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2006-11-20 08:47:18 · 21 answers · asked by chuck 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Actually that is a retorical question. Mormons do believe they are the one true religion, what do you think of that and did you also know the Mormon Church is growing at an amazing rate?

2006-11-20 08:53:27 · update #1

The reason it is growing at such an amazing rate is because it has a huge sales force of young brainwashed children on bikes.
They also believe that the Mayan Indians are the lost tribe of Israel and the pyramids are modeled after the pyramids in Egypt. Not true, study your history and the facts!
Mayans have been tested and there is genetic proof that its false. Also Joseph Smith lied to his congregation and kept the fact of his polygomous life a secret for many years....so he could have lots of loving. The Mormon religion is based on things that cant be proven...and in fact can be disproven.
For all you LDS believers try reading "Under The Banner Of Heaven" if you have the courage to think for yourselves and face the truth. Pray on that with an open heart...if you dare.

2006-11-20 09:06:09 · update #2

21 answers

Religions come from people representing
God. Creation comes from God.

For the most part, religions are tools that
mankind uses to nail down something, that's
not supposed to be nailed down, to begin with.

Worship life in Truth and in Spirit.

2006-11-20 09:05:31 · answer #1 · answered by kyle.keyes 6 · 0 0

Yes, we believe we are the one COMPLETE religion, others have parts and pieces of the full gospel but not all of it.
Also, WHY would I read a book such as "Under the Banner" when I already have asked my Heavenly Father if the church is true and have already received my answer??? Thinking for myself - I will let the Lord lead me in the right direction, not some person who slanders the LDS church and writes books to "expose" the "truth" or whatever.
Everyone should have their own testimony, you could research and research all you want but you will never find the real truth unless you go to the one source that will never lead you astray: The Lord, through the Holy Ghost, will manifest all truths necessary.

2006-11-21 13:48:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My understanding is that they do believe they are the only church on the earth that contains the authority of God and the ordinances necessary to achieve eternal progression. Now, they don't believe that other churches are bad per se, but that they just don't have ALL of the truths (they may have many truths). They respect all religions and see them for the benefit they are to mankind.

I would bet most people, especially judeo/christians, believe their faith or religion is correct. Why else would you join or follow if you didn't? So, it's a somewhat interesting question. Why not ask whether or not everyone believes their religion to be the one true religion?

2006-11-20 16:54:01 · answer #3 · answered by straightup 5 · 2 0

I believe so. Most religions do :) I'm pretty sure the only religious sects who don't believe they are the only path are Buddhism, Wicca, and other extremely open religious mindsets.

Just a note for a previous poster, most Christians these days acknowledge the fact that Jesus was Jewish (it's kind of hard to deny, it's in the Bible). As for Jesus being married, I will take the risk of angering people by saying that not everything you read in "DaVinci's Code" is 100% true :) Know your accusee before pointing fingers, please.

2006-11-20 16:51:07 · answer #4 · answered by janeowyn180 3 · 0 0

From my experience, most religions believe that they are the one true faith. They wouldn't advertise on TV and ride around in pairs on bicycles if they didn't believe it. The interesting thing is, once you strip away cultural differences, most religions basically say the same thing. Makes you wonder why so much blood has been spilled over the centuries over something so trivial.

2006-11-20 16:50:29 · answer #5 · answered by Grant W 3 · 0 0

Yes it is true Mormons believe they are the only true church and they condemn all other religions especially Christianity.

Mormons are against every Christian doctrine, and they have their own perversions of doctrines such as God is the father of Satan, and Satan is our brother - let's decorate our temples with inverted pentagrams and put occultic symbols on our magic underwear and be our own gods, yet they claim they are Christians. Ha!

The Mormon church sends missionaries throughout the world with the message that God has spoken from heaven and restored the true church of Christ to the earth. These missionaries are instructed to teach that the Mormon church is the only true church and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. They are supposed to persuade the contact that his church is false and that he should join "the true church of Jesus Christ."

The Mormon church definitely teaches that all other churches are in a state of apostasy. More than fifty pages of the introduction to the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are devoted to proving that all churches except the Mormon church are in apostasy. The following, for example, is found on page XL: "Nothing less than a complete apostasy from the Christian religion would warrant the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

Mormons claim that in 1820 God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ visited Joseph Smith and told him that he "must join none" of the churches, "for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: 'they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof'" (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith 2:18-19).

Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt wrote: "The gates of hell have prevailed and will continue to prevail over the Catholic Mother of Harlots, and over all her Protestant Daughters;...the apostate Catholic church, with all her popes and bishops, together with all her harlot daughters shall be hurled down to hell.. ." (Pamphlets by Orson Pratt, p.112).

2006-11-20 22:41:42 · answer #6 · answered by kirstycristy 3 · 0 1

Many different groups claim they are the one and only. JWs and Seven Day Adventists do, that I know for sure. This is what is causing all the conflict within christianity.

2006-11-20 17:16:27 · answer #7 · answered by Lukusmcain// 7 · 0 0

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints
Yes we believe that our church is the most complete, for example the correct mode of baptism, and all the other important ordinances,
but so do a lot of other churches as well, and they have a right to do so if they believe they are.
see our basic beliefs on www.mormon.org

2006-11-20 16:51:38 · answer #8 · answered by righteous992003 4 · 3 1

Name a religion that DOESN'T believe theirs is the one true religion.

2006-11-20 17:38:20 · answer #9 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 0 0

It would be more accurate to say "most true" as we understand many other religions have many truths to them as well.

2006-11-20 16:50:38 · answer #10 · answered by daisyk 6 · 2 0

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