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I've come to the realization that most Christians believe that because God is loving, He is focused on us completely, and that most Christians love Him because He loves them. Yet, this is why so many people get angry with God when things don't go their way. The truth is, God isn't focused on us, or in better words, His heart is not centered on us. We as Christians are called to have God-centered hearts, to glorify Him in everything we do. If God were to have a man-centered heart, then our hearts would be focused on a heart that's focused on us, and therefore we would have man-centered hearts as well. However, that's not what we're supposed to be focused on! So, this means that God has a God-centered heart, so that we could also be focused on Him. He wants us to love Him and glorify Him because He's God, not because He loves us. But God still loves us! It says in the Bible that we are most satsified when we glorfiy God, so by wanting us to glorify Him, He is truly loving us.

2006-11-20 09:18:02 · 17 answers · asked by Forget My Name. 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Wow that was long...questions/comments?

2006-11-20 09:19:34 · update #1

This may make Him seem selfish, but like I said, He shows us true love in wanting us to give Him glory. He tells us that we will be most satisfied when we glorify Him, and we will recieve pure joy. After all, we were made to glorify Him, and He alone deserves all the glory.

2006-11-20 09:34:29 · update #2

17 answers

Amen! God created us FOR HIM- not the other way around.
All glory belongs to Him- we do not deserve His wonderful salvation or blessings- yet He does love us- and His ways are the right ways- I love this verse:

Psalm 1:2
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Psalm 119:70
Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in your law.

2006-11-20 09:22:25 · answer #1 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 2 1

The Bible teaches that God is not focused on us to the exclusion of everything else, but that He is deeply interested in our welbeing. And in return we should be interested in His welbeing and in the welbeing of His creation. God surely does not have a God-centered heart, for that would make Him selfish. The Bible says that God is love (agape) And selfishness is the opposite of love. God has an other-centered heart, and He wishes us to have an other-centered heart too.
If we believe in a God with a self-centered heart, we will have made Him in our image instead of the other way around.

2006-11-20 17:28:05 · answer #2 · answered by arubislander 1 · 0 0

Well, I am a simple man and I don't profess to know the heart of God Almighty. I do know that God so loved the world of us miserable sinful humans that He sent His only begotten son to die for us! How is that for love? To know that I was first loved by God and that I love because of Him is really all I need to know. The Bible says that He numbers the hairs on my head! My wife says that one day, He will wipe out every tear from our eyes and all the suffering we have been through on earth will be wiped away personally by Him! She says, people are always trying to give God a bad image by making Him appear angry and uncaring but if they would only read the Bible they would really understand that is NOT who God is. God is the ultimate expression of love! This is what draws me to Him. When I look at the beauty of creation, I am reminded of His great and perfect love!

2006-11-20 17:35:41 · answer #3 · answered by Alan C 2 · 0 0

This is very insightful. Our American culture wants a feel good religion. We have forgotten that God is just and righteous. He does not wink at sin. He wants to be worshiped His way, not our way. Do a study on the Tabernacle and see how specific God is in the way He wants to be worshiped. We must first deal with sin and then come with a thankful heart in humility.

Below is an excellent study on worship.

2006-11-20 17:29:20 · answer #4 · answered by Tatochka 3 · 0 0

I would have to somewhat agree with you. I would think of it along this line though, God does love us, but he is only concerned with our eternal well being. The scripture frequently quoted, "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16, implies that God does love us, but is concerned with our "everlasting life" not our temporal life or our life here on earth. I believe God loves us and wants us to be happy in the eternities, but is not concerned with our happiness here on earth. He is concerned only that we follow him, come what may, and not that we have happiness during our earthly life as this is the concern only Satan. Satan wants us to be temporally happy, while God desires for us eternal happiness. That is how I see this issue.

2006-11-20 17:31:51 · answer #5 · answered by Presagio 4 · 0 0

Well, I'm sorta confused by your point, I suppose.

But, to me, I don't understand why God loves us, but at the same time, Love really doesn't need a reason. So, I leave it to God.

2006-11-20 17:26:24 · answer #6 · answered by JG 3 · 0 0

Sort of a Copernican view of God? We are not the center of God's universe.

Prepare for resistance on that little notion...

2006-11-20 17:20:44 · answer #7 · answered by Bran McMuffin 5 · 1 0

while there is sense to your argument, and it is well-written, i am saddened at your blind devotion and the complete surrender of your will, one of the only things we as humans truly have, to another, even one described as a beloved god. not just yours, but that of most of the responders here, too. your god may indeed be a wonderful shepherd, but remember, only sheep need a shepherd. i choose not to be a sheep.

2006-11-20 18:06:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think God just knows better what we need so if we are disappointed because he has said No to a request it doesn't mean he isn't paying attention to us it just means he knows best.

2006-11-20 17:22:23 · answer #9 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 2

GOD created man the least we can do is pay the homage, adoration, respect due the CREATOR OF US ALL.

2006-11-20 17:26:07 · answer #10 · answered by Marvin R 7 · 0 1

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