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specifically homosexuality, other than the bible stating that it's a sin, there is really nothing wrong with it (IMO), homosexuals don't seem to hurting anyone, so is it okay to tell them that what they are doing is wrong etc.. just because the bible commands it?

and if it is wrong just because the bible commands it, does that mean any arbitrary thing would be bad/sinful just because the bible says so, ex. If the bible said jews (or any arbitrary group) were evil, would you accept that if there were no other reason except that the bible said it?

2006-11-20 10:18:53 · 27 answers · asked by Nick F 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

so for all you people that say "if the bible said it's wrong than it's wrong" etc., if the bible told you that enslaving blacks was okay, would you do it?

is anything permissable as long as the bible just happens to say it is? or is there a higher standard?

2006-11-20 10:29:47 · update #1

27 answers

It is not our place to judge individuals. That job is left up to God. He knows all the surrounding circumstances of every person and their motivations.

In addition, often in the scriptures people are referred to as "children" in comparison to God, who is our wise, loving, just and powerful Father. Just as a human father can see dangers his young child may be unaware of, our heavenly Father knows the way we were designed (since he's responsible for it) and knows what's best for us.

Homosexuality is deemed unacceptable to God, so there are definitely reasons for it, even if not everyone can fully understand the reasons at this time. The act of homosexuality is spoken of as "wicked," but the Bible does not refer to them as a group and say they are all "evil."

All of us have things we have to work hard to root out of ourselves in order to meet God's requirements. Some have harder work than others. Today we have an imperfect understanding of the causes of homosexuality. Some may be genetic, some may be learned behaviors from environmental factors and who knows what else? We don't, but God does and we can trust that his judgments are just.

I hope you find peace with this subject. :)


The point is, the Bible makes no such sweeping, irrational commands. In my view, it is you who has taken an arbitrary command from the scriptures and turned it into an issue in an effort to discredit the whole Bible.

The problem comes when imperfect people take the commands and principles from the Bible and choose to harm people based on an incomplete understanding of the spirit of what it means to follow Christ. Jesus outwardly rebuked individuals who knew the scriptures through thorough study but who instead chose to make their own traditions first and foremost. Those who were ignorant of his requirements for blessings he treated kindly. Neither group did he ever physically or verbally abuse, but he tried to help them come to an understanding of the truth. As Christians we want to follow Jesus' way of handling the situation.

I have a feeling you or someone you know has been treated poorly by someone claiming to be a Christian for living a homosexual lifestyle. Please don't take one or many person's bad example(s) as the last say about whether the Bible itself is just and reasonable.

Even Jesus said, "Not everyone saying to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens. But the one who does the will of my Father will."

2006-11-20 10:28:56 · answer #1 · answered by berdudget 4 · 0 0

If the Bible says that something is wrong, or a sin, then you can be certain that it is a sin; whether it be homosexuality, stealing, cussing, or whatever it may be. Homosexuals may not appear to be hurting anyone, but they are most certainly hurting themselves; and anyone else whom they persuade that homosexuality is alright. They are hurting our society, because God is always looking at this nation with an open eye, as well as He is looking at the rest of the world. And God is not going to bless any society for very long which supports homosexuality, or any other sin for that matter. It most certainly is alright to tell them that they are doing wrong, if you are a Christian. For God told us to go and preach the gospel to every creature. He was referring to every word in the Word of God. And He was talking about us telling other people the difference in right and wrong; and trying to lead them to the Lord Jesus; that He might become their Savior and the Lord of their life. You speak as though you take the Bible very lightly; as far as it meaning what it says. When God commands us to do something, He expects us to do it. And if He says that something is wrong, then you had better believe that it is wrong. The Bible does in no way say that the Jews are wrong. But if it did say so, Yes I would believe it. The Jews do wrong and make mistakes just like people of any other race. But that does not make them wrong, just because of the fact that they are Jews. The Jews were Jesus' own race of people. However, the Bible does tell us that any people who worship and honor any god other than Jehovah, are wrong. And the Bible is the only means of evidence that we need. I advise you to start taking the Bible much more seriously. It is the written word of God.

2006-11-20 18:40:36 · answer #2 · answered by Calvin S 4 · 0 0

Well, that's actually a very good question. The Bible says certain things are evil or good, but not arbitrarily. For instance, it says murder is evil. Is it that murder would be good if the Bible never existed? No. The Bible, and other holy books, say that murder is bad, because it is evil.

To judge anything to be good or evil, one must figure out the purpose of something. The purpose of something is defined as what it is PRIMARILY used for, and it is the best thing used to get the job done. For example, a car is used primarily for getting from point A to point B. A good car gets the job done. A bad car is broken down in the junkyard and fails to accomplish that task. A car is not really used for a punching bag, although it can be, because a sand-filled punching bag does the job better. Likewise, to figure out the purpose of the sexual act is key to understanding moral goodness or evil of the act.

Homosexuality is sinful because it goes against the very nature of sexuality, which is for the union of two people AND procreation. Excluding one of those two ends is going to be sinful.

In the end, people must understand that it is NOT ok to hate homosexuals, or distance themselves from practicing gays. Just like it is not OK to look down on any other human being. We are all sinners and all of us need help achieving the goal of heaven.

2006-11-20 18:27:40 · answer #3 · answered by Peter N 2 · 1 0

If the Bible says it then it's true and shouldn't be accepted and will never be accepted.. But OK I'm looking at things from your point of view, and you have to understand that just because the Bible tells you that it's wrong, society tells you the same... Gays have never been and will never be morally accepted by society.. I have nothing against gay people, one of my close guy friends is gay... But just because i accept it does not mean that i agree with it, yes i'm his friend and yes it's his choice to sleep with whomever he feels the need to i wont judge him, but he knows as well as i do that the Bible teachs that we should not sleep with our same gender... He knows that God can and will forgive him for doing that and he has even said that he knows in his heart that it is wrong and that one day he will seek and find God and ask for his forgivness and guidenence, and that God can transform his mand.. The Bible says that the Lord will provide us with a new mind, and that is what he will do not speaking literally but to let us see the way that is right... God is forever eternity is forever our wants on this earth are temporary and tommorrow is not promised...

2006-11-20 18:32:58 · answer #4 · answered by Ash 3 · 1 0

The Bible clearly states that it is wrong! The Lord created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. We are told that in the last days this would happen and that the Lord would give them over to a reprobate mind. When the Lord says it is wrong,take his word for it. People always attempt to justify themselves by saying that times have changed. Times haven't changed Gods word as we can't update the Lord.

2006-11-20 18:42:04 · answer #5 · answered by mandbturner3699 5 · 0 0

If God, the creator of all the universe says it is wrong, IT IS WRONG!. He is the creator, you the creation, so he surely knows more than you do. He knows the big picture and therefore has the right to make the rules. In Romans 1, the bible says that men refused to respect God their creator and he left them to their reprobate ways which will lead to death. Do you want to be a wise person who follows God or do you want to be a reprobate who will eventually die in his/her sin. Up to you.

As to the Jews, they are still God's chosen people who he made a covenant with and though he may chastise them as a Father does his children, he will always love them. The bible teaches no group of people are evil. Only evil ones are those who refuse to follow God and his son, Jesus Christ.

2006-11-20 18:29:08 · answer #6 · answered by SusieDarling 2 · 0 0

the bible says what it says,hypothetically if something was considered wrong was added or was previously written therein, it would still be wrong, this may change if the said thing was in the old testament as we know some of the laws came to pass with the new covenant which we find in the new testament. irregardless this doesn't change the act of homosexuality being a sin.

2006-11-20 18:25:27 · answer #7 · answered by fenian1916 5 · 0 0

The bible has been "translated" and "rewritten" hundreds and thousands of times to suit the clergy and king in power at the time. So, lots of what it says was changed, lots has been left out, and a whole whole lot added. The Vatican admits to "different" versions residing in "their" archives. Each and every politician throughout history can be depended upon for one thing - - talking out both sides of their mouths. So just how much of the bible is currently truth or worth following anyway. I can pick any passage and ask the clergy from 10 different religions to tell me what it mean and they would ALL have a different opinion. Just the facts Just the facts. It has been changed to say what those libturds want it to say.

2006-11-20 18:29:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well then, I guess no shellfish or mixed fibers for these folks! No divorces, and heck it must be okay to stone people and own slaves because the Bible says so.

So many people complain about taking Bible quotes out of context... but I think the whole Bible needs to be considered in context too, of the time, place, of culture in which it was written.

2006-11-20 18:24:41 · answer #9 · answered by KC 7 · 0 0

Well if you're a strong believer of Bible-than follow the commands before employing homosexuality.There is no arbitration for the commands of Bible.The way you interpret it according to your own knowledge.You can't turn back the clock.But you can wind it up again!There are other reason as we all are human beings and we the people shaped the mankind.

2006-11-20 18:40:40 · answer #10 · answered by precede2005@yahoo.com 1 · 0 0

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