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I'm scared that i might be throwing my life away. I know you must live with your choices, but what should i do about this? My boyfriend wants for me to have and abortion. I think abortions are cruel and i don't want to have one. I'm not sure that i wan tto keep the baby or put it up for adobtion. So please, help me out. What should i do?

2006-11-20 12:10:59 · 49 answers · asked by K. Marie 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

49 answers

I suggest talking it over or thinking it over, Pro's and Con's... How old are you and your boyfriend... You did lay down and new there was a chance of getting pregnant without any contraceptives or condoms, etc.. im not going to sit here tho and judge you because you may want to get an abortion, i believe you have the choice to do with your life what you will... However you have soooo many choices out there for you, there is adoption and there are sooooooo many families out there who would love to have a baby who just cant, think it over andmake sure you are 100% certain on what you are doing, make the right choice!!


2006-11-20 12:15:48 · answer #1 · answered by Romy 4 · 2 0

Hey Girly.. I Was In The Same Boat.. I Know How You Feel. An I Know Your Scared Out Of Your Mind. But Dont Go With What Your Boyfriend Say's Believe Me I Almost Made That Same Mistake.. I Have The Abortion Appt Set Up An EveryThing.. Then I Sat Down An Thing About It An I Relized That Your Not Throwing Your Life Away.. Your Being A New Life Into This World.. if You Choose To Go On With Your Pregnancy Then Some Things Will Change.. I Still HAve The Same Friends AN Do The Same Stuff.. I Though It Would All Change Once They Found Out.. But It Didnt.. If Your Boyfriend Doesnt Want To Stick Around Thats His Choice An He's The One Missing Out On His Babys Life.. You'll Find Someone That Doesnt Care You Have A Baby They Will Love The Baby Just The Same As They Love You. If You Need An Advice Message Me.. I'm Always Here To Help. I Widh You The Best of Luck!! An Congrads!! If You Chose To Have The Baby You'll Love Every Minute Of It.. Even After The Babys Born!!

2006-11-20 12:49:47 · answer #2 · answered by Southern_Pride 1 · 0 0

No abortion is a bad choice. If you don't want the baby and can't afford it then yes put the baby up for adoption. After you have the baby you really need to consider birth control until you are older and married to have children. If you plan to keep the baby it's going to be a lot of responsibility a 24/7 job that you can't walk away from. Think about it. You are right about abortion it is cruel and not necessary. You conceived to give it life so don't end it. You'll regret it later in life. Also, you need to talk to your parents or someone that you trust about your pregnancy so you can get the prenatal help you need. To make sure that you and the baby are going to be fine. You shouldn't have to be alone in this, if you tell your parents they might be angry at first but they most likely will help you if they love you enough and I'm sure they do. Good luck & Happy Thanksgiving!

2006-11-20 12:20:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree that abortions are cruel, and would never do it. But this is a decision for you and your boyfriend to make together. If you feel there is even a slight chance you might want the baby and your in a position to care for it, wait and see. If you choose adoption before you've had it you may forever regret it. On the other hand if you feel you can't provide for the baby and don't want it, there are plenty of people who would love the opportunity to raise it. You would not be throwing your life away! There is nothing you can't do just because you've had children, you just go about it differently. A baby will empower you, not hold you back. Talk to someone, a parent, grandparent, friend, doctor or councellor. In the end, its your baby and your choice. Just don't pay any attention to the answers of Maira and others like it.

2006-11-20 12:57:53 · answer #4 · answered by Karen B 2 · 0 0

Its really your choice, hun. But just a little tip, if you are pregnant, doesnt matter if 4 wks to full term, you have a life inside you. All you have right now is a little heartbeat. One of the most precious gifts in the world. Im a mother of 2 myself and I tell you, its a miracle that I was even able to carry so consider yourself blessed. When I first heard my baby's heartbeat, I thought it was the most awesome sound in the world, knowing it was coming from my belly, I was creating something real, something wonderful. Finally I would have someone look up to me for once. I know you may be young, Im not that old myself, the only differance in you and I probably is the fact that I am married. I really believe abortion is murder. If it has a heartbeat, it has a life, don't kill it. But its really your choice. Go to the doctor first and hear that precious beat, then you can make a better decision. But if you do decide not to keep it, think of this also. Don't abort, give it a life, and if you chose to do so, give it to someone that wants it. There is so many unfertile women in the world that cannot have children and would be willing to love your baby as their own. They would so love to be in your shoes. Give them their chance. You decide. You are in my prayers...

2006-11-20 12:25:21 · answer #5 · answered by Koozie 5 · 1 0

That's a huge decision that you're facing! Your making a life or death choice for a baby that knows no better yet. If you don't want to have an abortion and you really feel that they are bad, (which they are) then don't. Can you afford a baby, do you have family and friends to help you, will it really alter your plans for the future, do you like kids? There are a lot more questions that you have to think about. My wife was faced with that decision when she was 16 and now I have a awesome 9 year old daughter. You'll make the right decision!

2006-11-20 12:25:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ok i'm olny gonna answer this from what i went through with a friend who was in this situation. First if u don't think that abortion is the way to go then u should proably go with trying to keep ur baby or put it up for adoption. Cuz with my friend see cried everyday after she had the abortion, and its been a year since she had it and it hurts her and the baby's father, he's the one that wanted her to have it, and now he regrets it. Not only that she just found out that she may not be able to have kids anymore, so... just remember that it's ur choice, and im sure u will make the rite decision. Take care!
P.S. my name is Rei, this is my e-mail: zodiacprince0712@yahoo.com, if u need to talk just e-mail me.

2006-11-20 12:23:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How old are you first of all. You can e mail me. Giving up a baby for adoption is hard and no baby goes back to its mother and says why did you not consider adoption for me. But if you child finds you later they will say why did you give me up for adoption. Just think of this child is yours and you nurtured it under your heart and loved it. Then its taken out of your life and you may never ever see it again.

Abortions. I have known people who have had them and they are always sorry they did. There are a few whom it does not matter but for the most part its still like loosing a child. You never forget.

Go to social services and get on WIC. The Social service office will help you get situated and will help you with the finances and help you find a Dr too. As for the immature boy friend. He needs to get his act together and claim the child as his and be there for you and the babe. Who knows it may be the only child he may ever have. Life is strange. Never guarantees anything..

Is there life after having a baby out of wedlock. Well you just get pickier as to who you date and make sure that your child is your priority. That who marries you is not marrying you because he thinks later he can molest the child. Do not let anyone abuse your child. Just love it and care for it. If you have a child now it does not mean that you will have others like they tell you when they are trying to convince you to have an abortion or to give you baby up for adoption. I know many cases where the first child they had was the only child they had and not by there choosing.

2006-11-20 12:24:44 · answer #8 · answered by T 4 · 1 0

Everything happens for a reason.
That baby is a blessing and you don't want to kill your blessings. And your boyfriend who wants to get an abortion should step up to the plate and be willing to take responsibility for whatever agreement you guys come to for this situation. If not then at least put it up for adoption. But whatever you do, DONT GET AN ABORTION. It may seem like the right thing to do but the ending result can be devastating. Guilt, Regretful, Bitter all come into play with this decision and if you believe in God, he will not be pleased with this decision. So you have to live the rest of your life asking for forgiveness, repenting for committing adultery & murder. I pray that you will make the right decision.

2006-11-20 12:26:54 · answer #9 · answered by hardworkur84 2 · 0 0

Do you think you are ready for a baby? I mean in terms of responsibility. Definatly dont abort the baby because those are cruel. I know if i was in your position, i would keep the baby with the help of my parents and finish highschool, college etc. If you really dont feel ready, which you probably dont, give the baby up for adoption. Im so sorry this happened to you, and i wish the best for you, your boyfriend and the baby.

2006-11-20 12:27:02 · answer #10 · answered by just fine 2 · 1 0

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