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In the four years since I've been in college, I have gained 50lbs which is something I'm definitely not proud of. I've noticed that ever since I gained the last 30lbs, men don't find me attractive and are no longer interested in me. I'm overweight, but I'm not severely overweight. I don't understand why men don't have any interest in me. I have a great sense of humor, I'm somewhat smart (graduating with a degree in engineering), I'm going to start a great high paying job, and minus the extra lbs, I take really good care of my appearance. I often feel that men don't care how great your sense of humor is, how pretty you may be, or whether or not you have half a brain. In the end it seems that the size 2's always win. I'm curious to know how men actually feel about this...

2006-11-20 10:51:15 · 19 answers · asked by Alicia480 1 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Other - Skin & Body

19 answers

Let me put it this way, Prince Charming fell for Cinderella at the ball cos she was the most beautiful girl in the land. And not cos of her inner beauty.He only got to know about the inner beauty later...after the movie ended.

I know exactly how u feel. my weight has never been stable. It is always constantly up & down. I am quite pretty & i'v even heard some use the word beautiful often times whether i'm in my slim mode or my chubby mode & from personal experience, i found that men are a whole lot atttacted to me when i shed some pounds. When i put back the weight, no man notices me!

Its terrrible but, men r such visual creatures and no matter what people say, the weight really does matter.

yes, i have all the great qualities & i'm quite smart. very..but, i don't think that is a first had quality men really want alone. They want the whole inner beauty thing with the outer beauty thing.
I mean, why do all those rich millionaires make a fool of themselves over some dumb extremely attractive slim young girl? its all part of their nature

So, even if u take care of urself and still look good, shedding a few pounds might be a good idea as long as u r comfortable with that. Remember, shedding pounds is always good for ur heart and as for me, i just started on a new diet + exercise that seems to be working. Not for any man but cos when shed weight, i feel lighter on my feet & i'm more agile!

2006-11-21 22:34:01 · answer #1 · answered by Mama's Girl 3 · 2 0

Men are conditioned from birth through the media to believe that beautiful women are skinny women. Think of all the ways in which this is shown to them through models, television shows, catwalks, even simple toys like barbie dolls are seemingly flawless. It's the same reason women think they need to *be* a size 2 to be beautiful. It's all media persuasion of this day and age.

I mean think, in the 1600's men found skinny women repulsive, and overweight women were ideal. Have a look at all the paintings of 'perfect' women of that age, with their curvy, soft bodies and pot bellies!

If the tables were turned and all models were bigger, and all women on TV were bigger, and instead of the overweight women being the lame stereotype it was skinny women instead, I'd bet my behind that men would be lusting after the bigger women, DESPITE what they say about skinny women simply being more beautiful.

2006-11-20 13:07:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Men aren't interested in overweight girls for the same reason that even older men don't want women their age (they want younger women) - because having a thin, gorgeous, young woman on their arm (and in their bed) strokes their egos. Their self esteem is elevated. If they have a beautiful, young, slender girlfriend they think "well I must be a catch to have a girl this hot". Plus their friends comment on how hot their woman is. If they date a large woman their friends will probably be saying, behind the man's back - "what does he see in her" or "can't he do any better". You see very homely men who are rich or powerful with beautiful women. Women seek power (purchasing power, political power, management power) in a man and men seek someone sexually desirable to enhance their self image and public image.

I am running into this since I am now 50 years old. Most of the men on dating services my age want women from age 30-40. It sucks that the only men who are interested in a woman 50 years old are 60-70 years old!

2006-11-20 11:01:49 · answer #3 · answered by carol mc 2 · 8 0

For the exact same reasons women don't go out with short guys, fat guys, balding guys, or hairy guys. Personal tastes and people are generally shallow.

However, how you carry yourself has a lot to do with your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Often when one gains weight (loses hair, etc) their self-confidence goes down and they are not as friendly and outgoing and sometimes don't put as much effort into their apperance and/or attitude as they used to. This then becomes a self-defeating cycle. They get less attention so they try less.

Be yourself, be happy, be outgoing and enjoy your life. Once you do you will find others are more than happy to enjoy life with you.

2006-11-20 11:03:17 · answer #4 · answered by joseFFF 3 · 7 0

There are guys out there that like women with some curves. Unfortunatly they are usually too shy to let you know they approve of you or they just don't go out lots. I am engaged to a WONDERFUL guy. Most women wouldn't have given him a second chance, not that hes ugly, hes very cute! But he is a nerd :-). So be open about guys and they will return the sentiment!

2006-11-20 11:37:15 · answer #5 · answered by pam_252681 1 · 3 0

Have you tried dating an overweight man? Beggers can't be choosers.
But to answer your question, men are attracted to beautiful things, and big is not beautiful. Men in general don't really care about your IQ or personality, only about the way you look. What matters a lot, especially at the begging of the relationship, is that he is sexually attracted to you. This will peak his interest and will make him want to get to know you better later on. I'm aware that these aren't the nicest things to hear, but I'm giving you an honest answer.
The type of woman a man dates says a lot about himself, if he dates someone young and attractive it makes him look better in the eyes of society. If he dates someone who's less attractive and overweight, it just makes him look bad, unsuccesful and open to ridicule.

2006-11-20 11:01:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

guys like overweight girls because we know how to 'work it" in the bedroom LOL

2016-03-29 03:20:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, honestly, Overweight Girls just don’t catch the eye as well as the thin ones, especially when they have pronounced curves. But in general, those guys who focus on the body aren’t worth having. So in one sense being big is just a quick way to weed out the bad ones.

2006-11-20 11:10:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

..... not neccessarily so!.... There's lot's of boy's who will choose a big girl over a slim one..... Personally, slim girl's are a bit to delicate.... Not all, but a lot are, and lot's of guy's definitely prefer girl's who have some size on them!... Join some chat site's, and dating site's, and put in a photo of your size.... I guarnetee you'll find plenty of guy's there, who love a girl who's got a bit of size on her... If you cant find a guy, your'e probably checking the wrong place's or the wrong guy's!...

2006-11-20 11:54:37 · answer #9 · answered by peanut 5 · 3 0

i totally agree. i'm not overwieght, but i am 5'2" and i weigh 140-145 lbs. and i am 15 years old. i love how i look and so does my bf. but i have had bfs that liked the way i was, i have had ones that thought i was TOO LITTLE and i have had ones that thought i was TOO BIG. so yea, it just depends on the guy.
so just remember, if one doesnt turn you down there will be two more that want you for who you are.
jsut ignore those guys that go for suepr skinny girls, they obviously dont care about feelings, they just want something that they can show off and make other guys jealous about.
so just pooey on them. lol okies that was childish. i'm sorry, but jsut be happy and confident and you will find somebody, dont worry.

2006-11-20 11:03:29 · answer #10 · answered by ?Victoria? 2 · 5 1

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