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My family and I have been going to the same church since forever, but over the past few years I saw some holes (or think I saw;I'm not sure I'm correct) in the faith that have really bugging me. Moreover, I've found another religion that answers the questions I have and makes a whole lot of sense. To elimenate bias, I won't tell you which religions are involved, but they both believe in god. Anyway, since I expressed some doubts over my current religion they haven't stopped bugging, telling me I need to be "educated" (meaning to keep listening to their points over and over again-- I call that brainwashing) and that I can pray to God and he'll turn me back. Well, a lot of people pray to God and they disagree about stuff too. I'm so scared of how my parents will react and how much hell they'd make me life to encourage me to switch back. I've still got a year to live with them. Please give me advice.

2006-11-20 13:06:07 · 18 answers · asked by Texas Toast 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I understand what you are saying totally. I think that as a parent I would want to be sure that you had made the decision responsibly and by that I mean, that you had done your homework. For example: 1) did you research it? or is it something that some "star" is doing? 2) is there verifiable prophecy? That is the BIGGEST indicator of a religious belief being of God or not. Think about it, if a prophet says it's going to happen and then it doesn't Dude what kind of WHACKED GOD is that?! 3) Is it verifiable by scientific methods. One religion says that the suns sets in a muddy spring DAILY and that the earth is flat. Obviously NOT a God I want to follow. Another says you will atain enlightement by contemplating your belly button or that we are all Gods. Dude, I suck at being God, with all of the mistakes I have done in my life, not to mention the whole issue of not being able to pray the winning lotto numbers into existance. :) One GREAT website that talks about all of the religions is the website www.alwaysbeready.com.
Perhaps its that you don't want to switch religions but you want to build a relationship. That's the problem with most religioins today they talk about how good you have to be instead of focusing on our need for God. you can email me if you want. Take care and God Bless

2006-11-20 13:27:04 · answer #1 · answered by bkebrian 2 · 2 0

what makes you think another ORGANIZED religion is the answer?

if you have your own feelings on life, why the need to be educated?

Each one is just an interpretation and translation of a document. Your best bet would be to read these documents yourself and interpret them yourself. Being spiritual should be a personal thing- do you really want people to tell you the proper way to believe- isn't that just believing because you were told to? If you read the books yourself, your questions will be answered for you... or maybe not. Maybe you're led in another direction entirely. But if you look where you are told to look more often than you look where you want to, you will only see what you are told to- and that is just as much brainwashing as repetition. Go with what you are comfortable with. Tell your parents what you will and fake it for another year. There will probably be a big party at the end of it and you'll get money for a present- it rocks; plus, you can say that you now know what the priest and your parents religion has to say- which is still something you can incorporate into your own beliefs. Just because you are learning about this now and FAKING practice, doesn't mean that you can't read other documents and practice your own thing on your own time.

2006-11-20 13:18:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I went through hell for 10 years because I had a different religion from my parents. They thought I was going to hell for believing in Judaism (they are Christians) and my mom especially took this very hard. She would weep for hours. I can't even begin to describe how bad it was.

Looking back, I realize I made some mistakes. The biggest one is that I was not tolerant of my family's religion. Sure, they weren't tolerant of mine. But I should have been respectful of theirs anyway. It would have made things a lot better if I would have respected their Christianity instead of taking on a self-righteous attitude about it.

Try to imagine that you have your religion, you raise kids up in that faith, and then when they get older, they start to disrespect your faith. They start to think they are better than that faith, and disrespect your own faith in your very own home. You would not appreciate that at all. I'm not saying that you have to be their same religion. They should respect your right to choose your own beliefs. But also, you need to retain respect for their religion, even while disagreeing with it yourself. It's ok for them to have their religion.

I am not saying you are intolerant of their faith. I have no idea. But from my own experience, I know that I made that mistake, and so I feel it is important to share this, so you will not make the same mistake I did. Just try to be as ecumenical as possible.

2006-11-20 13:15:48 · answer #3 · answered by Heron By The Sea 7 · 0 0

~~ Texas Toast ,,, Go to a bookstore and check out the titles by the late Professor of Mythology and Comparative Religion who's name is Joseph Campbell. This Info will tell you how ALL religions came into existence and evolved into their current state. It is completely UNBIASED. Learn from a Teacher who does not have a Preconceived Agenda and Subjective Viewpoint. Good Luck. I denounced The Church at age 17 and had no idea of Religion or Spirituality,,, but I KNEW that "my religion" did not have The Answers.

2006-11-20 13:14:20 · answer #4 · answered by Sensei TeAloha 4 · 0 0

WOW! This is the exact same thing that happened to me yesterday! I also have one more year of living with my mom, what a coincidence. Well, to be honest, the only thing you can do is be yourself. If you are leaving home in one year, I'm sure you are old enough to decide who you are and what direction you would prefer your life to go in. The best advice I can give you (since I"m undergoing the same situation), is to simply endure, be yourself, and enjoy your final year at home with your parents. Don't argue with them and don't try to reason with them; it's nearly impossible to talk sense into a provincial mind. Tell your parents that you are who you are, and there is nothing they can do to change that; they can either love you for who you are, or be overly judgmental and deny you the endless support they have given you over the years. Simply put, tell them to accept you for who you are, not who they want you to be.

2006-11-20 13:14:33 · answer #5 · answered by Xx Kesshin Xx 2 · 0 0

If they love you they will accept you because you are there child .everyone questions there faith I grew up Baptist and became LDS at age 16 with mom's permission.
My son is currently having trouble with his faith but because he is my son and is an adult over age 18 He has a right to choose.
because he is also my son I will love him no matter what.

In my church We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

Good luck with your search for truth

2006-11-20 13:26:36 · answer #6 · answered by dianehaggart 5 · 1 0

You said that you have one more year at home with your parents. You want it to be a good one. Until you leave home, it would probably be best to go to church with them. You have attended that church all your life. One more year will fly by. If you decide to change religions after you are out on your own it will not be so traumatic for your parents. and consequently, life will be easier for you.

The reason your parents discourage your thoughts on whether another religion might be better than theirs is that they are afraid. They are afraid in two ways.

1) For themselves. They are afraid to consider that you might be right. Also, for you to change religions would make them feel like they failed as spiritual leaders in the home. Finally, for you to change religions would embarrass them in front of their church friends.

2) For you.
They most likely believe that their church is the only true church and that you will be turning your back on them and on God if you change religions.

But please, keep on thinking for yourself. Even if you eventually decide that your parents' church is the best one, at least you will have honestly considered other possibilities instead of blindly accepting what you were taught as a child.

2006-11-20 13:34:09 · answer #7 · answered by lifesbeautifulmelody 3 · 1 0

What you are experiencing is called spiritual growth. People who are stuck in a spiritual rut always perceive this growth as a loss of faith. It is not.

You are find. God intended for us to question and look for the truth. You are not loosing your faith in God. Your faith is simply growing.

It is impossible to explain this to someone in the spiritual rut, don't even try. Good luck and don't look back. Email if you want to talk about it.

love and blessings Don

2006-11-20 13:14:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

just realise the other church will try entice you with the answers you want to hear, like your parents say educate yourself, for example,if you are catholic find material that explains the areas you are having problems with before converting, if you are baptist research baptist material on the issues you have problems with, with this research you should also seek material on the religion you are wanting to join,then make an informed decision,show your parents you are being educated and take it from there. hope it works out,good luck and god bless.

2006-11-20 13:12:11 · answer #9 · answered by fenian1916 5 · 0 0

Well.... Dont be afraid of telling your parents..
If your really stuck. Talk to church pastors or minister. They have this special power to either pray for you or give you a real good answers.Just try.
God Bless You ^_^

2006-11-20 13:15:52 · answer #10 · answered by Mystery 2 · 0 0

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