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I am currently in the training process to become an Assistant Team Leader (basically lower assistant manager) at a chick-fil-a. I was formerly a team member (crew), How can I be an effective fast-food manager? What good and bad traits have you seen from fast food managers in this industry? If youre a manager, how do you run the place? Give personal stories if you have them.

2006-11-19 16:27:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

4 answers

Congratulations on your promotion!

Your goal is to motivate your employees to accomplish the goals of the organization.

Be supportive and encouraging of your employees. You are the team leader and make sure that you show them that you are willing and able to help them, especially when it's busy. Always remember what it's like to be an entry level employee so you don't forget what motivated you.

Encourage your employees to do their best. When they screw up, don't yell! Instead, calmly talk to them and help them to learn how to stop making the mistakes.

Remember that in training it's not just explaining it, but ensuring that the employee UNDERSTANDS what to do. People learn best by doing, rather than just being told. So show them and carefully explain, then watch them to make sure they understand.

Praise the good work they do. Recognize the people when they do something to take care of the customer. Commend an employee when they go out of their way to gain customer satisfaction.

Do NOT belittle an employee, and don't gossip. As a fast food manager, you want the employees to work together as a team.

Each day, try to remember something the employees did well and commend them for doing that.

Be approachable to the employees and you will build their trust.

The best supervisor I ever had would come up and tell me that he appreciated my work and was glad that I was working for him. Then he would ask me how I liked my job and there was anything he could do to make my job easier or if I was having problems with anything. You know what, he had the employees going out of their way to make sure he was happy.

Don't hide information from them. It ticks me off when I'm told to do something but not given information WHY I'm doing something.

Credibility is important. Walk the walk. Maintain integrity with them. If you promise them something, deliver onthat promise or explain to them why you cannot deliver what you promised.

There will be those problem employees that are not motivated to work - they are there only for a paycheck or to socialize with their friends. I'd recommend doing a search on motivational strategies.

Good luck to you! If you are asking questions like this, it sounds like you are definitely trying to make a good impression. And you know what? A person who makes an effort deserves the benefit of the doubt. Just remember to stay focused on your goals. If you keep a positive, can do attitude, you will do very well.

Congratulations and best wishes on your future!

2006-11-19 16:43:18 · answer #1 · answered by Searcher 7 · 1 0

From my experience, dealing with your employees properly is one of the best things you can do. You don't have to be their buddy (and you shouldn't be), but if you can show your employees the respect they deserve, they will be far more likely to work well for you. I have seen many employees go into lazy mode for a nasty manager who treated them as "hired help" and no better. Be patient Be understanding Ask, don't demand Encourage, not discourage Be polite and use manners, please and thank you will go a long way Be a positive personality they can respect Never address issues in front of others, employees or customers alike Basically, try to treat them with the respect they deserve and always be tactful if you need to address an issue. If you are able to show them respect, they will do the same for you. For other aspects... always wear a smile, even if you don't feel like it. Take pride in everything you do. Share any ideas you have for your company. Good Luck!

2016-03-29 02:16:46 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Seacher's answer was great! I am an Operator and in short I always recommend to new Team Leaders that they always strive to have a servant heart and attitude. Without this, gaining influence and respect would be difficult. Ask your Operator to see the "Seasoned Professionals" training program. This series of pamplets and videos will go a LONG way in teaching you valuable leadership skills, in and out of the unit!

2006-11-21 11:55:02 · answer #3 · answered by picklebear 1 · 0 0

be friendly to your employees, yet firm when you need to be

2006-11-19 16:29:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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