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i respect your beleifs and though i am not an athiest, i am also not a follower of any organized religeon.

where did people go when they died before jesus was alive? what happens to children who are retarded or autistic or babies who die at birth who never have the chance or mental capability to accept jesus as their savior? what about science and evolution, even though its labeld as a "theory" so is the "theory" of gravityhow is it not real if bacteria evolves. why does god create us in a way where we have the natural urges for sex and masturbation, does he deliberatley set us up for faliure? what about the people who donate to charity and good hearted people who choose to beleive in something else? what about animals like dogs and cats they are living things right? where do they go when they die if they cant praise jesus? why arent women alowed to be pastors, does god think they are not worthy enough? why do peoplethink the bible was written by god if it was written after he died?

2006-11-20 09:48:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

do you beleive in the bible because it tells you that its right? how can you burn in hell if you dont have any physical body or nerve endings to feel pain? why does god let people be born gay if it is a sin? does he choose certain people to be born different to not let them into heaven?
PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE FROM THE BIBLE!!!! i dont want to listen to it i want to hear what YOU as a christian and a human being think!!!!

2006-11-20 09:52:21 · update #1

20 answers

Before, and during the time of Jesus, in the Old Testament, when a person died, or was killed by god it was said that he was no more, but after the death of Jesus came the advent of Christianity, and with it came another idea that had never been mentioned before, and this was the idea of hell. What a wonderful thing that the new church gave us. I wonder how many millions of people spent most of their lives in misery because of the ignorance of a few zealots? And to this day the church would rather have people suffer then tell them the truth. It makes me sick to my stomach.

2006-11-20 10:05:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

1: To the same place they go now, into the grave, also known as hades or hell.
2: They will be in heaven with the rest of the saved, and they will not be 'retarded' but completely healed as if they had never had a problem.
3: Wow, big question. the science of evolution is any theory, or belief that excludes the plain truth of the Bible, which categorically states that we are created, not evolved. Bacteria evolution? Do you mean when an organism becomes resistant or changes its characteristics? That is not 'evolution', that is an organism just trying to live, we humans do much the same thing. God did not create us with these 'natural urges' as you put it, satan instilled those into our race, you see each generation that willfully disobeys God is worse then the preceding one. God wants us to succeed not fail, that is why He gave us the Scriptures to research, so that we can find out the truth for ourselves, and do/obey what we find.
4: There are those who have had no chance to know Jesus or the Bible, or God, so God takes everything about an individual into account.
5: Animals are living yes, but they were spoken into existence (Gen 1:20-25), we however "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" Gen 2:7. Everything that is not human ceases to exist upon death.
6: Eph 5:23 "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Savior of the body." Just for openers.
7: No they are not, and here is why, Woman came out of Man! Adam was created AND THEN Eve was created using A RIB from Adam! As the husband is over the wife, so Christ is over the husband, and so God is over Christ.
8: I am sorry? Do you think that Jesus is God? Why on earth would anyone want to believe that? Jesus us Micheal, God is Jehovah. Michael/Jesus is the only begotten Son of God since before creation. Ps 2:7, Rev 3:14. Jesus the Son of God (God being also the family name) died as our propitiation, He experienced the second death so that we as followers do not have to. His sacrifice was excepted of God.
9: Study the Scriptures to show yourselves approved of God, a workman not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the truth.

2006-11-20 10:34:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Actually, mental and autistic people have a chance to accept Jesus as their Savior-my friend's sister did. It was surprising at first, but you could really tell she believed. Adam and Eve caused our sinful nature, and that is why Jesus had to die for our sins on the cross. So God did not 'deliberately' give us sin. He isn't that...mean. And about the theory of evolution (Charles Darwin, etc.). Are monkeymen evolving right now? No. And Charles Darwin did become a Christian before he died, fortunately. Unfortunately, many people believe in the 'theory of evolution' because they have no other explanation, but Darwin only meant it as a 'joke.' The good-hearted people cannot go into the New Jerusalem because they have not repented and confessed their sins. They have to be regenerated, or born again. Check out Matthew if you have any questions about being born again. And unfortunately, animals cannot be saved because they don't have a spirit, or soul. They can't believe and recieve Jesus Christ. So after they die, they just...die. They don't burn in hell, or go to 'heaven.' And I'm a non-denominational Christian, and we don't have a pastor/minister because we don't believe one is necessary. We should follow Christ, not a minister/person. And the Bible was not written by God, wherever that idea came from. Every book in the Bible is written by different people, for ex/ the Thessalonians are written by Paul. And Exodus is written by Moses. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and all the effort and thoughts you put into these questions. I hope you may someday know the truth and if you are living in the States or Canada, check out your local church. For ex/ Church in Montreal, Church in Chicago, etc. All the churches with this kind of 'name' are connected and order books and stuff from the Living Stream Ministry. So wherever I move, there is always a local church I can attend that have like the same beliefs as my old one! Thanks for letting me share my beliefs and I hope you gain eternal salvation someday!
In Christ,

2006-11-20 10:04:24 · answer #3 · answered by Hannah 3 · 2 0

Hi, You've asked a lot of good questions, and I'll do my best to answer you, respecting that you don't want Biblical passages quoted.
1)Before Jesus came, people went to "paradise" when they died, (If they were believers who were looking forward in faith for the Messiah)
2)Young children and those mentally handicapped that you mentioned have not "knowingly" sinned which is what one must have done to be guilty before God, therefore they are under God's Grace and would go to heaven when they die in this condition.
3)The Bible is a book of science, and therefore the two are very compatible, however, it teaches that God CREATED the world and everything we see, not that things evolved.
4)Sexual urges are very natural, but God sets boundaries as to what types of sexual activity is acceptable under what circumstance. God says that there is to be sex between 1 man and 1 woman, and it is to be in marriage. Sex outside of this is either; adultery, fornication, incest, rape, homosexuality, bestiality, and they are all wrong in His sight.

2006-11-20 10:20:20 · answer #4 · answered by lookn2cjc 6 · 1 0

Before Jesus came, people went to Gahenna or Hades - (Spelling?) I think that is the name- it was not the same Hell as Sheol- it was like a holding place- And those that did not follow God went to Hell ( Sheol )
When Jesus came and died on the cross, then rose again- in those 3 days he went to the place where those who DID follow the Lord were- and he took them to heaven. There is scripture on this....

Ephesians 4:9
(In saying, "He ascended," what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth?

--There is more on this too--

Animals do not have souls as I believe....

Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Savior will not inherit the kingdom of God ( heaven) it is only through salvation in Jesus Christ that one can go to heaven and be set free from sin. We have all sinned against God- Romans 3.
Jesus died for those who believe- those who repent of sin and trust Him will be set free! It is a beautiful thing the Lord did- God created the heavens and earth- God created science! God is the intelligent one- NOT US. I just live by His word- and I love Him for saving me from Hell and sin- for giving me a NEW life in Him. God deserves all the glory~ And God knows the hearts of every person. He knows who are "His sheep"

John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

2006-11-20 09:54:46 · answer #5 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 2 0

This is indeed a lot for one post, but here it goes:

People before and people after Jesus died went/go to the same place: the grave. There they await the resurrection from the dead.
Christ's death covers the sin of every human being, including children who are retarded or autistic and babies who die at birth. Only those who reject His salvation consiously, willingly, repeatedly and finally are lost.
In what way do bacteria evolve? Bacteria change and develop over time, but they remain bacteria, if this is evolution then fine. But we are made to believe that through evolution bacteria can become baboons over millions of years! That requires possibly more faith than belief in special creation.
Sex is not bad, and the verdict is still out on masturbation. Sex is a gift from God to be shared between two people, to give each other (not oneself) pleasure and bonding and to secure the survival of the human race.
People are not saved by being 'good', but by letting themselves be drawn by Christ, and He draws all men, but some resist.
Animals are of a different order than humans. Humans were made in God's image, with freedom of (informed) choice. Animals are in many important ways less free than we are.
Both men and women are made in God's image, so both are equally important and worthy. The Christian community is like the human body, with different parts having different functions and roles, but each part indespensable and important to the whole.
The Bible is the Word of God by virtue of being written by men over the long course of centuries, men who have been inspired by God to write in their own words their experiences and thoughts and revelations as they were moved by the Spritit of God. While the whole of the New Testament was indeed written after Jesus died and rose again, the whole of the Old Testament was written hundreds of years before He was born. But then again, He Himself existed before He was born. (But I'm not allowed to quote Scripture to you :D)

2006-11-20 10:10:23 · answer #6 · answered by arubislander 1 · 2 0

All of your questions deserve an answer but i honestly believe this space is way too short to answer them all. To all your questions there have been asnwers formulated by many people....get the nose on the books if your really want to know. I say it seriously: if you have the honest, intellectual, spiritual desire to ask these questions then have the intellectual and spiritual will to work and put something from your part because true understanding does not come for free, you have to work for it...hit the books man, each of your questions is actually a fully develop field of enquiry with tons of different answers. I would suggest also to get reliable guidance while performing your enquiry.

there is no danger in asking questions, the danger is in leaving them unaswered and forgoten. Go for it!

2006-11-20 09:55:46 · answer #7 · answered by Dominicanus 4 · 2 0

Many questions here, but I will try.

People who died before Jesus Christ is a place called hell not Sheol. (Limbo of our Fathers) Unborn children who are killed through deliberate abortion are martyrs of the faith, baptized in blood. Unborn children who die before baptism could be said to have a baptism of desire and are left to God infinite mercy. God Grace is given freely without any action from us to receive, so mental capacity is not a requirement to salvation. Think of the young man whom Jesus expelled his demon from within. The young man did not have to acknowledge or "do" anything. God gives his Grace freely.

1 Cor 2:9, Rev 22:5, Mt 25:21-23, 1 Cor 3:15, 1 Pet 1:7, 2 Macc 12:46,

Self gratification is not natural and very unhealthy. It focuses our love within our isolated lusts. It is counter to the self sacrificing gift of God's Love. These acts of self manipulation actually teaches us a greater selfishness and self centerness in lust, not True Christlike Love.

Jesus chose only men to be leaders of His Church. I can't explain why God the Father created His redeemer as a man, but that is specifically what Jesus was, so priest are the same.

The Holy Bible is only one part of the Word. Tradition, the Church leadership, and the written Word form the entire message of Christ.

2006-11-20 10:13:16 · answer #8 · answered by Lives7 6 · 0 1

My goodness, someone has a lot on his mind!

I'm new at studying the Bible, but in Genesis for instance, it says something like "then one day he was just gone". In other words, yes he passed on, but God took him.

As for children whether they are handicapped or not, they don't have the spiritual nature to understand what is expected of them. I believe that all children will be with God.

We all have free will, God gave that to us. What we do with it is what shapes us in His eyes.

I can not answer your question about evolution but there is a scientist Chuck Mizler(I think that's how you spell his name) who delves into almost every word of the Bible. I'm sure he could answer your question.

Those that donate to charity and good hearted people, those that I know, walk in faith.

My minister is a woman.

I don't think the bible was written by God it was "breathed" into us by God. In other words, Moses, wrote down what he knew because of his relationship with God, even though the book he wrote happened three hundred years before he was even born.

And last, personally, I asked God that He would let me see my cat in heaven when I die. Even though animals have no soul, I fully expect to see her. Because I walk in faith.

2006-11-20 10:10:18 · answer #9 · answered by Emma J 3 · 1 1

Hello . :)

Before Jesus came, if they were filled with the Holy Spirit, their spirit went to be with the Lord, for the Bible said they went to sleep.. :)


If one does is not able to know right from wrong because of age or because of any mental handicap, then God takes them under His wing.. :)


Science is mentioned in the Bible..even before the theory of evolution..

Daniel 1

4 children in whom was no blemish, but well-favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chalde'ans.


I know of no theory of gravity, for gravity is fact..

bacteria does mutate:

mu‧tate  Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[myoo-teyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -tat‧ed, -tat‧ing.

–verb (used with object)

1. to change; alter.

2. Phonetics. to change by umlaut.
–verb (used without object)

3. to change; undergo mutation.

I can change and or alter my appearence also.. :)


God created a man and a woman to be married..for it is better to marry than to burn with lust.. :)

I am not married, yet I have no urges, for my mind is set upon God.. :)


Good works only will not get anyone, me included into Heaven..we must have Faith also..


The Bible..says the Lion shall lay down by the Lamb.. :)


Because it was a woman who was first deceived not a man..that is why a woman is not to teach a man..

Yes, they are worthy, for in the Last Days (Now) God poured out His Spirit and old men dream dreams, young men see visions..and women are prophesing.. :)


I believe in God's Holy Word because, there is NO DOUBT whatsoever in my heart.. :)


I pray I answered your question.. :)

Have a Nice Thanksgiving.. :)

In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With Love..In Christ.. :)


2006-11-20 10:19:26 · answer #10 · answered by EyeLovesJesus 6 · 0 0

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