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How people just ignore what your trying to say? As soon as you try to tell them about Jesus they close up and resort to name-calling. I recently tried to talk about it with some girls at school and they told me not to talk about it there. (and their supposed to be christians, mind you!) I do not go around and try to "preach it up" to people, and all i hear is seperation of church and state. What about freedom of religion? the right to speech? anyone out there agree? (and if you just come to shout "There is no God!" then just shut it. Ive heard it all before, and not once has anyone given me evidence. If you can't prove there isn't a God, then how do you then how do you know there isn't one? I need support here...

2006-11-20 00:50:02 · 28 answers · asked by Iron Dragon 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Yes, i know that they don't have to listen, but it makes me so sad and angry at that same time. My dad always said "To be a christian is to be a rebel." I didn't understand what he meant, but I'm starting to now... Thanks to everyone with real answers, and my christian brothers and sisters out there. God bless!

2006-11-20 01:03:54 · update #1

Its true too. Maybe Ive been to eager for their answrers, instead of simply telling them and hoping they'll listen. I did not become a christian simply by family, but by learning for myself. My dad did too; he studied different religions, but to him (and me, christianity was the only one that made sense.

2006-11-20 01:07:15 · update #2

I've had a lot of people say that since I am a christian, I'm closeminded and that I curse people to hell. Usually my reply is, who am i to curse you? and I am NOT a closeminded person who automatically rejects every different idea that comes my way. I like to think about things or if I don't understand it, I research it. But I just want to say to everyone out there, don't think for a moment I'm some little girl who's been a "goody-two-shoes" all her life. I'm only human, and any one else who tries to say otherwise is lying. Well anyway, I wanted to say thanks to everyone, even those who aren't christian or agree with my views. we all travel different paths, but even so I pray for guidance. God Bless all!

Iron Dragon

2006-11-20 12:35:47 · update #3

thanks again for letting me see both sides. Just as always, I will take some time and reflect on all this. P.S I'm glad that I met some good people on here. Sometimes its good to have a reminder that I'm not in this alone on this planet. (I know I'm not, but sometimes it just feels that way...) Okay, I've blabbed long enough. bye!

2006-11-20 12:39:24 · update #4

28 answers

No offense, but they don't have to listen either. You are supposed to have freedom of religion (at least Christians have that in this country!) and freedom of speech (gone is this right!) but it doesn't mean people have to listen to you.

2006-11-20 00:52:34 · answer #1 · answered by aali_and_harith 5 · 9 0

You've got support from this writer. Some people claim to be what they truly may be--they're fearful to discuss things like Christianity in public because they don't want their friends to hear. The name-callers don't realize what they're doing sometimes. Ignore them, and keep witnessing to those who will listen. If you do it in the right way and in the correct place(s) in school (check with a principal or counselor if you're not sure where these places are), it should be ok. One word of caution: When you get in the work world, unless it's an accepted place where Christianity can be discussed (a church or religious organization), don't. There's a law against that. I got severely reprimanded by a supervisor, though I didn't organize "the circle". I only participated in it because I didn't think about it disrupting work time at the time it happened. I wanted to prove I stood for the Lord. If I had it to do again, the person who organized it would have been in the room also (she was a supervisor and claimed someone needed to answer the phone, so she stayed behind). I didn't resent the reprimand as much as I resented feeling like I was "taking the heat" for someone else and my not knowing that religion couldn't be talked about, except in the conditions previously mentioned, in a workplace.

2006-11-20 01:08:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have freedom of speech and freedom of religion and so have they. You can say what you want, but they're free to choose whether or not they will listen to you. You have the right to talk about Jesus and God and others have the right to talk about the non-existance of God or about other gods and both you and them get to choose whether to listen or not. That's the beauty of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. You can't get the good sides without getting the bad ones too.

Don't be upset that they are not willing to listen to religious talk. Religion is a very personal thing to a lot of people and some people prefer not discussing it with others or are frustrated over people trying to convert them. Try to accept that and when you feel the need to talk about Jesus, turn to someone who will listen. You know there is plenty of people out there willing to listen. You can't force those who don't want to listen.


2006-11-20 01:13:58 · answer #3 · answered by undir 7 · 1 0

you are doing very well . You are doing what Jesus told all of us to do. We are to teach the word of God when we are sitting, walking, talking....we are to look for every oportunity to help someone get saved. The end is coming at an alarming rate...This life is about so much more than school, work, and recreation. It is about survival .
You are aware of your spiritual need and that of others. There is a time and place however to get into a lenghty talk about God. during lunch, or on the bus..but not in the classroom. So far there can't be any religious stuff in the political arena but they haven't banned bibles at school.
There is an old saying that rings true here...as apples of gold is a word at the right time. ''Look for the perfect time to interject a few words when the situation arises. Then quit. If they want to hear more they will let you know. Then next time you will have another opportunity to say a few more words.
You accomplish two things..you let God know you love him and honor his commands to teach people about him. And second you love your fellowman so much you are risking their friendship in order to save them from death.
You are an honorable person and I applaud you.

2006-11-20 01:02:05 · answer #4 · answered by debbie2243 7 · 1 1

Free speech and freedom of religion work both ways. You say that you've "heard it all before." Well, so have we. We've heard how wonderful Jesus is and how wonderful Heaven is, and we choose not to accept that. Pray for us, if it makes you feel better, but freedom of religion means that we can choose our own path.

I respect anyone's right to believe whatever they wish, so long as those beliefs do not infringe on my own rights to the same. If you talk about religion around me, then you can expect me to give you my viewpoint. If you bash my beliefs, we'll take a close look at your own. I am well versed in Biblical studies.

2006-11-20 01:44:49 · answer #5 · answered by whtknt 4 · 2 0

Men's intellectual pride gets in the way of their salvation,and it's a shame it has to be that way.Being Christian is not just some tag.It's a way of life.For the girls that say they are Christian,they must be scared to open their mouth.They don't have the spirit of Jesus Christ in them or they would speak and speak loudly.The emergent church is a tool of the devil.You are supposed to see the difference between lost souls and followers of Christ.

As far as this forum,you can only do so much for Christ on here.The ability of sight and sound are not here.

As for some of the other people here,especially the "smart ones",they resort to heckling or using big words or using their wonderful intellect to discern through the question and critique our questions and answers because they think they are so smart.That's fine with me,because usually they show their true colors in their statements and show us all who they really are.

2006-11-20 01:07:20 · answer #6 · answered by Derek B 4 · 0 2

Yes I agree that if you are a christian you shouldn't be ashamed of it in public. I also agree that you should be able to practice your religion freely. I do agree with separation of church and state or else it would be as it was in the dark ages where a certain church ruled the entire European world with fear tactics.
And yes I would like to see an atheist prove that there isn't a God. I would also like to see them prove that there isn't wind. Because much like God you can't see, touch, hear, or smell the wind or air for that matter, you just know that it's there, just like your conscience, everyone has one and we are the only creature on earth that knows right from wrong.

2006-11-20 00:59:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It doesn't bother me a bit... and it shouldn't bother you either.

God uses different people at different times to accomplish His tasks. You may only be planting a seed. You may be reinforcing something that person heard earlier. Your joy comes from doing Gods work, not in the response of those you are talking to.

Focus on God and His Glory, not the hate filled responses of those following other gods. Stay true to yourself and God and this frustration will fade.

I spent many years "Bible thumping" the majority of people don't listen, don't care or have chosen another path to follow. I used to take every rejection personally. Now I know through my maturity in Christ that they are not rejecting me, they are rejecting God, some will eventually repent, others will never repent. That is not my concern. My concern is that I be a strong witness for Christ and speak to those He has called me to.

I hope that helps, and I will always pray for saints like yourself.

2006-11-20 00:59:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The freedom of speech goes both ways, you can say all you want but no one HAS to listen to you. Those of us who are non-Christians are just sick of being 'witnessed' to. I've actually had people knock on my door to tell me about Jesus and when I tell them I'm not interested they tell me they will pray for my soul because I'm going to HELL! Please, I don't need my soul prayed for and I can't possibly go to a place I don't believe in in the first place. I keep my spirituality to myself and I would very much like everyone else to do the same. If I want to know about yours or anyone elses trust me, I'll ask.

2006-11-20 00:58:19 · answer #9 · answered by i have no idea 6 · 2 1

I understand what you are going through. There is a time to plant and a time to reap. School is not the place to plant seeds unless someone ask you, and then only when you both have free time to do so.

God know your eagerness in wanting to spread the good news. The proper time will happen and those who seek the truth will be there.

The people will know who and when to come to you for advise.><>

2006-11-20 01:01:06 · answer #10 · answered by CEM 5 · 4 1

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