no there is no such thing as justice, in prison or out,when a prisoner is brought before a hearing officer in prison he is automaticlly guilty, and will be punished severly in some cases for the smallest infraction of their rules some times even if he did not violate said rule, but simple because he is not of the preferred race or some one just don't like him, so if yo really want to see prejudice in its rawest form go to a prison , whites are usually the fall guy every time as most guards and prisoners are black, don't take my word for it just ask any prisoner black or white, the blacks say whites run the out side but we run the prisons, whites are about 10%of prison population hispanics about 10% blacks are close to 70 % others about 10% so now yo know whois in charge, our complete justice system needs a complete overhaul as when any one who can't afford a good lawyer goes into court he is going to prison guilty or not, public defenders are nothing but public pretenders, and a person is better off with out a Attorney rather than a court appointed one,
our court system is no better as it is estimated that at lease 40 %of the people in prison are not guilty, and with a 98.8 % conviction ratio no one gets a fair trial as they did i the 50s and 60s where the conviction ratio was close to 50%, more on that later,
2006-11-19 12:24:21
answer #2
answered by jim ex marine offi, 3
Once in the prison system the rules are made by the prison and are fair and reasonable as long as human rights are not violated.
2006-11-19 12:01:29
answer #3
answered by Kenneth H 5