I will drop my scientific reasoning long enough to admit that I believe it is a real creature.
1. The native americans have consistent myths and legends (called myths and legends by whites) which describe various creatures that are derived from bigfoot. They are typically described as rock giants that stink, are hairy, and walk at night.
2. The history of sightings reports and footprints goes back hundreds of years and is remarkably consistent. They also typically describe a giant hominid/hominoid that is hairy, smelly, and nocturnal. The footprint evidence is very compelling, sometimes showing flexible living feet, that show movement of toes and ability to step over very difficult obstacles.
3. The scientific analyses of the evidence is compelling. The fossil evidence provides evidence for the potential niche of a giant hominid/hominoid with a few examples, the Homo Heidelbergensis, the Homo erectus meganthropus, the Gigantopithecus Blacki and Giganteous. The footprints show features which are consistent with a foot evolved for a giant with a long heel bone and large foot. The Patterson film represents a real creature which a close careful examination will reveal muscle groups as they should be, arms too long and powerful for humans, skull structure consistent with a large hominid (sagital crest and wide cheek bones to allow for jaw muscles, compliant gait consistent with flexible foot, and too many other things to list.
I wouldn't necessarily say these three reasons should make you believe, only it should hopefully be enough to provide motivation to study the matter further.
2006-11-20 05:50:28
answer #1
answered by JimZ 7
Two years ago a couple of scientists found some hair that was stuck on some bushes while they were hunting. It didn't look like hair from any animal they were familiar with. So, they sent it to a lab where they could find out what animal it came from. Answer no known animal. Hence, the speculation it came from Saskwatch or Bigfoot.
Documentation of footprints that have been proven not to be faked, i.e. no wood splinters from fake wooden prints in the holes where the prints were found. Hence, Bigfoot.
The Native Americans have legends and word of mouth stories going back thousands of years telling of the giant hair men who inhabit the Pacific Northwest. Again, Bigfoot.
Fourth reason. Unknown giant man-like hairy beings have been spotted and photographed with untouched photos all over America and pretty much the entire world at one time or another. Doesn't prove their existence, but it does give room for more thought on the subject. Prevailing theory is that not only with their enlarged foreheads that can not only read minds that are around them, but they can teleport too. Fifteen years ago in East-central Oregon, along a known Bigfoot migratory tract of mountain footprints of several adults and a couple of smaller Bigfeet(?) stopped at a rockslide, totally, but a half a mile further on on the other side of the rockslide the prints continued. The rockslide was weeks or months old but the footprints were less than two days old. How did they get to the other side? They didn't jump a half a mile because the footprints were all of the same depth.
2006-11-19 10:57:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Look at it logically. What evidence do we have that he exists? 1. Big plaster molds of footprints 2. Some poor quality video or images 3. Sightings by people who claim to have seen him. Now, what kind of evidence would a large ape leave behind generally? 1. droppings 2. hair or other dna 3. evidence of feeding (vegitation being eater or the remains of caracasses). 4. dead bodies. 5. footprints 6. sightings The idea of bigfoot romping around somewhere in the US is old enough that if there was just one - he would have died of old age by now. So there must be enough of them for them to find mates and have children, just enough to continue the species, but still, more then one. A group of bigfoots would most definatly leave some kind of evidence other then a big foot print in the mud. So I lean towards an answer of no. That being said, It would be very interesting if it were true.
2016-03-29 01:58:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The tales of large manlike creatures that were in the mountians of africa were regarded as tall tales. We now know they are mountain Gorillas. Some people say that it is possible for a species like that to survive in the rockies if they are nocturnal. There are sceintists who will not dismiss the idea. It is possible.
So it has happened before
its possible
Every time you say that you dont beleive a Big foot dies.So the only option a decent spiritual creature could make is yes I beleive i believe.
2006-11-19 13:12:06
answer #4
answered by Rich 5
We have a lady in town that believes that big foot beats on her door every weekend. Too funny.
2006-11-19 11:54:31
answer #5
answered by FireBug 5
There is no reason for you to believe in anything. But just remember that big foot are real entities. And if you ever should run into one Just remember that the kilroymaster told you so as you start running into trees knocking yourself silly from total fear................................
2006-11-19 10:48:15
answer #6
answered by kilroymaster 7
1. He needs your support.
2. He's really nice once you get to know him.
3. He opens for Elvis every other Tuesday night.
2006-11-19 10:45:32
answer #7
answered by Trollbuster 6
has anyone ever written a book about it? If so, then all the religious people out there must believe in it - and hobbits.
2006-11-19 10:43:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
who would believe in a so called "creature" that walks around all hairy. its just a myth made up so people wouldnt go in others woods.
2006-11-19 10:44:36
answer #9
answered by i am the dream u r the dreamer 5
They are on the beef jerky commercials.
Anything is possible.
It is fun to.
2006-11-19 11:19:05
answer #10
answered by daisy 4