Yahoo FTSE sectors eg ^FTMA is used for health with 11 components. FTSE published NMX4530 is the commonly used set of equities for this sector. It has 63 component equities.
Equally Yahoo caries ^FTFR which is no longer being quoted so there is no data for this sector. Yahoo needs to bring this information up to date.
FTSE together with Dow agreed a standard categorisation for equities. This came into affect Jan of 2006
There are 4 tiers
Industries (10)
Supersector (18)
Sector (39)
Sub-sector (104)
This was to aid standardisation of sector analysis across the globe. Not all are used for any one exchange. So FTSE use 36 indices for sectors in current use.
Instead of using the old indices Yahoo should use those that conform the ICB internationally agreed definitions.
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Business & Finance
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