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I guess its about the protoplasm..

2006-11-19 21:54:02 · 1 answers · asked by MiG 1 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

1 answers

Both sol and gel are colloidal dispersion systems.Gel is more "solid". Sol-gel reversibility means that you can change a sol to gel and then back to sol without the colloidal particles coming out of suspension. It is true that you have this phenomenon during cytplasmic or protoplasmic streaming: some regions of the cytosol become temporarily more "liquid", more sol-like, which aids the mixing of molecules in the cell and then can acquire again a more "solid", gel-like, state.

I would guess though that it can be the case for more types of colloidal systems.

2006-11-20 01:41:27 · answer #1 · answered by bellerophon 6 · 0 0

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