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6 answers

i dunno but do u mind if i ask 4 yr email so i got some1 to email ....i'm so bored!!didn't get any email

2006-11-19 22:52:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I've known a couple of Mid Eastern ladies whose mothers were from England, fathers were Arabs. Each of my (adult) friends had blue eyes, one had dark brown hair and the other had dark blonde hair. Each was fairer than their halfsiblings (same father, different mothers). The one had an older brother with black hair, dark skin and blue eyes. They considered themselves Mid Eastern first, last, always.
I hope it doesn't matter to you whether your friend is "Mid Eastern" or "Caucasian" -- she's just your friend :c)

2006-11-20 07:13:37 · answer #2 · answered by le païen 5 · 4 2

I have a friend in Israel he is one hundred percent jewish lineage but has blonde hair and hazel eyes and light skin...

it just depends on genes...

middle eastern lineage like mine... but i also have dark blonde hair hazel eyes... medium nose...

where u were born doesnt make you what you are... he is incorrect I am born in the usa... but have many different peoples blood... in me...what is her heritage... is she arab, israeli, greek, italian, what?
I am like calico... tho my stomach hair line thing... trail... is black... my leg hair blonde... my beard is red... confusing...

there are red jews that are red heads also... my lil brother Ari.
kyle on south park... matt stone is a red head jew a ginger jew

not a stereotypical jew.

2006-11-20 06:51:31 · answer #3 · answered by israeli_stuck_in_usa 3 · 1 0

Well, technically, Caucasian includes that region. I think this is more of a cultural/ethnicity inquiry.

2006-11-20 06:58:52 · answer #4 · answered by Basquephantom 3 · 3 1

What difference does it make? Do you see Technicolour(R) when you have blue eyes? Black, hazel, blue.. who cares..

2006-11-20 07:14:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

you are what you were born !

if you were born in albania,your albanian

you are born in thailand, your thai

if your born in india your are indian

if born in egypt your egyptian

2006-11-20 06:53:35 · answer #6 · answered by rottentothecore 5 · 4 2

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