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Do you think Bush has worked out that Osama and his 9/11 cronies are in Afghanistan yet?

I would not be happy at all knowing my son died fighting a war that should never have started in the first place.

And to all those about to give me a thumbs down, please justify what Iraq did to America. I dont want to hear generalizations like 'war on terror' and other rhetoric. I want to know specifically what Iraq did to America that has provoked a war that has cost thousands of lives over there?

And all just to appease his dad over his humiliation in the first Gulf war. Geez ..........

2006-11-20 02:00:21 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

To Rydogg:

I would rather live an extra 60 years of my life. Have children etc etc than die because some imbecile told me to go fight in a war that was started by America. You say would you rather be remembered? well that sounds noble, but how many people actually 'remember' you when you die. You dont. you are just a statistic. a faceless name. Harsh but true. My life is worth more than that.

2006-11-20 02:38:31 · update #1

26 answers

You think that's bad, our British soldiers signed up to defend Queen/King and country not puppet regimes in Iraq presided over by former colonies of our own that unquestioningly back one particular side in the whole Middle East debacle.

2006-11-20 02:07:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 7

What Iraq did to America: Nothing per say

What Iraq did to the WORLD:

Killing of thousands of people in its Borders, Dis-allowing UN inspectors to verify the WMD's. The Saddam Regime, harboring and training terrorists Factions, from 1990 to 2001.

This started during the Clinton years. Clinton saw the threat imposed by Saddam and Iraq. But, attempted to keep the sanctions alive and forcible. The "no-fly" zones etc etc.

It all came to a boiling point after 9/11. When as a secondary means of removing Saddam, by stating the WMD's were in the country. The USA, Britain, Canada, France, and the UN all concluded that Iraq was harboring terrorists and had WMD's.
Just because we (never??) found massive piles does not mean they were not ever being made. Saddam Gassed his own people. AKA--WMD's that is proof??

Now, the links attached below are just the tip of the Iceberg. If I may do a little research yourself on all of this from many many different sources. I believe the war is just and needs to be fought. and finished. It does appear WMD's have been discovered, etc etc.


2006-11-20 02:25:49 · answer #2 · answered by devilduck74 3 · 3 0

you are a major jaggoff..

Read what chainsaw wrote for a an eyeopening education..

You can say the war was illegal because the UN didn't give it's approval making our military subservient to third world countries. You can ignore the fact that we had an unconditional surrender that was violated and you can ignore the fact that every intelligence agency in the world thought those WMD's were there. You can ignore the very real possibility that sanction's were about to be lifted without proof that a small group of inspector's couldn't find what they were looking for in a country the size of France and that Saddam would go right back to acquiring WMD's. You can ignore the fact that Saddam was allowing terrorist to train in Iraq ( this information is confirmed by document's seized) and that he paid terrorists families that blew themselves up killing American's and our allies.
None of this is new. We have debated it all before. You can tell me the President got all those agencies to lie, I guess that's possible. You can tell me the US can't make decision's without the approval of the UN. There are one or two people who would agree with that. What you can't do is convince me that this President had anything but our National Security interest in mind when he did what he did.

We are in for a very long struggle against this enemy and American's will have to fight and die to try and keep us safe.

Now some questions for you and your ilk...

Do you agree or disagree whether this incursion was "legal" considering the violation's of the Unconditional Surrender Agreement and UN Resolution's and a vote by the Security Counsel that force was on the table as a consideration in the resolution of this matter (France and Russia blinked when it was final vote time)

Do you think this whole war could have been avoided had France and Russia stood with us in the final negotiation's and did not , and as I believe, told Saddam he had nothing to worry about because they would veto any force measure.

Do you think that the US can only use it's military with the approval of the UN?

2006-11-20 02:33:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

You ought to do your homework a little more thoroughly. Bush 1 did not remove Saddam by choice. He knew that to remove him would leave a power vacuum in that country that would be filled most likely by Iran, making the matter worse. So obvious, I can't believe you don't know that.

And no parent would be happy about losing a child. What are you thinking?

If my country has the balls to commit to this, and finish it with enough manpower and material, it could be over a lot quicker. At this point, to keep droning on and on about how wrong this was to start is pointless. It's past time for people to make a choice. Either get on board with it, commit and finish it or shut your yap, quit whining and wringing your hands and let the big kids do the job. I was against going into Iraq, but now that we are IN Iraq, stop fiddling around and JUST GET THE JOB DONE!!!

2006-11-20 02:12:54 · answer #4 · answered by Rich B 5 · 5 0

1. Bush sent no soldier anywhere. THEY VOLUNTEERED AND KNEW WHAT THEY GOT INTO.

2. Bush is not an idiot. We have a big terrorism problem. They want to kill us. The only idiots are the ones who refuse to acknowledge there is a problem.

3. We have caught almost all of the 52 most wanted. Bin Laden is not one of the caught.

4. The war was started because Saddam refused the unfettered access to his weapon facilities that he agreed to after we defeated him in the Gulf War. Since he violated the cease fire, we did to. He used WMD's on the Kurds in the North. He admitted he had them (that may have been a bluff). Can we wait to see if he is telling the truth?????????

5. In the Free system, when you breech a contract it is void. I heard Bush talk about this on the address to the nation the day before we went in. He stated that we had 17 UNENFORCED UN Resolutions. We were barking with no bite. Dealing with thugs is like dealing with children. If you threaten with no action, they will not believe your threats.

BTW, I heard with my own ears Friday on Hannity's radio show. Mark Simone was filling in and interviewing Bob Beckle, a prominent Democratic strategist. Bob admitted that Saddam had WMD's (which he used on the Kurds). He also admitted that he did not hold up his part of the cease fire. What do you suggest that we just trust the man? Or do you suggest we wait until he has a nuke aimed at Israel? We have to use preemptive force because if we do not it will be too late when they get the weapon.


2006-11-20 02:11:58 · answer #5 · answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 · 7 2

Hey Dave,

I returned home from Iraq a couple months ago. I lost alot of friends out there and i can tell you first hand that thier families were extremely saddened about the way they lost thier children and some were even mad at the government for being there, HOWEVER every soldier that I knew that lost thier life, loved serving thier country and we all agreed that sacrificing our lives for the greater good of our country was the best way to die.
So years from now when you die an old man, which one of you will be rememberd and honered?

2006-11-20 02:27:21 · answer #6 · answered by rydoggg22 2 · 5 1

As a father,I could NEVER be Happy if any of my children died,regardless of the circumstances,but as far as being PROUD of the fact that my son ,saw the big picture,and what was at stake, and decided to MAN -UP and serve his country in a way that only a veteran father can appreciate,I pass on my heart-felt sadness to the parents of those brave fallen soldiers,and salute those who gave so much that I might be free

2006-11-20 02:21:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

People like yourself who ask this, have not been there. I have seen the faces of the people we liberated, and let me tell you, the majority love us, and thank us for what we did. It is not the iraqis that want to hurt us there. Second, thank God no one was forced to go over there, because we have an all VOLUNTEER Military, and everyone who signs the line knows the risks before hand. And for the ones who direct their anger towards the Military if they lose a loved one, are misdirecting their anger, and probably weren't acting like that the day their loved one signed the line. But, hey, it is a way for them to deal with their loss so let them anger.

2006-11-20 02:26:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Those that support Bush are serving in the war. No one has been drafted! Other Americans are supporting our military men and women. Then there are those such as yourself that are worthless. Get a life, get real or get out!

2016-03-29 02:37:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is MUCH worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing for whichis more important than his personal safety is a MISERABLE creature and HAS NO CHANCE of being FREE, unless made and kept by a BETTER man than he.

2006-11-20 03:06:28 · answer #10 · answered by Amanda E 2 · 4 1

Bush never said Osama was in Iraq, nor did he say that Iraq was involved in 9/11. Thus said, you are an idiot.

2006-11-20 02:51:08 · answer #11 · answered by netnazivictim 5 · 2 1

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