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i was going to a cristian church near where i live in spain and it was ok,id never been in a church befor then.after i went once i started going every week but by the time id been going 6 months i saw how hipocritical the people were and some things happened in my life where it seemed god wasnt there to help so i lost faith...the problem is i want to get to know God but i dont know how and it seems he doesnt speak to me...wot can i do? is this normal for a none christian like me? help please!!
thanks to thoose who answer!!

2006-11-20 07:01:09 · 30 answers · asked by Pagen 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Going to church will not make you a Christian. The hypocrites that you saw at church are going to be there regardless of whether you are a Christian or not. Don't misunderstand, going to church is good.
First - to become a Christian (which means Christ like), you have to meet my Saviour Jesus Christ. Let me tell you of Him. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came of His own free will to die for my sin, your sin, and the sins of the whole world (for whosoever will receive Him). He was brutally crucified on a cruel cross and went through unimaginable torture at the hands of the Romans. He died from this awful punishment. This was necessary because God needed a perfect sacrifice for our sins. Since we are not able to live a perfect life because we all sin, Jesus took our place that day on the cross. Jesus was buried, and after three days, He was raised from the dead. In doing this He gained eternal glory and Heaven for all who will receive Him into their hearts (it is that simple!). All you have to do is acknowledge that you are a sinner who cannot save yourself, receive Jesus as your Saviour (He died in your place), and believe that He will save you from your sins.
What this does not mean is that you will have a trouble free life - things will happen to test you to draw you away from God. This does not mean that all people who confess to being a Christian are Christians. Being a Christian is an everyday "job" - it is no picnic to live a consecrated live separating yourself from the ways of the world. I am a Christian now for over 27 years, but I still miss the mark on living the way Christ would want me, but I do realize it and ask forgiveness on a daily basis - no time to be a hypocrite.
God chooses who He listens to at His pleasure, so our understanding of His motives or reasoning is futile. What we do have as Christians is an intermediary, Jesus Christ (remember we put our trust in Him). We can petition Jesus with our prayers and needs, and He will listen. He may not answer to our liking, but He listens. I have personally had prayers that I felt were out of reach be answered to my amazement in most unusual ways.
Please do this - ask Jesus into your heart today and trust Him to save your soul and give you eternal life. You can do this by simply praying to the effect - I am a sinner, I realize that I cannot save myself from sin, and I accept you Jesus as my Saviour.
Then He will save you. After this, go to the church of your choice and profess before men that you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour. If you like the church, join it, and begin serving God. If not, keep looking until you do find one to serve in. I'll be praying for you.

2006-11-20 07:36:10 · answer #1 · answered by Doug R 5 · 1 0

The name you use here may be an indication of why you are having so much difficulty.. you need to distance from that mind set... but yes... otherwise you are experiencing what many other do when they first begin to seek more towards The Truth...
do not think you will ever find a "church" that dose not have hipocrits in it... I do not think such a place exists on this earth... The answers you seek will take time to answer and much more space than is availabvle here...

I accept email questions concerning the basics of The True Christian Faith. 1 honest question receives 1 honest answer to the best of my ability... and yes...I too have been accused of being a Hippokrite on occasion.... but I try... I also have been accused of being one of those dreaded"fundies"... in some part I would have to plead guilty to that one...but I also have some differences with some of my Christian brothers and sisters...so I am a bit independent aswell...

I have a very amature website where I go on a bit about the God stuff if you would like to check me out. you can contact me through there if you like. it is at: http://www.mikesoutreach.com

2006-11-20 15:13:59 · answer #2 · answered by IdahoMike 5 · 0 0

You are in the same boat that a lot of people around the world are in.There is a difference between a barstool and a pew.Many Christians do not stick out in a crowd.Christians are to be the salt of the earth.We are supposed to be different.We are by no means perfect,nor do we have a perfect life.When you repent,and accept Jesus into your life,your troubles don't disappear.The devil gets extremely angry,and starts working overtime to make your life a living hell on earth.

Keep your eyes toward Christ.Witness within the church.Get the congregation on fire again for the lord.Bring on a revival.Christians have begun to get lost in the crowd,looking and acting just like anybody else.Blame it on the emergent church,or blame it on the devil.There are too many men and women in the pulpits talking about God's love for man and not enough talk about what it takes to be a Christian.It's more than just a decision,it's repentence.

When Christian's get on fire for the lord again,and get out of this devilously wordly haze their in and start acting like Christians are supposed to.We can have revival.

But remember,in the United States it's not okay to spread the gospel.It's politcally incorrect,and people will get offended.But living with someone out of wedlock is okay.Having sex before marraige is okay.It's okay to be gay and a lesbian.It's okay to kill unborn children.It's okay to persecute someone who has done nothing wrong.

Christians should walk the walk and talk the talk and also be on guard at all times against the devil.

2006-11-20 15:33:28 · answer #3 · answered by Derek B 4 · 0 0

It happens - Christians are just people who have been saved - they still have all the human frailties and faults and often do not seek Christ Jesus.

I was attending a church that was really wonderful - the people were loving, giving, kind. The church reached out to the community - gave water away at ball games - wrapped Christmas presents for people - no charge - no preaching - just because it was a nice thing to do.

Then the church decided to go on a different course. They abandoned the original mission of the church. The people started to become fragmented, the attendance dropped. It's what happens when people put their sights on anything other than Christ Jesus.

2006-11-20 15:17:17 · answer #4 · answered by padwinlearner 5 · 0 0

First of all if you every hear of a church were the ppl are perfect then you better not go cuz you are not perfect and you will mess it all up. The fact is the best place to find a sinner is in a church.

God does want to know you. He is there just waiting to hear from you. You can pray but it will be in vain if you do not believe in Him and have not excepted His gift to you of Jesus Christ. So first pray (if you really believe) and ask Christ into your heart. From there you will have all your prayers answered. That does not mean it will be the answer you want however. Sometimes the answer is NO and sometimes you have to be patient. God know the right time for everything and what you ask may not be the right time for yet.
You say you are a non-Christian so you can not have lost your faith yet then. But you can gain it.
You are welcome to e-mail me if you want to know more.

God Speed

2006-11-20 15:10:24 · answer #5 · answered by Mikki 2 · 2 0

You said that Christians are hypocritical, I'll be honest and say some of us are, but if you also have to remember the fact that, no one is perfect( John3:16). The only One who is perfect is God. The only way you can talk to God is if you go through His Son,Jesus. Since no one is good enough to get into heaven, God sent His Son (Jesus) to die for our sins so that we could go to Heaven when we die.(Romans 5:6) But it didn't end there. Three days later, He came back to life. Every one sins, even Christians, but this doesn't mean that we are hypocrites. The way you become a Christian is first, you admit to God that you are a sinner, second you believe that Jesus is God's only son, and that He died on the cross for our sins, third you confess it to Him, tell Him you're a sinner, and that you want Jesus to come into your heart ( Romans 10:9). It's that simple. your life isn't going to be perfect, and your going to mess up sometimes, but God will forgive you. He doesn't care where your from, or what you've done He loves you and wants you ask Jesus into your heart.I hope this has helped.

2006-11-20 15:37:18 · answer #6 · answered by Syd 1 · 0 0

...Going to church and other religious duties are meaningless and can be drudgery, if you don't know the Savior. To know God personally, come to Jesus Christ by faith, which means trusting Him as your Savior. Ask Him to save you from your sins, and make you the type person He wants you to be.
...Do not base your life on what others do or don't do - in the end, the Scripture says
"each of us shall give account of himself to God." God only holds you responsible for your actions.
...Many others in this section have offered good advice - may I offer some?
1. Read in your Bible and pray every day, if possible. The Bible says, "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." Romans 10:17
2. Get into a good Bible-believing, Christ-honoring church where you can grow and serve
"And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, but encouraging one another, and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." Hebrews 10:24-25
3. Tell others about Jesus, as you have opportunities - "You shall be my witnesses." Matthew 28:18-20

2006-11-20 15:33:19 · answer #7 · answered by carson123 6 · 0 0

Well of course there are bad people in ever group, and even though someone says they are a Christian does not mean they truely are. The best thing to do is to read the bible because it is what chruches should be based around. Realize much of the bible is not to be taken literally (ie. "Sell all your possessions" means just dont be selfish; "Poke out your eye for looking at a woman with lust" doesnt literally mean rip your eye out, it just means try not to lust after every woman on earth.

If you keep reading the bible and practicing what it teaches you will find you life will be much better, not perfect but better. Also pray to God, nothing fancy just thank God for what he's givin you and ask for his guidence in your life. Church is not what what God requires to be a chirstian, following his word and loving him is what he does require. The bible says follow what it says, not necessarily what man says, unless it agrees with the bible.

2006-11-20 15:19:01 · answer #8 · answered by ERIC B 3 · 0 0

Get a Bible that you can understand and study it. I'd recommend reading John in the New Testament. If you seek God, he will reveal Himself.

This isn't much of an answer, but I will be happy to give you a lot more if you want to e mail me.

It is too bad that people are hypocritical, but some don't understand the truth, and we are still human.

Study the Bible and accept Jesus as Lord.

2006-11-20 15:11:01 · answer #9 · answered by RB 7 · 0 0

I've found that church can be a very unhealthy place for a good-natured Christian.

You just need to relax and live life. God is watching, according to the Bible, but that doesn't mean he's participating. I think God tends to just sit back and let things happen. Otherwise it wouldn't really be a free life. It's like we traded convenience for freedom. Makes sense to me.

Don't stress so much about it. Most people will tell you to go to websites or buy books or try other churches.. but if you really want to be comfortable with God, just wait. I believe if God is out there, he'll know your dilemna and perhaps send you some direction.

I was only comfortable with religion after I stopped trying.

2006-11-20 15:05:06 · answer #10 · answered by captainsquanto 3 · 1 2

Hi, it was good that you at least tried to develop your belief in God but one thing is for sure , you cannot bargain with God or expect Him to be like a glorified nanny always available to tidy it all up, this would make God our servant instead of our creator.
the relationship that we must form with God has to be a personal one never mind what other people are doing,we cannot always look to others for perfect example,Christians are human beings too and are not perfect, and they will drop their guards at times and thats all it takes, for the worldy spirit to rush back in.
you must come to God as you are, with no pretence and no bargaining, and if you truly decide that you want a relationship with Him it will happen.
get to know the gentle Jesus who lived and died for you,read of how He so loved people and wept over those who rejected His love and compassion, I promise you that this loving Jesus will touch your heart in ways that you never imagined,spend a little time reading the Gospels of Christ and you will see the real Jesus.
finally do not think that God is always talking to others and not you,because God mostly communicates to use through our senses and our conscience, and by things of the heart,it is a rare event that God actually speaks to us as we speak to each other, because all that we need is already spoken in Holy Scripture.
you must come before the Lord in truth and humility and seriously invite Him into your life and this is the moment that God is waiting for,He will not come uninvited.
may you be blessed.

2006-11-20 15:25:12 · answer #11 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 0

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