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38 answers

Bronze-age tribesmen and the King James edited it for his agenda.

2006-11-20 11:09:57 · answer #1 · answered by Audrey Grace 2 · 1 1

well the new testament is certainly not Gods word just a compliation of books to further the Agenda of the churches leaders at the time , which has been slighty adapted for different agendas over time, You christains that say you have read the bible i would be interested to know the number of you that understand ancient hebrew , aramaic , egyptian and latin when you've read the originals in these text the story can be very different and it is a prime example of the manipulation it has undergone by the church

The old testment we all know was written over a longer period of time but probably has more religious validity to it based on the fact that at least a few of its aurthors were inspired to put pen to paper by a divine energy ,but again edited and had bits removed by the good old catholics , You want to know the truth hire a bunch of mercenaries and storm the vaticans vaults they been hiding the truth there for a while now

2006-11-20 10:46:16 · answer #2 · answered by harro_06 4 · 0 0

The bible was written by a bunch of religious fanatics who were probably not unlike many religious fanatics today. A group of zealots that wished to make people believe in their insane ideas, that would happily condemn any person that did not agree with them. The bible is pretty much fear based and it basically was used to scare people into believing in the ridiculous claims of the people that wrote and rewrote it over and over. The bible in my humble opinion is probably one of the most violent books ever.

I should also mention it is one of the most contradictory works of so called truth there is. Here is one example, "Thou shall not kill" yet every two and three someone is getting killed and often in mass numbers, this included babies, yes innocent babies. Or how about supposedly causing the great flood because he apparently was not happy with the behaviour of all the people and living things of the world. and killing every living thing on earth, except for Noah and his family. Would this not make God the greatest mass murderer of all time? Oh and lets not forget such a ridiculous thing as Lot turning his wife into a pillar of salt... mmm very believable..... NOT! Believing something like that is like believing somone like David Copperfield really does have super human magical powers and does not just create illusions. There is far more hatred in the bible than there are loving words. Yes! this is coming from someone who was educated at a Convent School. That wonderful education is what made me realize what a load of twaddle that book actually is. It is nothing but a book about scaring people to death and makes little sense. Not meaning to offend anyone who thinks otherwise as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is just my opinion!

2006-11-20 11:13:01 · answer #3 · answered by Janine E 4 · 0 1

Ask Moses who wrote it while he was watching the finger of God burn the Ten Commandments in stone! The Bible is made up of 66 books, most written by men who saw first hand the events they wrote about. We say the Bible says, because we want people to know it is God's word, not ours.

2006-11-20 10:39:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

God is the author because due to him there is a Bible and he told what to be wrote... The actual ones who wrote the Bible are for examplePeter, John, Matthew, etc...

2006-11-20 10:38:39 · answer #5 · answered by Ash 3 · 3 0

The Bible was, in my opinion, a document that was inspired by God, written by men. It creates a guideline for morality and how to live. However, not all of God's word can fit in this book. Christians will agree that if God has limitless love, it can't fit in a little book, can it? God's true word is found in what he has created through nature, and what he created personally. The Bible is just a holy excerpt.

2006-11-20 10:50:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

II Peter 1,vs. 21-For prophecy never had it's origin in the will of man,but men spoke from GOD as they were carried along by the HOLY SPIRIT. (carried along in this case means as they were instructed).
II Timothy 3:16 All scripture is GOD breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
Contrary to what some believe, the Word of GOD was not a made up work by man which is outdated and has been changed over the years too many times to be believed, it is the definitive word of GOD and it always will be.

2006-11-20 12:07:47 · answer #7 · answered by softspot 3 · 1 1

The bible was written by people and then translated by hand by monks. then re translated time and time again. The bible we now have is probably nothing like the original bible which may or may not have been correct. I believe in God, but I believe he wants us to love one another- I don't go by anything the bible says because it's about as trustworthy to me as a bunch of thirteen year old girls gossiping about their classmates.

2006-11-20 10:35:50 · answer #8 · answered by Jennifer F 6 · 2 2

God wrote the Bible through humans. And don't try to say that can't work. If I told my brother to write down all that I am saying in this response, is the response written by me or my brother. By me of course, I'm the one who said it, my brother just happened to write it down for me.

My question to you is, have you ever read the Bible for yourself?

2006-11-20 10:36:25 · answer #9 · answered by Gray 2 · 2 2

the bible itself answers that question: "All scripture is inspired by God".....2 timothy 3:16 . Inspired means it is "God-breathed".

also, 2 Peter 1: 21....."holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit".

2006-11-20 10:38:42 · answer #10 · answered by happy pilgrim 6 · 3 0

I like padwinlea answer.
But does she obey the Bible?
The bible I think was written times when life was miserable and it was an answer to the question of whether or not to keep on living.
A man was the author !
But a woman was there to help him!

2006-11-20 10:44:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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