is lots, of degrees, of human perspectives involved.

I would say how can you prejudge that that?
I guess you have to be open to peoples ideas.


2006-11-20 14:09:15 · answer #9 · answered by inteleyes 7 · 0 0

I don't pick and choose. We should follow it completely.

2006-11-20 13:55:05 · answer #10 · answered by Phyllobates 7 · 2 0

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