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If individual interpretation is the chief method for us to read His word, and people weren't meant to submit themselves to a main interpretive authority like the Church, then:

- Why did a Church Council decide what books would be in the Bible in the 4th century? Was this Church Council infaliable? Did it have this authority?

- Why were most people illiterate until the 16th century? How did all these illiterate people get to know about Jesus?

- Why are there 10,000 different Christian denomination, all being guided by individual interpretations of the same Spirit?

2006-11-20 08:52:07 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

No he does not, that is why when one of his disciples was walking along the road and someone was reading Scripture and the Lord told him to hurry to catch up with the guy and the Apostle asked the guy what he was reading and the guy told him but, asked the explanation of it the Apostle then explained it. This is to show us that we need his church to interpret it correctly. I mean look at all the varying interpretations here on this site

2006-11-20 09:01:18 · answer #1 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 2

-The church council was made up with delegates from all the churches across land. The books included in the Bible were decided on when Revelations was complete before 100 A.D. The council did have authority given by the various churches. The purpose of tha council was to offically and publically close the Bible to spurious books that were poping up from time to time.
-Yes, most people were illeterate then. The purpose of church is to teach about Jesus-this is the PRIMARY purpose of any church, if it is not, then it is a false church.
-Once the world began to come out of the dark ages ( Catholic domination), many Christians began to enjoy freedom of Religion with out the fear of loosing their head. Most new churches threw out all Catholic practices and began from scratch. Unfortunately some did not know where to start. Some were slower than others in developing a theology. Some went left and some went right, and some went crazy.
-there is only one interpretation of the Bible-only one. This is why a systematic method of Bible study is so important. If one interprets wrong-then they will do wrong. And that is obvious by what we see in the church today. The Bible must be our standard, anything else is just man.

2006-11-20 09:20:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes, it is up to every man to receive his own revelation. We come to understand the scriptures by way of the spirit. However, it does not mean that an organized body who dispurses the word of God is a bad thing. We should each still seek personal revelation as to whether those teachings are correct.

The Bible has been translated many times, and likely has some errors. However, if we know this going into it we can be more cautious in our blind faith. It is a shame that not everyone can read the Bible (the Catholic church actuallly discouraged lay members from reading the Bible until the 20th century).

As to all the religions, you are right, it's crazy. If there is one God, then how can there be so many religions who teach different things? That does not seem like the God I worship. If there is a God, and if we are really his children, then I would not expect him to set up all this differing religions. This does not mean they are all bad, because they likely do teach many of God's words, but I am guessing a God that loves man would give them a little less confusing path. There's gotta be one out there, one God actually sits at the head of. We just gotta find it.

2006-11-20 09:07:31 · answer #3 · answered by straightup 5 · 0 0

Individual interpretation is not the chief method. The Bible interprets itself. Be very careful of church systems that teach the traditions of men, rather that the true Word of God. Mans traditions make void the Word of God.
Truthfully, deciding on what books made it into the Bible is an on-going controversy. But, I believe that those books that made it into the Bible, made it there because God had a hand in it. Don't forget, God is in control, and will interfere where it serves his plan. Iliterate people in the 16th Century got information on religion the same way they got all their info - by word of mouth. I should mention that if you look around, you'll find that 99% of the Churches of today are Biblically illiterate, and thats a fact you can take straight to the bank. The reason there are so many religions is because for one reason or another they broke off of other religious groups to form their own. For example, not too long ago, one Church decided to have a lesbian head of church. Two-thirds of that church are either in other churches or deciding on their own church to open and run, because the Bible clearly states homosexuality to be against the law of God. I wouldn't stay in that church, either.
When God returns he plans to visit the Churches FIRST. And oh boy, are they gonna get it for some of their crap.

2006-11-20 09:03:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am going to try this computer, the other ones kicked me off the other two times just as I was finishing my answer, so here goes.
No individual interpretation. God tells us to search the Scriptures, that means to research them to find the truth, by comparing verse, line and precept against verse, line and precept.
- The Catholic church did not like all that was in the Scriptures, so they played around a bit, but God has kept enought of His truth that for anyone who wishes to find the truth they can. They had no authority (other then their selves) and were and are falible.
- The Catholics outlawed schools, except for their own, and forbade the reading of the Bible, and even the owening of one, upon the pain of death. They even forbade the nobility from learning to read and write. So when they neaded someone to read or write they were totaly depent upon the cleargy, Catholic. A neat way to control the masses! God had (and still has) a people, who hid out in the deep wildernesses (although they nolonger have to do this) and they would send out a represintitive to find those who were truly searching for God and to instruct them, this was not with out great paril.
-Not the same spirit, satan has taught humanity the principle of devide and conquer.
After three times of this, I hope it makes some sense.

2006-11-20 09:49:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In my honest opinion yes, I think that we all need to make out own determination of what we think is meant by every little statement in the bible. I really believe that God wants us all to think about what that particular verse means to us. If we just go along with how other interprete it then we might miss out on what it's supposed to mean to us as an individual. So much is already lost in translation that it's really hard to get the exact meaning of some of it anyhow. What I have found is that sometimes people will say "Well, that's not literally what was meant there" other times people will say that it was meant literally. It seems to mean that some people just take the meanings of things how they want. Like whatever suites them. You'll have to decide for yourself. Good luck

2006-11-20 09:04:51 · answer #6 · answered by Liza M 2 · 0 0


One sure way is to read the scriptures ourselves by asking God to open our understanding of His words.

In order for us to see the truth by the guidence of the Holy Spirit which has always been God's Way from the beginning.

God wants to reveal Himself to his children, We have to ask. God will never speak to us anything contrary to the Bible.

Jesus says that His sheep will follow Him, will follow the truth John 14:6, and they will not follow a stranger.

"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth." John 16:13

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any PRIVATE INTERPRETATION." 2 Peter 1:20

The above statement clearly tells us that God's precious gift to us, the written Bible is for our Own Private Use.

The Holy Scripture says, "These things I am writing to you that you may know that you have eternal life..." (1 John 5:13).

A Man being "Infallible"? No Human is Infallible. Only GOD can make such claim.

Pope is Infallible? The Bible says that the antichrist will call himself God.

2006-11-20 08:57:45 · answer #7 · answered by House Speaker 3 · 1 1

God gave you a good brain to use and to read with.

He reveals Himself in His Word. There's not a lot space for "interpretation." It is what it is. The inspired Word of God. He tells us if we seek Him earnestly, we will find Him. I found Him (however, He wasn't the one that was lost...)

Either you believe what He says, or you don't. You either have faith or you don't. It's your decision, your choice and your free will.

What path will you take?

The Council that decided what books where inspired and not, are the ones that fell in-line with other historical documents. Whether the book in question was inspired and Holy or just ramblings of a "human." They had a strict criteria they followed.

People get to know Jesus by word of mouth, reading and by studying.

I didn't realize there were 10,000 different "denominations" that follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's pretty cool!

God says that His Word would not come back void. He has protected it for thousands of years.

2006-11-20 09:00:04 · answer #8 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 0 1

No he did not. As a matter of fact he rebuked the pharisees and scribes for mis-interpreting the scriptures. He was our model in interpreting the bible. After he was resurrected, he showed himself to Cleopas and others. There he explained to them--citing Moses, the prophets, and the psalms--why the messiah had to die and on the 3rd day rise again.

2006-11-20 09:03:36 · answer #9 · answered by Egyptian Prince 4 · 0 0

First of all you can only be able to interpret and understand the bible through the power of the holy spirit. The bible as written mainly by prophets who had revelations of God and where under the spirit of God. Through them, God made known what his plans were for his people. He spoke through them to comfort believers who were in doubt, troubles, sinful....... People like Solomon wrote in proverbs everything you need to know about aspects and situations of life. Solomon was given wisdom(because he asked to be wise). Some one like David wrote about his hardship and victory in wars and as well as circumstance in his life.
You are right to say that some of the writers of the bible were illiterate and as far as they choosing which book to add to the bible, i don't have a right answer. But i believe that Even if you were to doubt the bible,you can ask God to reveal and use you. Though reading the bible is great but you should aim for having a living relationship with God(That is a bible all by itself: yours).
Hope this helps.

2006-11-20 09:06:10 · answer #10 · answered by liza246 3 · 1 1

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