because homosexualit is disgusting!!!!!!!
2006-11-18 14:31:31
answer #1
answered by Hey! 1
I like how some of you people know all about homosexuality. You go off the Bible and not reason. All major health organizations recognize homosexuality as not being a disorder. Even though you are straight you absolutely know that it is a choice. When did you chose to be straight? Why would someone choose to be gay? Would someone really want to do that if they are already attracted to the opposite sex? No. If you just think through some things logically you can come to logical answers.
2006-11-19 06:59:43
answer #2
answered by tdejong834 2
Let me adress your question and then your follow up below it.
First of all, it isn't just Christianity that considers homosexuality to be a sin. Islam, Judaism, and (I believe) Hinduism have ideologies that refect that belief, but with wildly different implications.
Speaking for the monotheistic religions above, there are rebukes against same-sex behavior in the Old Testament, New Testament and Qu'uran. And just because there's a rebuke against it, doesn't mean that God doesn't love them. I committed the sin this week of being angry with a coworker (and somewhat irrationally at that). What I did was wrong, but that doesn't mean God doesn't love me anymore. It means I need to resist the impulse to commit that act.
Beyond that, people's sexuality takes different forms for different reasons. I wouldn't argue that someone with, say, an armpit fetish was a 'bad person,' but might say that maybe they should talk to someone. I imagine you might argue along with me that the armpit guy needs to see a therapist, right? Is it so awful to suggest the same to a guy who wants to have relations with someone of the same sex?
2006-11-18 14:42:08
answer #3
answered by spacejohn77 3
If you assume chirsanity is correct the anwser is this. God does not hate homosexuals. He hatew homesexuality. Yes, people are born homosexual. People are also more wanting to screw all the time, wanting to steal, selfish, proud, and every other sin. We are born with sin. It just shows up in diffrent ways. If God hates homosexuals he hates everyone. God hates sin. That being said we must look at the word repent. God does not command us the plead for forgivness. He commands repentence. repentence is turning away from your sinful nature. Not by are own means though. We can do little to change are selves. If would could there would be little need forr Jesus, because it would mean we could reach perfection on are own. SO, repentence is asking God to come and change you. Make the chooice to pick God over sin. Then alowing him to change are very basic and learned sinfulness. I have seen homosexuals "cured" of homesexuality. Not that they just don't do it, but that they have no desire to.
2006-11-18 14:41:56
answer #4
answered by joe_junior69 1
Some people are under the impression that a person is born gay that is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!no person in the history of mankind has been born gay....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is a PERSONAL CHOICE TO FOLLOW THAT DISGUSTING LIFESTYLE AND YES THEY HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OVER THEIR CHOICES THEY CAN CHOOSE TO BE GAY OR NORMAL AND GOD DOES CONDEM IT AS IT IS A PERVERSION OF EVERYTHING THAT IS DECENT CLEAN AND HOLY remember he destroyed sodom and gommorah for their practices and in Romans 1:21-2:6 tells his feelings about it they were not created that way they chose to defy Gods arrangement of a man and a woman and are recieving his adverse judgement see also Eph 5:5, Jude 7 1st Cor 6: 9-11 and Lev 20:13 so you see throughout history Gods view point hasnt changed and never will so that is why True christian feel disgusted at such revolting behavior Gorbalizer
2006-11-18 14:47:33
answer #5
answered by gorbalizer 5
Loads of great answers and lots of ignorance of the nature of God which is sad. 1)About population and the homo/lesbian theories try this scenario: both are put on islands completely apart from each other and from the rest of humanity. What happens to the homo/lesby population then? What if your mom had decided to be lesbian before you were born then we wouldn't have this conversation! (I'm glad she didn't by the way!) 2)If you sought help from a church which failed as it was either too powerless to do so or they approached a spiritual problem psychologically, of course it would fail. The lamest thing is to claim it is an "urge, they can't help it". Yeah, so is cannibalism, porn, drugs, alcohol, adultery, lust, lying, kleptomania, pedophilia, etc. ad nauseum. 3) Good news: There's only one cure, not excuse, for all of sin; the blood of Jesus. (prayer and fasting of good Christians would be beneficial) Jesus is waiting to hear your heart's cry so He can give you "natural affection".
2006-11-21 08:10:54
answer #6
answered by Lovin' Mary's Lamb 4
First of all, the bible teaches that we all are born with a sin nature. This means we are "predisposed" to sin. Homosexuality is a sin, the bible says this. So is adultery, idolatry, murder, bearing false witness, stealing. The thing is...I don't see adulterers marching down the streets demanding equal rights. It is wrong because God said it is. I'm sorry this makes you so angry, but a bible believing Christian will always go with what God says, not what the culture of the day demands.
2006-11-18 15:17:00
answer #7
answered by Esther 7
Sounds to me like you are not a Christian. Its apparent from your lack of true knowledge. You have been listening to man and his reasons and not going straight to God through His Word for answers.
There is no missing gene or extra gene in a person's makeup that makes them turn to this sin and become an abomination before God.
Being homosexual or gay is a life choice and nothing more. Satan love it when you don't rightly divide the Word of God for the real truth. It makes his day, Satan cares nothing for you at all other than the fact that by not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour you are his automatically.
Someday, it is my prayer that the truth will wipe away the cataracts from your eyes and you will be able to see.><>
2006-11-18 14:45:44
answer #8
answered by CEM 5
I am a Christian heterosexual female. I do not believe it's wrong to be gay, and if it is wrong, it's not my place to judge that. In my opinion if someone's choices and lifestyle are not hurting anyone else, then it's none of my business. I believe being a Christian means LOVE and TOLERANCE, even for people who make different choices than me. Who am I to say that something is a sin? That is not up to me, therefore I just accept people as they are and don't worry about it.
For those of you who are quoting the Bible as a justification for your intolerance, what about some of the other "sins" in the Bible? Such as wearing more than one type of fabric at the same time, men cutting their hair, etc.? Do some reading and you will find all kinds of "sins". If you are going to take the Bible literally, then you can't just pick and choose which things you want to call a sin.
2006-11-18 14:39:07
answer #9
answered by redhairedgirl 5
Homosexuality is a sin just like any other! It is our ignorance of these people that tells us that God hates gays! He most emphatically does not! He paid the supreme sacrifice for us, and you must remember that none of us can be turned away from our pet sins without faith and that by the gift of Grace! Please accept these people as your brothers and sisters in Christ. It may make it easier if you always deem others higher than yourself! But do not join them in their sin...because you have the power to refrain from homosexuality due to the working of the Holy Spirit, who controls you! Also. do you look at girls lustfully?
Then, why do you think youre better?
2006-11-18 14:45:44
answer #10
answered by persnicady 3
I agree God loves the sinner but hates the sin. I do not hate Homosexuals, my ex-wife is gay and I do not hate her. I do however, disgree with the choice they have made; which by the way is my democratic right, just as it is your democratic right to disagree with me.
And yes there is no effective treatment that mankind can develop. There is no effective treament except for the cleansing blood of Jesus.
2006-11-18 14:34:48
answer #11
answered by scruff 4