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(Genesis 6:1,2) Here we learn that during the time from the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, until Noah's flood, some of the angels materialized fleshly human bodies and became fully involved with mankind. They became enticed with sin, and sinful desires.

"There were giants (Hebrew: Nephilim) in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the Sons of God (angels) came unto the daughters of men (humans) and they bare children to them,the mutant offspring were giants, physically and mentally superior to humans, yet they were brutish, sensual, violent and immoral, and they were all males.

Genesis 1-6. Bible believers, Angels DID become man, until the flood destroyed them. Does this make sense to anyone, and do you agree with this interpretation of the verse?

If you dont believe the Bible, and you want to spout of with some rude comment, feel free, but it will be ignored.

2006-11-20 03:16:12 · 14 answers · asked by sweetie_baby 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

It is the New Testament that informs us what happened to the fallen angels. Please consider Jude, verses 6 and 7: "and the angels which kept not their first estate (spiritual, invisible bodies), but left their own habitation (the air, or the spirit realm, dimension), he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day."

2006-11-20 03:16:46 · update #1

14 answers

as far as I am aware the Angels good or bad cannot create as God has created, and so I doubt that they used materialized human flesh as this would not be physical flesh and bones as we have, and therefore could not transmit the seed of man this way.
I think it is more probable that these demons actually posessed real human beings at the time, and if you consider that there were many pagan peoples at the time who worshipped false deities with human sacrifice, and dark incantations etc, then possession of these pagans would have been very likely.

2006-11-20 03:26:58 · answer #1 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 1 1

The sons of God are mentioned only twice that I know of in the bible.

We do not know who these are and some have imagined that they were fallen angels.

The fact is we will have to wait to find out. There is nothing in the bible to support this theory.

Humans have a tendancy to want to understand the mystery so we take a story that we do not understand and add elements of our own understanding to it and thus make it palitable to our brains. Sometimes we have to accept that we just do not know and leave it at that.

The main problem that I have with your explanation that the sons of God are fallen angels is that the bible calls these very same beings demons throughout the rest of the bible.

And if it were these very same demons or fallen angels, they would still be doing this very thing to the daughters of men to this day and we do not see this happening.

This is very important to understand that if this was happening prior to the flood, it would happen again after the flood, just as everything else is.

2006-11-20 03:30:56 · answer #2 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 0

I've also found this part odd. I don't know, but Sons of God doesn't sound like it is the fallen angels though. Maybe another few of the angels that stayed chose to leave later. It's really not very clear.

V4 - "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

I looked this up using the KJV with Strong's numbers. It doesn't say that the offspring were giants or mutants or anything of the sort. It just says they were strong and mighty and brave men. (when I clicked the links to the original language word)

2006-11-20 03:29:23 · answer #3 · answered by BaseballGrrl 6 · 1 1

I would agree with Carol M's answer. I think although popular, it is a wrong interpetation to say that angels mated with mankind. First consider that in Genesis God ordered creatures to multiply according to their own kind and that includes mankind. Man can only reproduce with man. Second, it is never mentioned in the Bible that Angels can even reproduce among themselves much less with humans. Third, reading the chapters from Genesis chapters 1:-6 starting with Adam, you will notice that there are more males being born than females and so it follows that "when men began to multiple on the face of the earth, DAUGHTERS were born to them (Gen 6:1). Fourth, notice that Gen 6:2 states that the sons of god took the daughters of men for Wives. Marriage is only for men and women and Jesus strongly inferred that the angels do not marry nor are given in marriage (Mat 22:30). Fifth, As far as the giants, they clearly already existed before the sons of God took the daughters of men to marry (Gen 6:4). Sixth, "the sons of God" may also refer to men not just angels. Seventh, God clearly states that he was destoring the world because of the corruption and violence on the earth not because of physical contamination from angels as verified in Heb 11;7 which says Noah was righteous and his family was saved for that since the rest of the world was wicked. Eighth, there were several kinds of Giants after the flood as when David and some of his mighty men killed Goliath and others disproving the belief that God killed off the angel contaminated giants and their seed in the Flood. Ninth, if angels could mate with women then why would they only do it once in history and not throughout history up to now since those fallen angels are demons which exist even now?

2006-11-21 16:44:35 · answer #4 · answered by Ernesto 4 · 0 1

I am totally intrigued with this area in the Bible/history. I have always understood that Angels were male. I am not sure if you could consider them as human as they are Angels. Being Angels would in-able them to interact with human females which I believe they did. I do think they had sexual relations and offspring were most likely oddities such as giants and other entities. I personally think the so called mythological stories are actually true versus fairy-tales. Of course some may have been exaggerated a bit, but all things repeated over time tend to have added details which is human nature as we all know. I would enjoy talking to you in regards to this subject as this is so very interesting.

2006-11-20 03:46:50 · answer #5 · answered by yaya 2 · 1 1

That is a lie. The sons of God are the men of God who obeyed Him, and they were human.

Genesis 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Oh how people just love to twist the word of God and turn it into al blaton lie. No where in that scirpture does it say angels took the wives. It clearly says sons of God. Angles are not sons of God, they are angels.

Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

People intrepret the giants as being angels but there is absolutely no where in the bible that says that.

Defination of giant- Persons of unusual sature who posess strength and power.

I do believe the bible, The bible is to be understood and not opened to intrepretation of what you might think it means. God will not give two different messages to two different people about the same scripture. What I dont' accept is your twisting of God's word and turning it into a lie.

2006-11-20 03:36:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes. Angels were sent to earth in the Human form and out of these relationships came the giants. This was the devils scheme to try and taint the bloodline of Adam, and thus block any possibility of a savior later down the road. This is why God sent the flood to destroy the tainted bloodline. The only family that did not share this bloodline was Noah's family.

I believe that when the giants died. There spirits became what we call demons today.

There were some giants that survived (story of david & goliath).
It is believed that when david killed goliath, he cut of his head and buried it at golgatha. When Jesus was crucified on golgatha (gol "meaning goliath" gatha "referring to gath" where goliath was from. Jesus' blood ran down the cross and into the ground where goliath's head was buried. This symbolizes our power through the blood of Jesus over demonic forces.

2006-11-20 03:29:01 · answer #7 · answered by Christina L 2 · 3 1

The bible uses the term angels to mean several things. In this instance I think it is referring to spirits.

These same stories are found in other spiritual works other than the bible. I would not be surprised if there was some truth to them.

Love and blessings Don

2006-11-20 03:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Actually I don't remember it saying they were all males. I believe that the consensus is that these half-breed became the gods and godesses of other religions. It doesn't say the angels became human, or that the angels were destroyed in the flood. The nephilim were not angels and they were destroyed in the flood.

2006-11-20 03:20:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

in the new king james version(the one i like best) it says that they were the 'Sons of God' now that could mean angels or humans as in men, but i dont know. i guess thats kind of leading up to the whole Lot thing. and if you really read that passage(Genesis 19:1-11, New King James Version, the Lot thing) you may find some things out...

2006-11-20 03:46:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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