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I'm tired of people telling me my children are short. My children are , 9, 7 and twins that are almost 5. All four of them are slender and not of average height. My twins look like they are 3 1/2 and not almost 5. People ask how old they are and when I tell them they say "Wow they are short" Sometimes I will get "My son is 3 and he's taller than your kids!" No one in my family is tall- me, my husband, both sets of parents and and all grandparents are ALL under 5'6" So they are not going to be tall.
I know this one woman who always comments on their size. Sometimes I fell like saying "Yeah well your fat" Of course I would never insult anybody like that. Does anyone have any snappy comments to rude remarks? I don't want to insult anybody.

The twins had to go to a specialist to check their growth they are fine but may need HGH

2006-11-20 12:22:03 · 21 answers · asked by emily 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

21 answers

I don't know why some people feel to make comments about a child's size or looks. I always had how big my son was.."ohhh..he's sooo big for his age"..all that stuff. I would look at them and say.."He is perfect in every way and perfect for me".. Then if they went on about it, I would ask them.."oh does it bother you, or something"..I got quite bitchy about to be honest..judt got sick of it myself.

2006-11-20 12:30:59 · answer #1 · answered by sticky J 5 · 2 1

It must be hard to face all these questioning eyes & ugly looks that you must recieve.
If I were you I'd just smile & say that all beautiful things come in small packages & you have lots!!!!
Don't let the mean & unforgiving people off the hook. But for those parents who are just curious or concerned, please be nice to them! I would just hope that if I had a child that was much smaller than average, that the outside population would first ask questions then proceed from there, but as for the outside population they usually persecute you first then ask questions
As for the women who always has the
need to comment. Just politely & with
a nice smile ask her if her concerns/comments
are well founded. If not, then tell her to buzz off!
If it turns out that this women is genuinely concerned
then just answer her questions & hopefully this
will satisfy her. But Im guessing not!

As for rude remarks,,,, I can only begin to imagine
some of them.... ''Starving your kids,'' as Im sure
you've heard before. Just reply with "Thats right,
I want to make sure they fit in their assigned boxes
when we mail them off for Christmas holidays!

Your best bet is to sit down & think about all the
remarks you recieved or better yet write them
down. Once you have done that, read each
remark back to yourself (one at a time) & say
the first thing that pops into your head & then
quickly write it down.
Do this for each rude remark that you can remember.

Hopefully in the future when your out & you encounter
one of these RUDE REMARKERS, you will be just a
little more prepared to handle them.

Good luck!

2006-11-20 20:31:21 · answer #2 · answered by littlevada32 2 · 0 1

People do that with every kid seems like. My son has always been super skinny (his dad is 6'5 and weighs about 180 and I was 14 before I broke 100lbs and was 5'7 at the time....don't ask how much I weigh now though!lol) And my daughter was a butterball til she was about 18 months and she had a big growth spurt and now everyone talks about how skinny she is and how she's huge (meaning tall) now.
I agree it's aggravating and have been tempted to say the "yeah well you're fat" thing too. One way you could handle it though is to just say that your whole family is petite and just leave it at that since I think most people aren't trying to be rude....besides if you tell someone they're fat they might sit on you and squish you! lol

2006-11-20 12:32:01 · answer #3 · answered by . 6 · 0 1

Just think how good they would be doing a limbo dance! Tell them you are training them for the Olympics Limbo.

My daughter was small as a baby, which run in my short family too. A neighbor had the nerve to call social services on me and told them I was not feeding my child because she was only breast feeding and was small. She was in the bottom 5% on growth charts, but her growth curve was normal.

The county nurse came by and wanted to see the baby. After examining my perfectly healthy child, she said she didn't know who called and couldn't tell me if she knew, but that if I ever found out, I should give them a piece of my mind!

People are often ignorant, even if they think they are doing the right thing.


2006-11-20 12:35:07 · answer #4 · answered by newbiegranny 5 · 0 1

My sons have the opposite problem. People are constantly just awe struck by how tall my children are. Drives me crazy. Im 5'9 and my husband is 6'3 , so they are going to be tall. I even had one person ask me if they had medical problems, such as thyroid....They arent that freaking tall..lol My middle son isnt even the tallest in his class. My oldest son is, but not by that much. I dont see what the big deal is and Im sick of it too. But I guess they arent going to stop. Ive been going through it for 10 years now. I just hate how they look at them like they have never seen a tall child.

2006-11-20 12:51:40 · answer #5 · answered by Blondi 6 · 0 1

As a twin myself and a small person I have heard it all before too. I also have twins one is very small one is very big (she has a disability and can not move pretty much) anyway I get all ends of the comments "Why are they so diffrent" Man that one is little etc.

I pretty much ignore people anymore, they arent even worth my time to talk to to give a come back to.

2006-11-20 12:52:29 · answer #6 · answered by Lori R 4 · 0 1

I am fat and anytime anyone says anything about my weight I always come back with "wow, I forgot to look in the mirror this morning. Thank you for reminding me." It usually is received with a reddening of the face and a shy I am sorry. But I don't get it anymore from that person. Good luck

2006-11-20 12:27:18 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs. Always Right 5 · 4 1

people used to say to me for years "your tall. do u play basketball" from a readers digest magazine i came up with the comment "wow, your short, do u play golf", they used to start laughing because they realized how dumb they sounded

just don't take it personally because us tall people get " wow what a big boy you got, he's only 4, i thought he was 6."
my 6 year old neice looks like a nine year old.

i don't think that people realize how insensitive they are being. u need a clever comeback i had, thats cute and right to the point.

2006-11-20 12:50:44 · answer #8 · answered by Miki 6 · 0 1

People make a rude comment about your kids but you don't want to insult them?! Shovel it right back to them -- maybe something like "Gee, I didn't know there were height requirements for certain ages", or "Who made you the judge of proper height?"

How you respond will effect your kids attitudes -- if you act embarrassed by the rude questions, your kids will begin to wonder if there is something wrong with their height. You don't want that to happen, do you?

2006-11-20 12:29:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

If your kids are happy then you have nothing to worry about.

Physical development is important, but just so they are happy with their lives. Make sure they can read, and are intelligent and will make something of their lives and even if they are short they will get lovers and probably a family and riches. Piss on the catty women.

2006-11-20 12:30:43 · answer #10 · answered by Timmy B 3 · 0 1

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