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i keep reading questions and answers that talk about muslims being fanatic, and killing people and what not. is this due to ignorance or jelousy? ive known many muslims and they are all down to earth people, easy to get along with. infact most of them practice what they preach unlike many christians i know. why is their so much hate for them?

2006-11-20 06:42:14 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

Are there some good muslims? sure. Are there some bad ones? sure. The same goes with Christians, Jews & any other religion. The making of the case that a muslims cant be terrorists because islam means peace doesnt wash. Yes there are many Christains that do not follow the teachings of Christ.

The big difference between them is that in the quran, it is taught that it is ok, even encouraged to kill no Christian & Jew infidells! The more you kill, the greater your reward. I know several muslims. Some are very kind. Then there are those who will not speak to my wife b/c she is a woman.

I personally find it difficult to find goodness in some muslims b/c of the way they treat others. When 9-11 happened, there were thousands of them in all different countries cheering & celebrating in the stree that so many people died! These were just regular people in a city that heard the news & rejoyced over such a violent death! That is what you called a civilized peacefull people? Sure the US does not have the cleanest hands in the world. But we are talking about the inocent bystanders of war. I dont rejoyce when the US bombs an Iraqi city! There are no mass displays & parades when we kill civilians that have nothing to do with an immagined conflict.

I have even heard many people defend islam by saying that :if it were not a religion of peace, why are so many so loyal to it?" to that I always respond, that "it is illegal in any muslim nation to leave islam & it is punishable by death". You can be convicted on the roumor you want to be a Christian. Remember the man last year that was mentally ill & was roumored that converted? The whole muslim world wanted him dead. Remember the cartoon? The muslim nations killed hundreds of people to tell you how peacefull & understanding they are. The pope quotes a book, & gets death threats because muslims are offended by a book someone else writes that they kill people! Come on!

You show me 1 person that would be outraged if something would be said poorly of Christians (which is done on a daily basis). How many people would we murder to show them how loving we are? No, we should not impose our views on them. They should not do it to us either by cutting our heads off & shoving it down our severed necks. Why do we blame the victim & offer shelter to the offender? Man up & say what it is. Murder in the name of allah! Yes, it has been done by Christians also, & it wasnt right then either! You cant kill someone just because you dissagree.

I dont see it as muslim bashing, but calling it what it is, a violent region in the world, that does it for thier religion to get a couple of virgins (that according to thier religion, they should not be sleeping with anyone other than a wife). They have pleasure in death. That is not love, & I know that is not all of them. Just to know that at any time, I could be killed just because I was born in the US, or am a Christian, or worse, not a muslim form the middle east, is frightening!

Do you think that because you dont like Bush (I dont either) that they would hesitate to cut off your head b/c you are from here?

Why must it not be a 2 way street on that? Why must they not respect me but I must bow and catter to them? They dont even respect my right to exist!

2006-11-20 09:43:37 · answer #1 · answered by ricks 5 · 0 0

Before 9/11 all I knew about Muslims you could sum up in Lawrence of Arabia, or 1001 Arabian Nights, or, if you wanted to be a bit silly, Ahab the Arab.
I guess I thought of them as being mysterious and dark, and romantic....

Since the terrorist terror...well, I'm not so sure, any more. When I think of Muslims today, I hug my grandkids close to me, and look around for some idiot in a turban with a bomb.

I don't want to feel this way about people I don't know. But, the more I learn about Islam, the less I trust people who worship in this religion. I admit it...I am afraid.......

2006-11-20 08:34:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ignorance mainly and the Western media. Also the Jews seem to like saying bad things about Muslims which is why we don't like the Israelites. I'm Muslim. They stole our land and know the truth but are spreading lies about Islam just to piss the Muslims off and make everyone else hate us. But back to your question yes it is mostly ignorance and fear. Also did any of you watch Glen Beck's Exposed: Islamic Radicals Agenda last night on CNN? The Israelites were posing as Muslims and had this innocent Palestine Muslim woman and removed her eyes from her head. And then they showed her with a bunch of gauze taped over her eye sockets and she couldn't see because they had taken her eyes out of her eye sockets. Do you know that the Israelites have thrown innocent Muslims Men and Women in Jails all across Palestine simply for being Muslim? Yes this is true.

2006-11-20 07:12:52 · answer #3 · answered by baddrose268 5 · 0 0

Let's make a comparison. Modern Islam, and Modern Christianity. Mind you I am not defending Christianity here. However much a pain in the butt Christians are, for the most part all they do is protest and shout about how "you're all goin to hell!". There are the few exceptions, and most of them revolve around abortion clinics. I would say most all of violent acts of Christians are against what they see as killers of babies.
That of course is the Radical Christians.

Lets look at Radical Islam. You blow people up, even if it means taking yourself with them. You do this if they so much as don't believe as you do. Let's not even go into how most of the Islamic societies treat their women. Not just the burkas, but female circumcisions as well.

When is the last time you heard of a militant Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or Shinto group capturing someone and beheading them on video? Even Scientologists don't do that.

It is unfortunate, but any group is judged but the actions of it's worst members. It's simple human nature.

2006-11-20 07:07:58 · answer #4 · answered by raksasha_de_lune 2 · 1 0

Its the method in which the muslim faith tends to interpreted by the muslim extremists, Just for reading the bible they execute the person reading it. there are so many things said by the extremist which makes one wonder what is true or not. Your right about how nobody has read the Quran,but have you ever heard your own muslim leaders say death to all who don't believe in the Quran, or publicly cut off peoples heads in the name of Muslim belief on TV. Or in the name of the muslim belief high jack a plane to drive it into a building to kill men , women and children , then turn around and say they want to build a mosaic there. Have you ever heard of a muslim put a belt of explosives around them self and go to a public place to set it off killing hundreds of people so that the muslim human bomb person can go to his idea of Nirvana. When these muslim create such harm run to a muslim Mosaic and hide behind the muslim people and get away with all these nasty deeds. Which seems to be OK with all the muslim communities. Yes , I have a problem with muslims, until they begin to clean up there own crap , you won't get any respect from anyone who ever read a newspaper , or seen a TV or Just seen the history of the muslim faith. Now tell me something that the muslims have done to help me believe that they are the good guys they seem to pretend they are.

2016-05-22 00:11:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People Bash Muslims because of the FEW that are in the news causing strife the world over. One of my best friends for over 20 years now is Muslim. Born in syria. He is also an Arab. you can not ask for a better friend or a nicer person. He does not agree with the terrorist either. In fact he told me the Koran says no one who commits suicide will go to Heaven.
In Jesus time it was the Romans who caused the trouble (or the Catholic Church, if you will) The trouble is always there - it just comes from different sources. Self impossed underdogs trying to make a statement. And all in the name of God - that is the shame of it because God would only want all man kind to live peacefully and quit trying to take land from one another.

2006-11-20 06:50:53 · answer #6 · answered by Capt. CB; seguidor de Cristo! 5 · 1 1

On my part it is a bit of ignorance and a bit of over-reaction. One of the things I hold very dear is my freedom of expression and when I see things that happen when I see the reaction of destroying Churches, after the hateful comments of the Pope, or a filmmaker is murdered because, he direct iced a film that depicted Islam as sexist or the the riots that happened because of the cartoon, I start to paint a broad brush.

Yes all the incidents that I listed were offensive and every Muslim has the right to be angry, but the few who react violently make it more difficult for everyone.

2006-11-20 06:52:22 · answer #7 · answered by Just Wondering 3 · 0 1

Yes, I've seen these too. I agree that generalizing all Muslims as a terrorist religion is grossly inaccurate.

The problem is that were are lazy people. So, what ever that flashes across the news in bold print between supper and XBOX, is the truth and the whole truth, for them. And in order to sound patriotic, as well as to massage their own egos, then splatter what ever sheep-minded question that rolls out of their Cheerios all over YA.

I hope this helps. best wishes.

2006-11-20 06:52:41 · answer #8 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 0 1

because people are always afraid of the other persons Religion and more so recently because the west is going thru a revival of Islamophobia . and Muslims make an easy target these days because not many non Muslims would speak out for them and they are not influential enough in themselves .
On the Other hand Muslims are not the only ones being bashed every religion has its share of bashing , being done by the other religions .

2006-11-20 06:48:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Because Muslims are misunderstood, and a few bad ones make all the rest suffer,,,,same for Christians, Jews, hispanics,,,,,I would have to admit that I cast a wary eye when I see someone from the mid east. Are they a good guy, or are they an inflitrating terrorist? You really can not blame people for being afraid. I know more now about Muslims than I did before 9-11, but that just helps me to understand SOME of their beliefs, not to automatically TRUST them. Sorry, but that is the way it is.

2006-11-20 06:48:37 · answer #10 · answered by polkadot5355 2 · 4 2

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