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Do you think that it's right that people can be committed, against their will, if they want to committ suicide? (I don't want religious answers either, we all know religion doesn't like it.) Isn't it is your life to do with as you wish? Why does someone have the right to 'force' you to live? Should they?

2006-11-20 10:20:16 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

30 answers

It's so sad that people try and put more guilt on you when I am sure you have enough already. " "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" is so overdone.
Suicide is not thoughtless. You should not be forced to live just to not hurt others .It is not the cowards way out. It is hard to kill yourself.
You empower yourself knowing you are in charge here. It is called pro-choice.
There are several on line groups for people who are suicidal. It is nice to talk to other who think like you do.
I agree with you that no one or state or country should force you to live .
Very interesting question.

2006-11-20 10:52:31 · answer #1 · answered by Cammie 7 · 0 1

Suicide is murder of your self and murder is wrong. Sometimes people who are full of despair and hopelessness think that suicide is the only option for them. It isn't. They have to develop hope. Most of the time it takes help from others and medication to know that such a thing as hope exists. Sometimes it means regulating the chemical in our system so that we can feel hopeful. Sometimes it simply means not giving into the pain that is caused by the depression and inability to help ourselves. Sometimes it is getting over the shame and guilt caused by issues in our life. Sometimes it means becoming less self centered and focusing on other things. A person who has committed suicide leaves a wake of devastation behind for the family and friends to handle. Sometimes it means tying a knot in a rope and hanging on because tomorrow is a new day. SUICIDE IS NEVER AN OPTION. IT IS WHAT WE DO WHEN WE RUN FROM THE PAIN INSTEAD OF WORKING THROUGH SOME HARD STUFF IN OUR LIFE..

2006-11-20 11:01:59 · answer #2 · answered by cbellsew 3 · 0 0

Suicide has many causes and affects. It is usually done by person's who are not in a clear or well state of mind. Life good or bad at times is life, and since you will always exist in some form why not make your choice to live life in your control. Circumstances are not you and a person has the choice how to react to circumstances. People who are ill or are having problems need medical help. If the person trying to take their own life is going to devistate family and friends possibly to the point of ruining another persons life should the person be given the option to hurt so many others. I recently had someone close that I had known for ten years commit suicide and it causes so many effects and makes so many people feel like if only there was something they could have done. He needed medical help and this time he did not seek it and his family was not helping him.
People who have suicidal tendencies are seeking, seeking help, and/or attention and becuase once they have reached this state of desperation they lose their ability to think rationally. So that is where the family, friends or authorities need to step in a provide the help that potentially suicidal persons need.

2006-11-20 10:37:54 · answer #3 · answered by Mandy 2 · 0 0

I am not religious and believe in euthanasia but I do not believe committing suicide is very smart for the simple reason that you only have one life and it is your responsibility to ensure that you make the best of it that you can. You may be down at some point in your life but that should be your challenge to improve it. You never know what great event is just around the corner and if you have killed yourself you will never know. It is certainly your life to do with as you wish but try to be positive rather than negative.

2006-11-20 10:38:28 · answer #4 · answered by Ted T 5 · 0 0

I think it may be because time in a place like that, where it's almost impossible to go through with, can offer you time to deal with whatever issues that are making you feel like that, and give you time to reavalulate.

Sometimes, it passes, sometimes, it doesn't.

In my opinion, I think that suicide *can* be an answer,
and it also can be a disasterous desicion.

I can't really offer more. I've had a close friend commit suicide,
and I myself am suicidal, and have attempted it,
so beyond what I said up there, I'm done.

2006-11-20 10:32:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What is so bad that one wants to commit suicide ? Try counting your blessings, you still have life, breathe deeply, think of 10 more things to be grateful for. This is Thanksgiving time. What is so dark that one cannot see that the Sun will shine again tomorrow. It is possible that the family will want to commit this person until the mental health and attitude improve. It is not your life to do with as you wish, there are parents, perhaps brothers and sisters friends, they would all be terribly sad if they could not help to keep you alive throughout this difficult time, until you can again go on with your life.

2006-11-20 10:29:25 · answer #6 · answered by pooterilgatto 7 · 1 1

yes someone should have that rite and this is y because while you have chosen the most SELFISH and COWARDLY way out of this world its your family and friends and who ever else you have left behind who is here still dealling with the sames **** you checked out on and now your death and what ever you have left behind as well.. my best friend killed herself she had 2 daughters and a husband that was 6 yrs ago and you know i am still cleaning up her mess her kids are confused and they have no mom.... even if you leave a note your family and friends will still wonder and blame themselves what did i do wrong why didnt i stop them ect.... if you feel this way then go to a dr it could just be that you are low on some chemical in your body and a pill may make you feel a 100% better and there is no shame in asking for help... i dont know you and im srry if i sound harsh but i have been on the other side of this and i know what it will do to the people you leave behind so i am begging you please dont do it there is a better way and if someone thinks you need some time in a hospital go at least you will be alive.... im sure if you stop and think about it you really have more to live for then you think..... anyway thats my take on it no one can choose this for you but there is always a better way out then that one.... not trying to be gross either and srry if this offends anyone but have you thought about this part of it? who is going to find you after you have done it? you never can be sure im sure my friend thought her husband would find her but guess what it was her kids who got to see her... hows that for your final gift to your kids??? im done here... i could go on because as you can tell this subject hits home for me... take care and do the rite thing

2006-11-20 10:33:32 · answer #7 · answered by momoftwobestkids 3 · 0 0

I'll try not to get all emotional about this topic.

But as I see it, killing yourself doesn't just affect you. Besides your family left to wonder, there are others out there that have to deal with the aftermath. The police that are needed to investigate, the coroner, the funeral home... also, how you do it might affect other people and their safety. Not all bullets stay inside the body, some travel on and injure other people. Jump off a building or bridge? Hit someone on the way down. Suicide by cop for those who are really desperate.

How about that guy in Los Angeles who parked his SUV on the train tracks, chickened out, bailed and left his car on the tracks? His SUV caused the train to derail, about a dozen people were killed and many more injured.

So people who want to die, aren't just a danger to themselves, they are a danger to those around them.

2006-11-20 10:26:36 · answer #8 · answered by misskate12001 6 · 0 0

Many people think of doing this stupid thing, but what I have to say is this: There are good and bad days. Everyone has problems I mean everyone. There is no one in this universe who does not have atleast ONE problem. I say suicide is such a stupid thing yes many feel deppressed and don't want to live anymore, but your life is not yours, God has leant it to you and he should decide when to get it back. Also if someone decides to commit suicide why doesn't anyone think about their friends and family have they ever wondered how they will feel????

2006-11-20 10:39:37 · answer #9 · answered by Chicana 4 · 0 0

This is a very difficult topic for some people to understand. Ive had 2 of my very close friends commit suicide and they both told me in a letter of why they did. They told me they felt that would would be better without them, and that no one would miss them and that they were nobody important. Just think about it before you do anything, think about what you could in the future, think about what you could change when your older, think about the impacts you can make on differnet people. I see your point, but also no one forces you to do anything, you do it all yourself.

2006-11-20 10:26:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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