You can thank Bush, Cheney & Rummy for that fantastic mess over there. All those dead servicemen & women.... for what? Over a lie.
The problem now is, if we pull out...Iraq decends into an even worse mess than it is now. The sad fact is, we should go in with a huge multi-national force and revamp that country start to finish.
If they are not going to do it right, then yes, get them the hell out of there.
< Peace >
2006-11-18 14:35:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why don't you worry about all the poor souls that are murdered and killed right here in this country. If you live in a metropolitan area inside the USA you will find that more Americans are killed and murdered here than in Iraq. The boys in Iraq know what they are doing there ;and, are professionals doing what they were trained to do. If you look up the "vital statistics" for the city nearest you. you will be surprised to find that our troops are safer in Iraq than they are in D.C. or Detroit, or N.Y. or L.A.or any big city. Also; I suspect, people like you would be the first to complain when the "civil unrest" that would follow these troops home showed up on your door step.
If I told you that yesterday; in California, 6 people were murdered 27 rapes occurred, 38 arson's happened, 180 robberies and 361 assaults were reported would you still want the boys from California to come home? Would you ask why newspapers don't report that? Would you still want to scream?
bye the bye Calif. is about the same size and population as Iraq.
2006-11-18 22:40:20
answer #2
answered by HeyDude 3
Well, if they all came home and we abandoned Iraq, it would not sustain democracy. It would be turned back into a terrorist breeding ground in full force. We will lose the power of presence in that region causing its neighbors... Iran, Sierra etc. to become more unchecked. Coming from someone that has done some time out there, id say we keep them there.... change the course maybe... but keep them there. If we bring them home now, then everyone soldier would have died without a cause. War isn't pretty people.... but it is the price we must pay for a more peace full world. "All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to stand and do nothing" Edmund Burk
2006-11-18 22:38:18
answer #3
answered by Christopher G 2
Do you realize that the Vietnam conflict, the war that everyone keeps comparing OIF to, lasted for 16 years and claimed almost 58,000 US soldiers? It's taken us 5 years to equal the attacks on 9/11 (roughly 3000) between Iraq AND Afghanistan. While I realize that each life is precious, casualties are an unfortunate but unavoidable side effect to war. Easy for me to say? No, my husband is in Iraq right now for his second year-long tour. Do I wish he were home? Definitely. Is his time there wasted? Not at all. I believe we do need to finish what we started. Not everyone in Iraq wants us gone, not everyone is upset that we ousted their "president", very few of them get along enough to walk away. We can't take a society as divided as Iraq and have them turned into one big happy family in only a couple years. Change upsets people. Stabilization takes time. Whether or not you agree that we're protecting ourselves by keeping the fight on foreign soil and not our own, we ARE protecting those who genuinely want change for their people, who want freedom. Is that not worth a little patience?
2006-11-19 05:34:26
answer #4
answered by desiderio 5
If US troops stay in Iraq it will be a major unsolvable mess however if US troops leave Iraq it will be a major mess as well the only difference is no US troops will die or get wounded if they leave. But when civil war does break out if US troops leave the Iraqi Shiites/Kurds will wipe the Sunni insurgents/terrorists off the face of the earth. (The vast majority Iraqi Shiites/Kurds would win the war on terror in Iraq without any US help). Muslims killing terrorists in Iraq. Isn't that the most ironic thing you ever heard?
2006-11-18 23:20:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know nobody likes war and it seems like a waste of life. It isn't tho, freedom is never free and these wars have to be fought to keep it that way. There is always going to be wars and they will always be painful. I think the it's terriable the way the media slams us everyday with the bad news, play by play. I mean for some reason they don't seem to get it that we don't want to get a play by play, everyday count of dead.I hope someone will someday change the way the media reports wars.
2006-11-18 23:15:05
answer #6
answered by Brianne 7
No. That's the problem. Democrats keep telling America we are losing. Were not. According to my Iraqi friend who is actually working over there a translator we are winning. Look here: We lost about 3,000 soldiers over 5 years (9/11/01). We were attacked people. and Now we are defending ourselves. In WWII Hawaii was attacked. (FYI) Hawaii wasn't even a State then. And Our Military was Attacked not unarmed America citizens just going to work. So we went to war. We also Attacked Germany ! Germany never declared war on us. And we lost over 407,000 people in WWII in 4 years in a war that strated off shore on a military site. Now we Lost 3,000 over 5 years in a war that Started on innocent people going to work in New york city. FYI:: We lost more people on 9/11 than we did on the attack at Pearl Harbor. But again the sissy Democrats are telling us anything to win back the white house. Even if it hurts America in the long run.
I provided the links below that will give you total death numbers.
2006-11-18 22:48:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The papers don't even tell the half of it. I know it's easy to only consider americans who sign up and go over to Iraq to fight as our boys. But let's not forget that while we are counting American deaths in the thousands Iraqis are dead in the HUNDREDs of THOUSANDS. Over half a million last I heard. So please don't think of only American soldiers as OUR BOYS. All humans share this earth we are all brothers, sons, mothers, fathers and daughters.
Let's stop looking at war as a road to peace.
2006-11-18 23:00:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Don't let them fool you. First of all NO ONE who mattered in Iraq asked the US to come and "liberate" them.No one who lives in Iraq extended that invitation. Not a soul. And Bush can humble himself all he wants. But please. No white man has ever wanted to "free "liberate" or provide a "democracy" for people of color in the history of mankind! So please. The Bush administration does not care about the Iraqi people. They never have. They never will. And Yes, The US has killed Iraqi civilians. They even killed some of their own! They call it collateral. humm...But the main problem is that so many US troops have died. And yes, they have died for nothing. I'm not afraid to say it and no one else should be afraid either. With all of those early crocodile tears Bush feigned for the cameras, I would bet that he cannot give you ONE name of any US soldier who has died in Iraq, and that he has no idea of how many US soldiers have died in Afghanistan. . Iraq is destroyed. Afghanistan is on its way back to Taliban control, and US soldiers are dying
for nothing.and how do we finish what we started when it was ILLEGAL to begin with? Some soldiers may well believe that they are fighting for this so-called imported "democracy".They don't mind dying obviously.
Its like what Rumsfeld said soon after the war started. "Well the Iraqis are used to dying". Yes that is what he said. Underneath it all he felt the same way about our troops.
I continue to hope and pray that sensible US troops will lay down their arms and refuse to die...........
for nothing
2006-11-19 00:52:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes it's very sad they have died. Bringing them home now however would not accomplish anything good...There are many soldiers that were wounded that WANTED to go back and finish.
2006-11-18 23:03:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
No. But I understand what you mean & how you feel. Yes, our guys SHOULD come home. But they (we) just can't drop everything & do it. Our leaders made a commitment to the Iraqi people to help them get on their feet until they could do it themselves- and we're stuck with it. If you REALLY want to "scream" at someone for the growing death toll of our guys in Iraq, -start writing letters, sending emails, & making phone calls to our "elected" guys- in Washington DC.. -Afterall, THEY are the ones who got us into this mess in the first place. If they want the power & responsibility of Office, then they deserve the blame when they get it wrong. Better they lose their jobs- than our guys lose their lives...
2006-11-18 22:50:05
answer #11
answered by Joseph, II 7