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I was raised catholic in Italy nonetheless, where you pretty much are surrounded by nothing but catholics. I used to go to confession, pray every night, undoubtely believe in God. Then one day, I became interested in Philosophy and after studying the subject, I started to think and think over and over, and my faith that seemed so strong, now has dissappeared. It's so sad, but seriously thinking, I am questioning life after death, even God. I feel sad about this, but perhaps it truly is just an artifact of people. The bible was written by humans, humans, that claim that God talked to them. If someone would claim such a thing nowadays, he would be put in the looney bin, but yet, we live after the bible. To add, the bible was written by men, why only men? Why is God not coming to talk to us anymore?The beauty of nature and everything around us, is no proof of the existence of God. Why do Christians necessarily have to be right? What about the Buddhists? Perhaps they have it all figured

2006-11-20 10:44:37 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

out? Only humans claim to have seen Mary, let's face it, the mind can be quite deceiving at times. These are some of my thoughts that derailed me from my beliefs. I wish I could look past this...but I feel that there is nothing I can do. Has this happend to any of you?

2006-11-20 10:46:39 · update #1

43 answers

You are the victim of a godless university system. In the US especially, liberal professors make it their goal to destroy the faith of Christians. Most succeed.

Something to consider: If the Bible was written only by humans, without help from God, how is it that 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy? (History written in advance.) And no, these are not so vague that you could make anything fit them.

Alfred Edersheim was a 19th century Bible scholar. He was Jewish, and researched the various Messianic prophecies, and discovered that the Jewish Messiah was in fact Jesus of Nazareth.

He wrote a book called "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, and in it, he listed 456 separate Messianic Prophecies that Jesus alone fulfilled.

Now, some philosophers may attempt to discredit these by saying that Jesus learned these, and adapted His life to fit them. But, how does one manipulate where he was born? Who would willingly face a gruesome torture and death if He were not truly who He said He was?

2006-11-20 10:56:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

You are not suffering a loss of faith so much as a loss of the preconceived ideas of men. You have one critical question.

"Why is God not coming to talk to us anymore?"

God has never ceased to talk to man. Personal contact is only made through Christ Jesus and His written and spoken word. Nothing but personal contact counts. You will never get lasting answers aside from meeting the source.

I was a very "connected" Protestant and I went through much of what you are going through. I ended up spending more than a few years in New Age and teachings from the Far East. After a lot of so-called high living and a lot of sorrow and suffering, mostly emotional and mental, I finally "broke" and took to the streets.

You don't need to change your ideas so much as to give up the rational mind for the mind of Christ. The rational mind can never reach a final answer or a final truth. Only God can lead you through the spiritual cesspool this world is in today.

To separate from the world is to separate from both its rational and religious ideas. From your background I suggest only two things to you. The 23rd Psalm of King David and the Imitation of Christ by Thomas A'Kempis.

Since you have a Christian background; I tell you, as one human to another, that faith has nothing to do with religion (it is a human ability gifted by God). It is the power to alter what most people call reality.

Communion is also an ability of the human soul, created by God in Adam. That ability to fellowship with God was restored at the Cross. It is not a sacrament to be repeated over and over again; but a presence to be lived and experienced minute by minute.

Now I leave you with the knowledge that I am one of those you say are "candidates for the looney bin." Because I have have been "spoken" to twice; I know to my own satisfaction that the Bible was written by the Spirit of God. It was only penned by the person who heard the Word or by the scribe assigned to them.

My questions were answered once and for all and no related questions have ever been raised by the answers given. (This does not mean that I don't still have questions. The mind will always have questions.) To this day all the words I heard are as fresh as they were 40 and 20 years ago respectively. I hope these details are a help for you. I share them seldom.

If you read closely you will find the directions for building the first Temple were given to King David by automatic writing.

Whatever you think of this answer, or any other, I urge you not to give up seeking with all your heart: For knowing Christ is not a religious affair, a church affair, a program to change the world or a philosophy. Rather it is a personal love affair between the spiritual "man" and his God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2006-11-20 13:44:49 · answer #2 · answered by Tommy 6 · 1 0

I am a Christian but I think the Catholic church is one of the most ungodly insititutions on the earth. Not only do they NOT teach the Bible truthfully but they have taken what was originally a relationship with God and turned it into a business. What's up with that whole paying for your sins to be forgiven??

If you are having serious doubts I would say good. Any true believer should critically examine what he or she believes. I think the largest part of your confusion is due to associating Catholicism with Biblical Christianity. They are not the same. As for questioning Christianity in general I would encourage you to check out these audio debates between a Christian and an atheist.

2006-11-20 11:01:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I understand that it is sad to lose one's faith in god. But, let's think about what that means:

* Your morality will not be dictated any more by either the fear of eternal punishment or reward of eternal bliss. Rather, it will come from wanting to help your fellow human beings. I find the moral arguments of many theists to be heart-breakingly self-serving.

* You realize that everything important in life is happening right now. This is it, it's all you've got. It's best to make the most of it, to enjoy it for all it's worth. Commitments become deeper and more satisfying.

* Arbitrary guilt fades away. No longer do you have to fear that every action you take will have some crazed god watching it, waiting for you to mess up so you can be sent to hell over some minor infraction that you didn't even remember, or because you didn't recite enough Hail Marys.

* You become stronger. When faced with problems, no longer do you have the excuse to just let "god carry the burden." You roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. And when you've accomplished something you feel proud about, you can take deep pleasure in the fact that it was you that did it, instead of crediting some invisible friend for it.

* The world becomes more comprehensible. No longer do you have to filter everything through some strange thought process that forces you into wondering what god thinks about it. Instead, the world is what it is. And that makes it easier.

* The universe becomes more awesome. And I mean that in the true sense of the word - that thinking about the beauty of this universe fills one with awe. Without god, we aren't the center of the universe. The vast enormity of space, the beauty of the stars, the planets, the nebulae, becomes mind-boggling. And we are a part of it. As Carl Sagan was fond of saying, we are star stuff. Every atom of us has been in this universe from the very beginning, and it will be there long after we're gone. We'll always be here.

Losing one's faith is a true ordeal. Check out Atheism: A Case Against God, by George H. Smith. Read (or watch) Cosmos by Carl Sagan. And know there are others out there who have gone through the same thing and it's beautiful on the other side.

2006-11-20 11:06:31 · answer #4 · answered by abulafia24 3 · 1 2

you have not lost your believe its still there and a lot of people have the same problem,some keep looking for God and regain their faith others let it go for a time and then one day you'll have this urge to seek him, and some people just completely give it up til something bad happens and God is the first one called for.....the devil is working hard these days to turn as many a possible from God and if you notice its bothering you, the Holy Spirit is speaking to you ,that why you are feeling so bad about how you are thinking as you are,God is still with you, call on him....kick the devil in the teeth...don't let him win...being a christian is a hard life and you will get discouraged because sometimes the devil will wear you down.....just call on the Lord and the devil will leave you for a while but he will always try to get you so keep your faith strong.....God Bless You

2006-11-20 11:57:38 · answer #5 · answered by purpleaura1 6 · 1 0

Since you are a searching person for the truth, I commend you.

Have you considered reading these two books:

Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh MacDowell (it may be retitled "The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict" since it was written over 20 years ago.

The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel is another good book.

Both were written by people who started to disgree with Christianity and what it taught. Both are Christians.

There's nothing wrong with questioning, but make sure that you look at books such as this.

Another good resource on other Christian philosphies would be "Family Bookstores" I'm not sure if these stores are in Italy, but they offer some great resources for a person who is questioning God.

2006-11-20 11:05:28 · answer #6 · answered by Searcher 7 · 2 1

Welcome to your unavoidable road towards Atheism. Now that you realize how bs it all is, you will become a happier person.

The only reason you are catholic is because of coincidence. Had you been born in greece centuries ago, you'd be sad about doubting Zeus or the other greek gods. If you begin to study the bible and its tradition, you'll learn more and more innacuracies. You'll learn that Jesus was just another prophet for the time to which people said to have the same properties as the next (virgin birth, unknown teenage years, etc.)

Personally, I lost my faith in the same way, thinking. Many religious people I have seen don't think or demonize thinking. How anyone can be convinced that Christianity is real based on some guy that lived thousands of years ago that heard god in a burning bush really needs a lobotomy. And you're right. If anyone said they heard the word of god today, that person would go to a mental ward. How coincidental that only during the times of strongest ignorance and poverty that god bothered to speak to those on earth.

Welcome to Atheism.

2006-11-20 11:06:34 · answer #7 · answered by Alucard 4 · 1 2

Your questions are normal and good. I had the same questions. I found answers. I want to speak volumes to you but i dont feel like typing that much, so I will leave you with this:

what Jesus did has never been duplicated, anywhere, at anytime, in all of history, i dont care what religon you speak.

Those humans that spoke for God are called Prophets. Unlike modern prophets they predicted events with 100% acccuracy, every time.

I suggest reading your Bible in small amounts everyday and pray everyday. Watch how you life will change for the better, i promise.

2006-11-20 11:07:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I dont think you are losing your faith.

You have only just begun to gain your own faith.

You are stepping out of the line to which your parents have forced you and doing the right thing by thinking on your own, and this is what being born-again is about, that seed that has been planted in your mind that must now cling to the walls of the womb and face the hazards of rejection to gain acceptance
It may be that your Lord has touched your soul and seen some good in you and set you up on the road to seek HIm.

You may have to dig deep to find your feet and begin the real search for yourself and your Creator.

Dont let anyone come in your way with nonsense about loss of faith, this is your chance to find some truth.

2006-11-20 11:02:31 · answer #9 · answered by mythkiller-zuba 6 · 1 1

This very thing happened to me as well. But after serious contemplation, I came to a conclusion that philosophy is a way of life; a way of life that gives very feasible ideas and contemplations of life in general. It is a very noteworthy trait to be able to look at the world from various perspectives, all the while entailing a precise understanding of all living things, paralleling with the ability to take in different notions with an open mind. Religion is a right, a freedom that every human being is allowed to pursue, if so needed. Most people undergo religious beliefs in hopes that there is an afterlife, looking for comfort and security after death. Ultimately, it boils down to a human being's selfish desire to live longer. Unless one is so dedicated to religion that they would be willing to give their life for it, they are merely followers in hopes of a better life in "heaven". The spirit, beauty, and breath of life is within you, waiting for the chance to reach out to others. The common misconception about losing faith in a religion is that assumptions inevitably arise. Many provincial people think that losing faith also means ceasing to behave. But the truth is, every human being has good in them, no matter what religious backdrop they hail from.

2006-11-20 11:00:09 · answer #10 · answered by Xx Kesshin Xx 2 · 0 2

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