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i'm doing a debate on abortion in my school, and i am tottaly agenst it. I mean how can a woman have an abortion? there are many diffrent ways of dealing with a baby, if a mother don't want the child, she could give it up for adoption so another family can have the cance of wanting that baby for there own. I beleve abortion is murder. Killing an Unborn Baby is NOT a "Choice it is murder"

Mothers that are for abortion Why? When your baby has so much to give in this world. Abortion makes you the mother of a dead baby.

i'm asking this because i want to know what other people think. wright me back and tell me what u think men and ofcorse weman
men have just the same rights as a woman dose in this debate.

2006-11-20 07:06:38 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

30 answers

well, i totally agree with you, when people use abortion as a form of "birthcontrol" then they are just taking advantage of their power. If they don't want a child they don't need to be doing what they did to get pregnant in the first place. But you also have to think on the other terms of abortion. like when it is done on a 11 year old girl that has been raped by her father, or brother. That is a child that does not deserve to go through the stress of delivering a living, breathing, human being. And then what about the people that if they do give birth, their baby will come out deformed to the point of no recovery. Or the moms that could die if they go on to deliver a child. Like i said in the begining, when abortion is used to cover up conception, it is wrong, very wrong, but you cannot close your eyes to the other parts of it. But to simply answer your question, yeah, abortion is murder. My personal opinion is that they make it illegal, only to be performed by an actual doctor (in a hospital) when necessary.

2006-11-20 07:20:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It's only 100% murder if you're a religious fundamentalist. If you're not, you can use reason to look at the issue in more depth. Depending on the country you live in, abortion generally isn't murder if it's performed in the first 3 months of the pregnancy. In the UK (my country) It's perfectly legal (ie not murder) to have an abortion if the pregnancy is less than 24 weeks old. The same is the case in pretty much all western countries I know about, and I guess south africa is the same. Any later than that and you won't be allowed to have one unless your own life is in danger. When trying to decide if it's murder or not, remember that a foetus is not a human being yet, it doesn't feel pain or emotion like a child or an adult. The question is, at what point does a foetus become developed enough to start feeling pain and emotion?

2016-05-22 00:23:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay sweetie here's the real deal. When a woman decides to give up a baby and put it up for adoption the chances of it actually being adopted is only 35%. So 65% of all those babies live in foster homes (which means they move from house to house week after week) until they are 18 then they are forced into the streets. second abortion is not murder. to kill something it has to be alive. a fetus is not a life it is a potential life. it cannot breathe on its own therefore it is nothing more than a parasite until the 8mth. i personally would not have an abortion but i would not inhibit someone else from getting an abortion because what kind of life can a woman have without a choice. if you let them decide when to have a baby they will then decide how many you can have. also judging by your grammar you either are in elementary school or an immigrant. you need to correct your grammar before you ask such weighty questions.

2006-11-20 07:20:16 · answer #3 · answered by RealDeal 2 · 2 2

Alright, here is a simple answer to a complex question....

If you are doing it in school, you probably haven't had the chance to experience the actual choices and decisions that come into abortions. It is a hard decision either way with life long consequences. I don't suggest you have an opinion until you are forced to make that decision, and I hope you never are.

As for why women get abortions? They don't want the kid. It may be timing. It may be financial. Maybe a genetic analysis showed the child will be severely disfigured or carry a genetic disease that will only bring sadness.

Regardless, it is their decision and your opinion has no place in someone Else's decision. Period. It is a woman's choice over her body rights.

No, it is not murder. If you think it is, then you are a narrow minded person. Open your horizons and realize that you can have a pro-life opinion, just don't force someone else to have that same opinion. If you want to truly know the socio-political effects of limiting the right to chose, research it. You might still hold the opinion for yourself, and you are more than welcome to, but you honestly may start to realize why making it illegal is a bad idea.

As for adoption, not all kids get adopted! Some are put in the system and have horrible lives, particularly if they are not perfect. Also realize that people have abortions also have the action haunt them the rest of their lives.

Also realize that it isn't just teenagers who get abortions. The vast majority of abortions are preformed on adults, most of which already have kids and cannot afford to have anymore.

No child should be a punishment. Forcing mothers to have children that are unwanted creates an even bigger social problem, ask any kid who knows they aren't wanted. Adoption is not always the answer to that...ask any kid who has gone through the foster care system because they weren't attractive enough to adopt or fell through the cracks.

Men do not have the same rights as women in this debate. Period. Period. It isn't their bodies!!!! Their opinion holds weight, but they don't have to **** it out, they don't have to take responsibility for it! Any guy that holds an opinion, short of "I do what my lady says" or "we will talk about it, but it is ultimately her decision" is a twit.

2006-11-20 07:16:33 · answer #4 · answered by Thera 9 4 · 3 2

Yes i am a mother to a 5 year old son and proud of it...But i am for abortion for the following reasons:

1.If i were to have been raped
2.If my life were in danger
3.if something horribly was wrong with the baby and it would suffer a horrible life and death then i would abort cause why put a kid through torture?

Every woman has the right to choose and i think that people shouldn't worry about abortion when it is not your body that is going under the procedure.

If abortion is murder then what do you call all the soldiers over in iraq (american soldiers) that kill men, women and their babies? Isn't that murder? But people claim it isn't but by god that is killing. Abortion is a medical procedure and it isn't a baby until it is born.
This is my opinion on this and if people don't like it then i cannot help you

2006-11-20 12:13:34 · answer #5 · answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 · 2 1

Abortion is NOT, I repeat NOT murder. Adoption? Do you even know how many millions of kids are waiting for a good home here in america, and most will never be adopted. It is the womens body, and if she does not want to carry something that is almost equal to a parasite, then she shouldn't have too. An unwanted pregnancy can cause severe depression, thus harming her and the baby both mentally and physically. Pregnancy isn't a walk in the park, why force a woman to go through so much pain? Not to mention the costs of appointments and actually having the baby. If she can't afford it who will pay? Will you pay? Don't pass judgement, that is god's place not yours. You may very well be in the position one day to make that choice.

2006-11-20 07:24:33 · answer #6 · answered by Chelle's Belle 4 · 1 1

To me “pro-abortion” and “pro-choice” are two totally different things. A person can be pro-choice and not be pro-abortion. I am for a choice but not for abortion. Please don’t get the two mixed up.

I do believe abortion is a wrong choice for me. I do believe abortion is a bad or poor choice due to a lack of a) spirituality, b) knowledge of the procedure, c) of proper guidance, and/or d) just plain ignorance.

The fact is there are no facts as to when life begins. Does life begin at birth or conception? Look it up on the internet I’m sure you will find there are so many different sites about the subject. Life starting at conception is merely a belief, moral, or theory. This is the same for life starting at birth. Is life an argument when life outside the womb is impossible? There are no facts--it’s a question we all have to look into ourselves and figure out.

The Bible states a few things that can be interpreted as saying abortion is wrong. The Bible never clearly quotes “abortion is murder” or discusses when life begins. While there are several quotes I will add later--again they are not facts that everyone holds to be true therefore we cannot base a law on belief in this day and age.

God does however mention in the Bible free will. I am a firm believer in making our own destiny--in our own choice to go to heaven or hell. He gave us free will so we can make the correct (leading to heaven) or incorrect decisions for our own lives. As far as I am concerned, as a Christian, I will not take that God given right away from anyone.

I won’t even go into what America was built on. As far as I’m concerned America’s forefathers were Christens and built American on the Christian values. Unfortunately we cannot possible try to make a law that is not supported by evidence and fact but merely on a belief. There are far too many who do not believe in Christianity--and any other religion for that matter.

My strong belief in God, his word, lack of facts, and realistic outlook on abortion makes me pro-choice. I’ve worked at a pregnancy crisis center helping woman make that tough choice. Never once will I or can I recommend abortion--it’s not something I will do. To make a person aware and knowledgeable of all options--abortion, adoption, and keeping the child is one but to sway a person’s life in such a manner is another.

I hope this helps you with your debate. It’s a touchy subject--I remember back in HS I had to do the same thing--it was hard but I managed. I’m sure you will too. Keep up the passion for life--passion is the only way to know you are really living. Best of Luck!

2006-11-20 13:59:32 · answer #7 · answered by .vato. 6 · 0 0

well, this is how i look it. you say adoption is a better way. what if that child is in a family care of parents that beat the child, starve him or her. sexually abuse the child. mental abuse, and their is a wide range of sick twisted things people do to each other and children.people say it is murder, well maybe it is, but at least the fetus has no idea what is happening to it. a child that has been abducted is going through a nightmare and crying and screaming for their parents to no avail and end up dead . Now on a right or wrong i cant say how god will look at this, but, there are horrible things in the world, they are not going away only getting worse, before we start worrying about life that is not even in this world yet we should worry abut the ones already here and what they are going through. And i can tell you most woman do not just lightly decide to have an abortion. Its one thing to have a view on a topic another to to judge those that are different. Remember only god has the right to judge and punish.

2006-11-20 07:26:04 · answer #8 · answered by mootiy 1 · 2 1

You have a lot to learn in life, you don't know whats ahead of you and how many difficult choices you might have to make. I'm certainly not pro abortion but I do respect the individuals right to choose. It's not always a simple as having an unwanted baby and putting it up for adoption. You don't know why the woman is in that position in the first place and you have no right to judge. There may be things that you think are acceptable that others are disgusted by, it's a matter of perception.

2006-11-20 07:19:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

ok. Here is the biggest reason women are for abortion: let's say Jane gets raped and ends up getting pregnant...she's 15 years old. Would you tell her that she has to keep the baby?

Here's another reason: Adoption is a great thing, but look at how many kids get put in foster care units and end up in jail or end up so into drugs that they die. Suicide is also more common in kids who have been through foster care units that don't care about the kids and are only doing it for the money.

And the last reason: Bob knocks up Jenny who is only 15 years old...but they had been using protection. Bob leaves Jenny alone to raise the child. She doesn't have the money to take care of it, and her parents refuse to help her. She should really be forced to keep a child that she knows she can't take care of? So many kids end up living on the streets because they're unwanted and unloved. If you kill the baby before it's nothing more than a cell, you wouldn't have so many kids out there with no one.

2006-11-20 07:21:15 · answer #10 · answered by angelchild688 2 · 2 2

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