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I have severe constipation and have horrible cramps. I have been constipated for almost 2 years now and maybe once a week I have a very hurtful bowel movement. I know I am dehyrdrated but it helps when I am at work because I dont have to go to the bathroom as much because I have an overactive bladder. How can I remedy my constipation? And please dont say drink water because yes I have tried that it does nothing for me but make me pee every 15 minutes. And I know I need to see a doctor but I have to wait a week because all the stupid doctors in the area are so busy. Are there any natural ways to cure severe constipation? I went to the emergency room a few months ago due to severe cramps like the ones I am getting now and they did an x-ray on my stomach and said I am extremely dehyrdrated and gave me medication for it and it helps but about a week later, go figure I am constipated again and theres a limit on how long I can take this medicine so I dont become dependant on it. Btw I am 21.

2006-11-20 13:10:37 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

i made a mistake on my question, when i went to the hospital and they did an x-ray they said I am extremely constipated not severe dehydrated

2006-11-20 13:12:20 · update #1

18 answers

Hi There

The average american has one bowel movement every 2 days and almost everywhere else in the world is 30 minutes after eating! If toxins are sitting in the colon where are they suppose to go? They get in the blood and that is main reason we get illness and disease. We Americans eat so much food that is processed and has all types of chemicals in them. It's no wonder we lead the world in the most types of diseases known. Because we have them all!

To answer your question; the process is to get herbs that help give you regular bowel movements and that helps clean out the colon. You can do this effectively with a 5-10 day cleanse by eating organic fruits and vegetables (better yet juicing them) and using herbs to help clear the toxins. Do a colon cleanse 4-5 times a year to stay safe.

Here are a few websites that I recommend their plan. Id also be happy to give you more info. Ive done several cleanses over the years.


Best of health to you

2006-11-20 13:34:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Three bowel movements a day? That right there is something wrong. Food stays in your system for 12-18 hours before it gets from one end to the other. Even with people on high fibre or vegetarian diets do not go as regular as 3 times a day. There must be something else that has changed other than the flu. Laxatives and fibre only help the body break down the solids for .. (for lack of a better term), "ease of movement". You must of began eatting something different that may be the cause so ingesting laxatives may not be the answer. I'm thinking you may be consuming too much starches, or breads, or even rice. Even with plenty of water, they absorb a lot more than you think. A daily diet should be a balance between all food groups. Yes its hard to eat the daily recommended values as listed by the various food boards, but there are shortcuts. Gulping down extra flax and grains at this point all in one go, my have the reverse effect instead of helping. Any new diet must be slowly switched to, instead of going from one to directly the other. Your body must have time to get used to the new change. Also if changing your diet is too drastic, then try a pill approach. I don't know what city you are in, nor what Health Food stores you have available, but there is a diet pill that has an unusual, but in your case a very benefitial side effect. The pill is referred to as, "CLA", or Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Its sold as a weight loss helper, or for people who have had GUI type surgeries, because it not only blocks the body from absorbing transfats, its side effect is ... (for better lack of word), "it gives you the runs". Take one pill a day after dinner for at least 3 days. For some people the effect took as little as 2 days to work, and for others, as long as 8 days. I hope I have been helpful.

2016-03-29 03:35:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

During chemotherapy, I experienced the same difficulty. Here is the quick 'n easy cure: flax seed and/or flax seed meal.

It costs less than $2 at the grocery store. Sprinkle some on your cereal or mix it with any recipe .. you can even mix it in water or milk or juice and drink it.

Normally, the recommended amount is a tablespoon or so .. I started with two and have pretty much stayed with it. You can take it without fear of side effects .. it is all natural and does not seem to have any interaction with other vitamins or medications.

It is simply flax.

If you buy the seed, you can get a little grinder and mix it as you need it; if you buy the flax seed meal, use as is.

Trust me on this one ... chemotherapy turned my once-athletic and finely-tuned body into .. well ... one that laughs at the thought of athletics and finely-tuned mechanisms. Flax is the one thing that I've found that evens out the score. Works beautifully and GENTLY, unlike laxatives. No cramps.

In two or three days, you'll be feeling like a million bucks.

2006-11-20 14:16:11 · answer #3 · answered by ax2usn 4 · 0 0

Best Constipation Cures

2016-05-18 00:12:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What about over the counter medicines to make u go? I know there are also some teas out there that help with that as well. Fruits and veggies too. And being dehydrated is also really bad, so maybe there is something you can take for an overactive bladder cuz you really need to drink a lot.

2006-11-20 13:19:23 · answer #5 · answered by anodyne143 1 · 1 1

u need to eat high fibre green vege everyday,some tapioca n sweet potato r also helpful 4 ur constipation.green apple n guava r also good 4 u.try to make a good habit to go toilet at the same time everyday,usually immediately before u take bath.it is dangerous to ve constipation 4 more than 2 days cos this w'd develop toxin in ur colon.n of course this toxin w'd become cancer in ur colon later.at least go toilet 4 big call of nature 2-3 times everyday is better to prevent constipation.
"prevention is better than cure".

good luck!

2006-11-20 13:32:40 · answer #6 · answered by robert KS LEE. 6 · 0 0

There are several gentle laxatives you can take, also adding the powdered fiber to a glass of water can help, too. I feel for you, sweetie, because I suffer from the same thing. It's not pleasant. I've had the best luck with Fleet's stool softner. Here are some suggestions from the web:

Changing your diet.
People who have chronic constipation will almost certainly need a change in diet. Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet can help relieve chronic problems with constipation. Eating raw fruits and vegetables, brown wild rice, flaxseeds, bran and whole grain cereals will provide a good source of fiber.

Adding exercise.
It’s also important to increase the amount of activity you’re getting. Starting an exercise program can help regulate your bowels. Exercise can be as simple as taking a brisk 20 minute walk every morning of evening.

Keeping your body hydrated.
People who suffer from constipation are often dehydrated. Make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of purified water each day. Avoid tap water! Tap water can contain harmful chemicals, viruses and bacteria. I recommend adding raw organic apple cider vinegar to the water you drink. Organic apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a remedy for all sorts of health problems.

Check your medications.
Many medications are the cause of constipation. Check with your healthcare provider to make sure that you’re not making your problem worse with prescriptions. Be aware that there are natural alternatives available if you know where to find them. A good source of information and high tech natural alternatives to prescription drugs and surgery can be found at www.ghchealth.com

Be wary of laxatives.
Try to avoid over-the-counter laxatives. They are often very harsh on the large intestine and overuse can actually cause more problems with constipation. Laxatives can cause serious health problems such as diarrhea, bloating, dehydration and damage to the intestinal lining.

Herbal remedies.
Many herbal supplements are designed to aid in constipation. If you decide to try an herbal remedy, make sure that you talk with your physician first. Some herbal remedies interfere with prescription medications you may be taking. We suggest the following: Pure aloe vera, ginger, senna, yerba mate. The best is a concentrated green formula such as “Perfect Food OM” manufactured by Garden of Life.

Improve your bowel habits.
Try to go the bathroom at the same time every day, after meals and as soon as you feel the urge. Give yourself enough time to go to the bathroom. Never, Never hold in a bowel movement.

Cleanse the colon weekly.
It may be a good idea to begin a colon-cleansing program every week that will help remove impacted feces from the large intestine. It’s best to participate in a program, such as using oxygen colon cleansers such as “Oxy-Powder”, that is non-invasive and will not remove the good bacteria in the large intestine. Oxy-Powder will also deliver oxygen into your system. This is the secret used by the stars in Hollywood.

It’s always best to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before beginning any treatment option. Everyone’s body is a little different. You’ll want to make sure that your treatment choice is safe and will be effective for your body.

2006-11-20 13:18:07 · answer #7 · answered by mizging2003 3 · 5 2

water has alot to go with it... but i would say if you want to do it the natural way.... go buy lots of fruits and vegetables and stay away from cheese! that does it to me! only eat those things for like 3-5 days. or maybe some soup that is vegetable based.
if it doesn't get better you might what to consider having a second opinion! oh... try dried apricots,they seem to work good.....

2006-11-20 13:25:39 · answer #8 · answered by angel 1 · 0 0

Prune juice. Or here's a true story when my child was 2, everytime he ate pickles he immediately pooped. Try drinking pickle juice. If this doen't work go to a Gastroenterologist. Also certain foods will give you consipation BEEF is the main one.

2006-11-20 13:24:57 · answer #9 · answered by jenny 4 · 0 0


Try eating an apple and drink some coffee. Do that the first thing in the morning and it will help to get things moving. In the afternoon, also drink chai latte, a venti (large) size. That will help too.

2006-11-21 12:21:37 · answer #10 · answered by godsgirl 4 · 0 0

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