where the f**k have you lot been? and have you actually seen the shows?
it is probably some of the best comedy ever.
2006-11-20 06:19:43
answer #1
answered by sarah p 1
The Monty-Python's Flying Circus troupe was brilliantly subversive throughout their extensive career. I can remember laughing out loud with my older brother while watching "Monty Python and The Holy Grail" for the first time and later reciting the lines with my friends in high school. Here's one for the fans: "Snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?" Anyone who doesn't respect Monty Python's gift for sublime humor should be cursed with "Silly Walks" and inheriting a "Norwegian Blue."
2006-11-20 04:57:05
answer #2
answered by Gr8Scott! 2
Even the people who made Python state that it was inspired by Spike Milligan's Q series showing at the same time. In particular, Milligan gave them the courage to simply end sketches without reaching a punchline.
2006-11-20 06:14:29
answer #3
answered by Jim T 6
Those who saw it first in their childhood and early teens, when anarchic superficial humour is new and exciting, adults behaving like TisWas etc, retain the judgements formed before exposure to real humour can take effect. Sorry this is a bit humourless but Monty Python bored the pants off me. Mind you, John Cleese went on to give us Fawlty Towers. Now THAT is humour.
2006-11-20 04:50:01
answer #4
answered by checkmate 6
i was too young to see it when it was originally shown, but even now, 30 (ish) years later, i can appreciate how funny, clever and original it is. it broke new grounds in comedy, and influenced a lot of today's comedians.... one of my favourite sketches was the Lumberjack song... very funny ! i also love the films, and it makes me laugh to think how the church of England got their knickers in such a huge knot over The Life of Brian.
2006-11-20 04:53:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
All the saddo's who never watched The Office or Extras or Not The Nine O'clock news
2006-11-20 06:56:08
answer #6
answered by JoyDivision 3
Are you trying to insinuate something? Know what I mean,know what I mean ? Nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat... I laughed my head off watching this when I was a kid .I still love it. People who write for sit coms today only wish they had this much talent.And now for something completely different.....
2006-11-20 04:57:30
answer #7
answered by The Dark Side 6
It gets EVEN FUNNIER with age!
There are so many inside oddball jokes!
"The Cycling Tour" is my current favorite,
but I go through different stages.
2006-11-20 04:51:50
answer #8
answered by moebiusfox 4
It's a fantastic program and the spin off films are so funny.
2006-11-20 04:42:40
answer #9
answered by M1 5
I do, it was great in it`s day
2006-11-20 05:40:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous