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That mexicans are uneducated? Just because some work for minimum wage here, does not mean they are uneducated. if you go to mexico and try to find a job, no matter how qualified you are you still will not get the job. Why? Becuase your expertise is not to their standards. Same for them, they have to go back to school when they come here and only a few can afford to go to school and work. But most mexicans are not uneducated or dumb that's just what Uneducated people think about them.

2006-11-20 00:13:30 · 19 answers · asked by LuNis 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

95% of Americans in this forum think that, just from what I have read and the other 5% are the Hispanics out there who were probably at one point illegal think that.

2006-11-20 00:21:26 · update #1

for the friend down there, where did you get those statistics from ?

2006-11-20 00:31:18 · update #2

19 answers

I agree. Alot of people where I live really talk down Mexicans,haitians,ect. And I can say that just like all races,there are many uneducated,lazy people. However, if you open your eyes ( I live among many many Mexicans) they work quite hard. The woman who dont work bust their butts to care for the kids on their own and cook,I see them walking with groceries down the streeyt with babies in their arms. Thats hard work! Many of the men work hard out in the heat,even the "drunks" still are out there working. Too many people are just very judgemental about other races and like you said,THATS uneducated.

2006-11-20 00:19:50 · answer #1 · answered by TrofyWife 4 · 3 6

Why do Americans think That mexicans are uneducated?

Less Than 1/2 Of Mexicos Citizens
Have An Education
Higher Than (US Equivalent) 6th Grade

We Don't Think It
We Know It
The Facts Speak For Themselves

More Than 1/2 Of Mexicos Citizens Are Uneducated

Nearly 12 Percent Of All Of Mexicos Citizens

Last July Fourth,
Mexico's EWE news service published an interview
with the celebrated Mexican novelist Elena Poniatowska
in which she noted:

"Mexico is at this moment recovering territories
it lost in the past to the United States
thanks to emigration.
The common people --
The poor, the uneducated, the dirty,
the lice ridden, the roaches
are advancing on the United States,
a country that needs to speak Spanish
because it has 33.5 million Hispanics
who are imposing their culture,"
observed Poniatowska.
"Mexico is recovering the territories
yielded to the United States
by means of migratory tactics."

See That ^ Love is Good (Asker)
It's NOT The Americans
That THINK Mexicans Are Uneducated
It's Their OWN PEOPLE That Keep Them That Way
Will BLINDLY Follow Them And Do Their Bidding
As They Push Their Leftward Agenda Forward

2006-11-20 09:40:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Where are your stats proving your assertions ?
Don't ask for links if you don't post any please.

For starters, they are not doctors, chemists, and airline pilots. Successful Mexicans do not want to go to the United States. Mexicans who are merely comfortable do not want to go to the United States. They like Mexico
. But it is a fact.

The Mexicans who go north are the barely if at all literate, those with little to offer. They go because the Mexican economy is wretched, because the jobs that left the United States for Mexico are now leaving Mexico for China. Money. The United States can run a first-world economy. Mexico cannot. Why is debatable. The fact isn't.
While Mexicans are good people, their dregs often are not. On average the illegal aliens are uncultivated and uneducated. America is getting those Mexicans least
worth getting, the least assimilable, and getting them in circumstances that do not encourage assimilation. Unlikely to prosper, they show signs of becoming another unsalvageable underclass.

Of course there are many brilliant Mexicans,educated and very intelligent,but they are not the illegal aliens sneaking across the border .The either come here via legal means or stay and prosper in Mexico.

Mexico is a country of great contrasts. It is the world’s 13th largest economy, but close to 40 million of its 97 million citizens live below the poverty line. Although official figures show that the national literacy rate is over 90%, in northern Chiapas close to 50% of adults are functionally illiterate.

2006-11-20 08:50:35 · answer #3 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 3 1

We think that most ILLEGALS who are Mexicans are uneducated in ENGLISH, and that when kids who don't know English come to our schools, the burden is greater to teach them than if they did.

Also, a college professor who works as a maid to get jobs might as well be uneducated, they have the same economic impact. The point is the unskilled jobs which used to pay a living wage no longer support a family, and we have our own people who need to work those jobs.

2006-11-20 15:50:39 · answer #4 · answered by DAR 7 · 0 0

I am an American of Mexican descent and I don't think that. There is a lot of things involved in ignorance. Like just about everything is translated in some native language, people are lazy to learn English. Lets give an example if there was nothing in Spanish and we were hungry trust me we would learn to speak English in a jiffy. Now if you are an attorney in Mexico you just cant come here and work you have to learn the language pass the bar exam etc. and that works both ways I don't care where you come from.
Now as much as it pains me to say this, the people that have a higher level of education live in their Countries and the people that don't, look for the only kind of work they know, which would be manual labor. That is why all people must encourage their kids to go to school, not drop out, not to take the easy way out and that goes for all ethnic backgrounds.

2006-11-20 08:55:53 · answer #5 · answered by Trigueña 6 · 2 1

I cannot speak for all Mexicans or all Americans but I can speak from my personal experience.
MY personal experience with Mexicans whom I have encountered at : my place of employment, the grocery store, Walmart, and the convenience market; tells me that they aren't educated enough to speak English let alone find any kind employment other than manual labor that they might be qualified for in America without speaking English.
I'm guessing the reason most people believe Mexicans are uneducated would be that their personal experience is not much different than mine-

2006-11-20 08:26:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Sorry, but most Mexicans are under-educated or uneducated. That is not calling them dumb. It's just a fact and nothing more.

I just read a statistic that less than 21% of Mexicans over the age of 25 have a high school education. The average for Europe and the United States is 75% or more. There are several websites with statistics. Just google "Mexican Education Level."

2006-11-20 08:22:06 · answer #7 · answered by damdawg 4 · 8 2

I am a supervisor of many Mexican and other south American workers. This is my opinion. Generally the education of the south American worker is about elementary school level meaning they can do general mathematics, read and write (Spanish) so I would not say they are "uneducated" but generally lack English language skills. I work for an electrical contractor and this requires good English language skills and some advanced mathematics, i.e. geometry and calculus. However, these skills are in short supply for even native-born American workers.
A general plus for the south American worker is that they are reliable and hardworking for the most part. Of course we have our share that have work ethics problems but here I am speaking in terms of generalities. They aslo have good "horse sense" meaning they pick up skills pretty quick, and can solve logically construction problems.
Regarding education we require new workers to go through the electrical apprenticeship program which is relatively cheap. The worker pays the first two-year, we pay the following two. Once they graduate we repay them the money for the first two. I think this is done generally by most electrical contractors worth their salt.

2006-11-20 08:37:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The Americans that think that are themselves the ones that are uneducated. My brother in law has a higher degree than i do. We are the same age and he is in Mexico going for his masters. I only have an associate.(so far)=)

There are many uneducated people in this world. Americans have so much available to them and don't use it. It is hard to get a higher education in Mexico. It is expensive and they do not have time because they have to go to work to help support their families at a very young age . So all of you on here talking crap! Just appreciate that you can go get an education.

2006-11-20 10:48:12 · answer #9 · answered by KRH 3 · 0 2

Once again, it is NOT fair to group all of one nation into one group. Americans are diverse just as any country anywhere in the world. I apologize that you have had a poor experience that has you upset. But, is it really fair that you return the same injustice to all of America that a few Americans have put upon you? No matter what nation you deal with, there are injustices everywhere, every second of every day. I hope that you have a better day than this one started. May you be blessed with happiness and blessed to be surrounded by those who appreciate you more.

2006-11-20 08:20:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Mexicans in America receive an excellent education. Illegals get precedence over Americans pushing American children back as they already know English and must wait as the Mexican children spend several years catching up.

In many states Mexicans receive in-state tuition even though they are illegal.

It isn't the Mexicans opportunity which is in question, it is there being here illegally and blatantly breaking our laws to remain.

2006-11-20 08:31:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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