My boyfriend is now working for a huge law firm, and I am actually in the process of making the biggest move of my life. I am following him to Washington D.C. to support his career (I am really proud of him). Well his new boss told him that for the sake of his career it would be best to keep his homosexuality on the down low, and re-think the relationship he has with me. Since I may be damaging to his career. Is this for real? I have been with my boyfriend for a year now, and I have always shown my support. He tells me not to worry that we would never split, but am I really holding him back? Would he go further in his law practice without me? Please help me!
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Politics & Government
➔ Law & Ethics
The firm as a whole didn't tell him that it was one man his boss more specifically, and I did say is this for real. To specity my question would it really tarnish his reputation since he the firm is in the public eye a lot? I am not a lawyer, and want to understand.
20:30:58 ·
update #1