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several people left saying "this is a hard thing he is asking." Did he run after them and say "I was only speaking symbolically, come back" I mean if they didn't have life in them, you would have thought that would have been important enough to do that wouldn't you?

2006-11-20 08:12:07 · 23 answers · asked by Midge 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

the sacrifice of the Mass is the SAME sacrifice not a new one.

2006-11-20 08:22:18 · update #1

23 answers

Communion right?

2006-11-20 08:14:41 · answer #1 · answered by sweetie_baby 6 · 1 2

Your right , Jesus didn't try to go into further detail with them just like he didn't explain the parables either. Honest hearted ones, like the apostles waited and asked further questions. The Lord's Evening Meal was the same celebration as the passover, with Jesus making a new covenant with his followers. The lamb that the Jews had been eating for passover had been the same symbol for Christ, because He was now going to be the sacrificial victim just as He is called the Lamb of God in Revelation.
People will disagree about whether or not it was symbolism or if the bread and wine became his flesh and blood, but i don't understand why the mass is celebrated every week, when the passover that it is based on , was a yearly event on Nisan 14.

2006-11-20 09:12:13 · answer #2 · answered by jaguarboy 4 · 0 0

No he didn't run after them because he was not speaking symbolically. He was letting us know that he would really be present for us in the eucharist.

Isn't it funny that the very people who take the Bible so literally that they think the earth is only a few thousand years old, suddenly insist that Jesus was only speaking symbolically with regards to eating his flesh and drinking his blood? I just don't understand....

2006-11-20 08:38:17 · answer #3 · answered by anabasisx 3 · 1 0

Jesus was explaining that he was the true Passover Lamb, and that his flesh and his blood would eternally fulfill the Jewish Passover, in precisely the way God always had in mind.

The Jews knew what he meant, they just couldn't accept it. Evidently, many of our Protestant brethren can't either.

All those who eat the real flesh and drink the real blood of the Lamb of God will truly (not symbolically) inherit everlasting life, just as those who obediently applied REAL LAMB'S BLOOD and ate REAL LAMB'S FLESH on the first Passover were truly (not symbolically) saved from death.

Those who look for metaphors and symbols here are mistaken, as nothing else will do. And why would anyone want to take the chance?

The teachings and actions of the apostles, accurately reflected in the celebration of the Catholic Mass today, indicate an unbroken chain of apostolic authority, and an unbroken apostolic tradition of faithfully following the LITERAL wishes of Jesus Christ in this matter.

When the Son of God says "THIS IS MY BODY" and "THIS IS MY BLOOD" it IS! And at the Last Supper, Jesus offically became the Lamb, who was slain before the foundations of the world.

This was no trouble at all for the one who personally created the heavens and the earth.

And we don't crucify Jesus again, as many ignorant and/or dishonest people falsely claim.

Like the Last Supper, The Mass is the one time, once for all, eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ, made present again on the altar, for the benefit of the church, and for the benefit of all mankind.

Every time we offer this perfect sacrifice to God, it is HE who remembers the sacrifice his SON made on our behalf, and it is GOD who honors Jesus' dying wish for us, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

The Mass and the Eucharist continues to embody Jesus, the eternal sacrifice for sin.

Those who desire their sins to be only symbolically forgiven may persist in their errors and metaphors, but they may find themselves someday in a very real hell.

I prefer to trust the specific and literal words of Christ, as well as the teachings and practices of his holy, apostolic, and universal church on this matter.

2006-11-20 08:57:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

To take of the bread and wine is to make a promise with the Lord to be a desciple, meaning you must follow him at all times. This is not an easy thing. There were numerous people in the Bible who were asked to follow Jesus, but because the task was too much to bare, they continued on their own path. When partake of communion (or whatever you may call it), do you not promise to live like Jesus? Is it easy for you? Probably not.

2006-11-20 08:28:55 · answer #5 · answered by straightup 5 · 0 0

The Lord was talking about a new covenant (which is his death) is the only way to eternal life. This is what the passage meant in the communion table. You have to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that he died for your sin to become a bridge that you can cross to God. Before him, there was no way to get to God "Since we are all sinned and have fall short of his glory". It is by his precious blood that we can become a new creation, the children of God and be adopted to his kingdom which with this we can cry "Abba father".
By the way, i don't believe there's any place in the bible that it was written "several people left". During the time of Communion, Jesus had his twelve disciples no one else. But he did say for us to do this in remembrance of him.

2006-11-20 08:26:07 · answer #6 · answered by liza246 3 · 0 0

I must say that is a very good question, actually I have this discussion with a friend of mine many times. There is a lesson to learn from the actions of Jesus, he could have easily said that I meant it symbolically but by not doing this he revealed the true character of those who said that they were following Him. They were carnal and physical in their thinking and thus they probably were following Jesus for what they could gain. It is also a sign to us today that we should be careful in interpreting the prophesies in the Bible.

2006-11-20 08:16:31 · answer #7 · answered by Damian 5 · 0 0

Hey, think about it.... Anyone who goes around saying things like "eat me and drink my blood" (speaking symbolically or not) and then claims that others are "lifeless" if they fail to meat the condition, isn't going to get much positive attention, is he?

I don't think I would have responded "this is hard" but rather, I'd be more likely to say something like "This is insane - Mad man on the loose... Run for your lives" .... and sure enough, I'd be running my little legs off. Believe me, however fast Jesus might have been, I would have been a whole lot faster - certainly, I would not have been lifeless enough to stand around and listen to another word of his nonsense.

Metaphorically speaking... the life after death promise is a lot of tripe.

{}{}{} r u randy? {}{}{}

2006-11-20 08:27:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

you christians ammuse me with your lack of research the holy communion predates christ and there is proof the egyptian used a very similar relgious mass , which certain jewish tribes adopted , hence how the concept was used by Christ it is nothing significant , the significance which is placed on it is done by Christianity's collective councious , The Eucharist even in Magick rituals is still accorded special significance, Co9nsider this however the Jewish don't believe the messiah has been born the Jewish believe we are all sons and daughters of God created in his Image if this is correct then consuming ones own blood would make the ceremony just as significant as consuuming the blood of christ, because although he was a prophet the reality he is no more divine then you or I

2006-11-20 08:57:25 · answer #9 · answered by harro_06 4 · 0 1

I'm reading a great book called 'The Jesus Mysteries' and it reports that there were a lot of different religions that spoke in metaphors and taught similiar tales/morals. The difference is, the Xians were narrowing 'the gods/goddesses' to only one being and claming everything else was 'bad'. There are no recordings before the Council of Nicea about a Jesus performing any 'miracles'.
When you hear the metaphors now, they are pretty gross but the 'commoners' had heard it all before in some form. What's ironic is they preach peace but kill to accomplish it ...

2006-11-20 08:26:58 · answer #10 · answered by strpenta 7 · 0 2

Mat 26:26 During the meal Jesus took some bread in his hands. He blessed the bread and broke it. Then he gave it to his disciples and said, "Take this and eat it. This is my body."
Mat 26:27 Jesus picked up a cup of wine and gave thanks to God. He then gave it to his disciples and said, "Take this and drink it.
Mat 26:28 This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven.

2006-11-20 08:17:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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