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24 answers

I sure do! Slabside, right on!

For those of you who only believe what the media has fed you, you should read up on his so called "mom".

She wanted nothing to do with her son until he became a media stunt. You lefties out there need to research before you run your mouths (as usual!)

The question should be:

Would the majority of Mothers of fallen Marines want to associate with the likes of Cindy Sheehan?

After knowing the whole story about Sheehan, I am sure they wouldn't.

2006-11-20 07:41:38 · answer #1 · answered by konstipashen 5 · 8 0

Hell yes! if God forbid anything ever happened to my husband in the line of duty (Air Force) and i came out and acted like that he would come back from the dead and haunt me for the rest of my life!!!! i wish i could get a hold of that crazy women, she pisses me off everytime i even look at her

2006-11-20 16:51:42 · answer #2 · answered by AFwife 2 · 3 0

Actually, yes I do. Cindy Sheehan is a horrible person who not only exploits her own grief, but the grief of others. Some friends of mine lost their oldest son in Iraq, and have repeatedly asked Cindy to stop using his name in her anti-war campaign, but she refuses. I think that is absolutely disgusting. She is a wretched, hateful, nasty person.

Did she ever put a headstone on her son's grave?

2006-11-20 15:33:20 · answer #3 · answered by Jadis 6 · 8 4

i think she is a poor excuse for a woman and her son is probably rolling in his grave. as much as i hate the idea that my husband may die in this crazy war, i have accepted it. and i would never disgrace him the way she has her son. she makes me sick

2006-11-20 20:42:05 · answer #4 · answered by chris n amanda h 2 · 1 0

If her son were alive he would be so ashamed of her and her self-righteous bull$hit. She's exploiting her sons death in more ways than one and I personally think someone should shoot her.

2006-11-20 16:02:57 · answer #5 · answered by p_lo25 3 · 5 1

Yes, just like those three hags that were exploiting their husband’s deaths on 9/11. Ann Coulter brings up a very good point about these type of people in her last book, and in a few articles. Basically she said that she has never seen women enjoy their husband’s deaths like these woman. I mean they are being trumpeted all over the country by the Dems, their faces are all over our television screens and because they lost someone they love we are supposed to listen to their opinion and hold it in high regard even though they have no education, training or experience in political matters. Sorry but, as bad as I feel for the loss those women must be going through (God knows I hope my mother never has to get that call or that letter from the U.S. Army), I just don't think they are in any way suited to be speaking on the topics which they choose to speak. Yet these liberal politicians bring them on stage, take them to speeches in the house and get upset with us when we respond to their usually illogical statements. As if the grieving mother/husband status gives them the right to speak without response or refute.

Cindy Sheehan is a disgusting person whom is trampling all over her son’s Christly sacrifice. Ever soldier I know, which is a lot due to my being in the Army, looks upon Cindy Sheehan with disgust and disdain. We have all informed our parents that if they ever behaved in such a way after we died for our country they’d better hope there is no afterlife because they'd be met with furious anger once they got there.

Cindy Sheehan is a disgrace to her son, the military and her country.

As far as some of the other comments on here, first Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other organizations are not the same as these women. Their children and family members were taken from them while minding their own business walking down the street or driving down the road. Casey Sheehan volunteered to defend his country. Once you sign that contract with the military you are no longer a civilian, you are a Marine or a Soldier, a Seaman or an Airman. From that point on you are in the business of killing and dying for your country. Don't you realize that? The military exists for two purposes, defend our country and wage war. Both are done through warfare. You honestly think that people who join the military have chosen a profession where they will never be put in harms way? On the contrary my friends, they are joining a profession that thrives on being in harm's way. It comes with the uniform.

For those of you in the "Bush lied, kids died" camp, you are very ill informed. First of all the "lie" that you are referring to has to do with the husband of a CIA agent who was sent by his wife to Nigeria. He was not there on State business and never met with any member of the government officially. He talked to a few here and there in cafes and coffee shops. His wife suggested he go basically to get him out of the house for a little while. Upon asking these few people with connections to the government of Nigeria if Saddam attempted to by Uranium he concluded that when they said "No" they must be telling the truth! Like anyone is going to just admit it to some idiot in a coffee shop. So this guy comes back and says that our Intelligence agencies were wrong, that the British MI5 was wrong and he was right. All the liberal media sources gave this man his 15 minutes of fame and now we have "Bush lied, kids died." This gentleman was telling people he was sent to Nigeria by the CIA, by Dick Cheney, by the NSA and that he believed his "report" was being handed directly to the vice president. Later it was discovered that he was lying through his teeth. That story was on some back page in some newspaper somewhere.

"Bush lied, kids died"....... Don't even get me started. The congress voted for this war on intelligence that is still good and believed today. There are many many democratic politicians who did and still do believe that Saddam was seeking Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now they want to rewrite history. I guess you all are willing to let them.

2006-11-20 15:41:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

What kind of person asks this question? Have you ever lost a child? If the answer is NO, you have no right to question Cindy Sheehan. If people like you didn't listen to Limbaugh and Hannity, no one would questions Sheehan. The only ones laughing all the way to the bank are Limbaugh and Hannity. I'm betting they had no idea it was that easy to fool people.

2006-11-20 15:30:34 · answer #7 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 2 9

What a repulsive suggestion! Why is it so hard for people to understand that major events in a person's life change them forever? That the loss of a beloved child can galvanize a parent into action? Mothers Against Drunk Drivers don't get these kinds of ugly slurs laid against them. John Walsh, whose son was kidnapped and murdered, and who has hosted America's Most Wanted for years, doesn't have people accusing him of using his son's death for profit.

If you're a proponent of the Iraq war, fine. Try to also be a decent human being. Your willingness to slander and judge this woman simply because her viewpoint opposes yours speaks far more about your character than your slander will ever speak about hers.

2006-11-20 15:39:06 · answer #8 · answered by functionary01 4 · 1 8

she makes it sound as if she had this great relationship with her son-the fact is she gave her son up willingly-she's a shameless w h o r e for the democratic party.

2006-11-20 15:33:17 · answer #9 · answered by slabsidebass 5 · 6 3

I don't know about that, but she's certainly not honoring the choices he made in life. I don't think her behavior has much to do with his death.

2006-11-20 15:29:01 · answer #10 · answered by Sean 7 · 7 4

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